November 8, 2021 | Town Admin SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 11-8-21 The meeting was opened by the chair, Robert DeFelice @ 6:00 PM. Present were Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Mark Peterson and Samantha Gordon. BOS liaison, Walter Baker, arrived @ 6:14 PM. It was moved by Guertin and 2nd by Peterson to approve the minutes of 11-1-21. There were three (3) corrections: (1) Selectman Baker arrived at that meeting @ 6:15 PM, (2) DRA does not hold town money, this money is held by the Town of Sutton and its use is proscribed by the DRA (3) It is in October, not April, requests may be entered to ‘exact money to offset the budget.’ Subject to these corrections, the minutes were approved w/o dissent. The chair offered a few comments: The chair spoke of his phone discussion with the DRA. Previously, the BOS sent a request to the book keeper trustee of Sutton trust funds for release of $48,000 to purchase a police vehicle. The actual cost of this purchase was $37,000. In past warrants, the phrase ‘up to’ was used to describe a dollar amount to simplify and make clear the intent of the article. Town attorney recommended that that phrase be discontinued. The results in extra protocols in placing the excess funds not used to purchase the vehicle. It appears that this money be deposited into a CR for that purpose and this will require a new warrant article to accomplish this. There will be a joint meeting of the budget committee and all members of the BOS next week @ 6:45 PM, Monday the 14th @ the Fire Station. BOS liaison, Walter Baker offered the following information: Transfer Station – the BOS has authorized $3,800 to repair the trash compactor piston and will be placing a warrant article at next town meeting to replace the trash compactor. The Welfare budget will be the same for 2022 as 2021. Much of welfare assistance is from KREM, KAP, and food pantry. Perhaps a donation to these organizations from the town may be appropriate. The liaison was pleased with the session with the budget committee and the chairs and vice chair of the PB and ZBA. At this time the chair observed that all money spent should be accounted for. This requirement had been fulfilled in past years when the chair was invited to participate in BOS; the chair often times led the BOS in determining appropriate budget protocol and process to assure accounting accuracy and transparency. This process was discontinued after this year’s annual town meeting. Due to the absence of Diego Solimini, Solid Waste Department head, Selectman Baker and the chair offered the 2022 budget: The rusted out door place of the trash compactor has been replaced and now the piston must be rebuilt. The cost for this from East Coast Compactor is $2.640. The front end overhead door replacement was $4,481. There is a CR (Building Maintenance) for this and money should be from the CR and as an annual budget item. The above two items were paid from the #705 Repairs and not from the allocated CR, which partially explains spent anomaly. 2 The following items were reviewed: 101 Salaries for 2022 $63,000 for 2.5 people Reduced hours through the winter. In 2021 $79,014 – 2 on Tuesday, 3 on Thursday and Saturdays – plausible parity pay increase 21-22. 341 telephone spent in 2021 $429.10. Budget 2021 $600 2022 $1,600 390 Water Testing Budget 2021 $5,000 2022 $5,000 Spent 2020 $3,460 2021 $1,785 411 Diesel Budget 2021 $1,000 2022 $1,000 Currently $3.52 per gallon – part of the town overall diesel cost. 560 Dues/Publications Budget 2021 $1,000 2022 $1,000 630 Maintenance & Supplies Budget 2021 $2,000 2022 $2,000 640 Uniforms Budget 2021 $500 2022 $500 651 Safety Equipment (gloves, boots) Budget 2021 $500 2022 $500 705 Repairs Budget 2021 $5,000 2022 $8,000 Spent 2020 $9,251 (see CR 983) 799 Lagoon Maintenance Budget 2021 $3,500 2022 $3,500 It has become apparent that there is no direct money benefit to the town or its residents with the lagoons, but, once lagoons are given up, then there is very little chance of getting the back if needed. It was pointed out by Selectman Baker that if the lagoons are decommissioned, then there must be a secondary location that can be used to take the effluent. 801 Demolition Budget 2021 $20,000 2022 $15,000 Spent 2020 $3,094 2021 $11,329 802 Electronic Budget 2021 $3,000 2022 $3,000 Spent 2021 $879.73 804 Hazardous Waste Budget 2021 $1,300 2022 $1,300 Spent 2021 $1,720 805 Cardboard/Plastic Budget 2021 $8,500 2022 $6,000 Spent 2021 $3,387.50 806 Aluminum Budget 2021 $1,500 2022 $1,500 Spent 2021 $1,425 809 Tire Removal Budget 202`1 $1,500 2022 $1,500 811 MSW Tipping Budget 2021 $28,000 2022 $32,000 Spent 2021 $26,293.05 812 MSW Trucking Budget 2021 $10,000 2022 10,000 813 Gas Heat Budget 2021 1,500 2022 $2,000 Spent 2021 $601.28 The town has a lokc in rate on propane. 816 Gas Budget 2021 $4,500 2022 $3,500 Spent 2021 $2,508.75 Total Budget 2021 $179,814 022 $164,800 Spent 2021 $110,856.97 Capital Reserves 968 Septage Lagoon Maintenance a reserve established for possible shut down. Current value $25,359 983 Solid Waste Facility – current value $86,659. This money is available for building maintenance and for purchase of a back hoe when needed. The chair will contact Mr. Solimine to schedule a meeting, possibly in December. The chair had passed out the following: (a) Solid Waste Budget and money spent history (b) 11-8-21 ‘Actual & Budgeted Expenses & Encumbrance’ and urged the committee to review the latter. The chair briefly reviewed the following: The Budget Committee minutes were last put on-line in 2019. Now that the minutes are electronic on flash drive, those minutes should again be on-line. Highway 660 Vehicle Repair and Maintenance and 682 Equipment Repair and Maitenance. 3 DRA procedural decision: As long as the BOS does not go over the total town budget, there are no restrictions on the BOS allocation decisions. Another seemingly anomaly: DRA do not move money, but report the deficit, which the town does. The Municipal Association, a 3rd party advisory, says to move the money. This is less transparent. The chair and the committee reviewed the importance of warranties. The next meeting of the Budget Committee will be on Monday, 11-8-21 @ 6:00 PM @ the Fire House. @ 6:15 PM the committee will review the Welfare Budget and @ 6:45 PM will exercise a joint meeting with the BOS. It was moved by Gordon, 2nd by Mock to adjourn @ 7:45PM. Respectively Submitted, Robert W Wright Jr. Scibe