June 20, 2023 | Bonnie Hill Sutton Conservation Commission (SCC) DRAFT Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 14, 2023 Present: Don Davis; Barbara Hoffman; Debbie Lang; Lynn Wittman; and Bonnie Hill. Absent: Henry Howell, Chair; Chuck Bolduc; Jim Morris; and Wally Baker. Call to order: Bonnie Hill called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Previous Meeting’s Minutes: The minutes from the last meeting on May 10th were unanimously approved. Financial Report: Debbie sent out a financial report before the meeting. There were no expenses in May. There is $6,880 left in the admin budget. The Conservation Fund had a balance of $196,602.89 at the end of May. The King Hill Fund had a balance of $1,593.46. The TD Bank Donation Fund has $100.34. The Capital Reserve is at $69,088.00. The members present agreed that $100 donations should be sent to NHLakes and ASLPT, which is the same amount given last year. Trail Maintenance and Development Trails Advisory Committee Report KHR donation system – There are no new developments with this, though Chuck reports that he is learning relevant API programming skills through his GIS work that will be relevant to hooking up the donation system to our website. Wetlands Review A Notice to Abutters was received from Bedford Design Consultants, Inc. informing us that a Shoreland Permit Application has been submitted to NHDES for a project on Beaver Pond Rd, T/L# 3-022-098. The application includes a new dwelling with garage, a new septic system, a new well, a new driveway and other development. This parcel contains extensive wetlands including a large beaver pond. Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues None New Business Status of town recycling committee – Barb reported that this week’s BOS meeting, at which she was going to speak about starting a town recycling committee, was unfortunately canceled due to Covid-19. Lynn said that Karen Ebel, the state rep from New London, is very interested in recycling issues. She is chair of the NH Solid Waste Working Group, and possibly a good source of information. ASLPT’s annual Dragonfly Event at Russell Pond – Chuck emailed us that Andy Deegan would like to hold the event at Russell Pond on August 1st, and he asked us to notify him whether we had any concerns about it. The members had no concerns and were in support of the event. Debbie said attendance at the ASLPT events is always capped, and they are aware of the limited parking area. Raised garden beds at Kezar Lake Natural Area – Lynn reported that Henry Howell build two large raised beds next to the boat launch parking area and that they have already been planted with flowers. Thanks to Ernie Brake, the loam and plants were generously donated by the Kezar Lake Running Club. They really look beautiful, and will help support our pollinators. Proposed NHDES Wetlands Rules – Barbara Richter of the NHACC sent out a notice that NHDES has posted proposed wetlands rules with updates to several wetlands regulations. She asked that we notify her of questions or concerns which NHACC can bring up at the public hearing on the rules changes, which will be June 30. Commissions can submit written comments until July 10th. Bonnie read aloud some of the proposed changes for the members to discuss. One comment was that some of the language was quite incomprehensible. The members were also concerned with the changes around mitigation, which allow developers to simply throw money at the general ARM fund for statewide mitigation projects, rather than consult with conservation commissions to explore local opportunities for mitigation projects. Several changes have also been proposed as to when compulsory mitigation is required. Bonnie said her major concern was that most of the changes were in the direction of weakening state wetlands regulations. Since the US Supreme Court just removed federal protections for wetlands coming under the Clean Water Act, it is now up to the states to take on the role of wetlands protectors, so this is not the time to weaken state regulations. Since the deadline for submitting comments is before our next meeting, SCC members are encouraged to submit comments as individuals. Old Business Update on road salt reduction – Debbie reported that nothing more has been forthcoming from NHDOT. Turtle Crossing signs – Bonnie said the signs have been put up and will remain up through July. She asked that people report any sightings of turtle crossings in areas with no signage, so they can be marked. Several turtles have been rescued from the pavement and helped to the other side. Miscellaneous Don notified us that there have been changes made to the lifelines at Wadleigh State Park. The total length of the swimmers’ lines has been shortened to accommodate a gap in the middle for boats, now that canoes and kayaks are available for rental at the park. Correspondence NHACC May eNews, with links to recordings of the recent Wetlands Training webinars, news of other concoms, grant opportunities, training programs. Email from Ian Wood inquiring about trailhead access for the Bean Quarry trails. Bonnie wrote back and gave him info. Email from LSPA announcing UNH Winter Road Maintenance Workshop on 8/22. Letter from ASLPT seeking membership renewal. Letter from NHLakes seeking membership renewal and inviting SCC to join the Lake Advocates Network. Request from ASLPT to meet with us at the August meeting to discuss ASLPT’s updated conservation plan and come up with a plan to reach out to landowners in Sutton. Lakeside, quarterly publication of NHLakes, Spring 2023 issue. Links to NHLakes’ webinar library with many interesting topics worth checking out. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 PM. Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 12th, 2023, at 6:30 PM, at Sutton Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Hill, Secretary