Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Draft Meeting Minutes for Tuesday February 8, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.


Chair Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and took roll.


ROLL: Roger Wells (Chair), Glenn Pogust (Vice-Chair), Chuck Bolduc, Christine Fletcher, Dane Headley


ABSENT: Peter Blakeman, David Hill


OTHERS PRESENT: Peter Stanley (Land Use Coordinator), Jacques Belanger, Gary Fitzgerald, Daniel Muller, Zachary Brock, Barbara Hoffman, Ira Thomas, Gary Watkins

Raymond Critch


Chair Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and took roll. There was a quorum.



  1. 2021-02 Peacock Hill Road – Major Subdivision Application

Jaeques Belanger was there to represent Mr. Siciliano, owner of Peacock Hill Road, LLC. When asked by Chair Wells, Peter Stanley answered that all the elements of the application have been included. At the last meeting, the board voted on two of the three waivers requested, one of which was denied. The applicants have since supplied the information for the waiver that was required more information. Peter said he believes, to the best of his knowledge, that the application is complete.


It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Christine Fletcher to accept the application as complete. The motion was approved unanimously.


Peter said the vote the board just took starts the 65-day clock. The applicant can request an extension if they need to gather more information. The Town has done the engineering review prior to accepting this as complete so they are ahead of the game in that regard. Peter suggested that something that wasn’t adequate in his point of view, was the response to engineering report from Nobis Engineering. He would hope the Planning Board would encourage the applicant to come back and go over each item in the engineering review and to address each comment and supply the necessary information in a timely manner. They have several weeks to get this information together before the next meeting.


Glenn said the letter the Town received referred to things such as “items 6-14” and they have no idea what that means. He tried to go through the document and match things up and couldn’t figure out what the comments related to. The Planning Board members need to understand the report. Mr. Belanger said that he thought the report had been revised. Glenn said he still couldn’t find a reference anywhere for things such as underground utilities. Mr. Belanger said that Eversource gave a plan for the underground utilities. Peter said there were items in the response to the engineering report that were incomplete. Chuck said the additional roads were added to sheet 2 but not sheet 4; the yield plan. If it was added to sheet 4 the road would go through identified wetlands.


Chair Wells recommended that the applicant get their consultant to go through each point and determine if they agree or disagree and why. He would feel more comfortable if the applicant and the consultants really knew all of this information so that they could have a more productive meeting. Chair Wells said if they proceed in the same manner, the meetings will be more and more confrontational. He would prefer that the applicant go back and resolve the issues that the Planning Board has asked them to identify.


Mr. Belanger asked if they had received the revised plans. Peter said they had, and some things were addressed, but there are still issues. He said if a waiver is requested by the applicant for some things, like the 150’ radius for a turn-around, which was not present in the current plan, they need to submit such a waiver. Peter said the Town is trying to work with the applicant to resolve issues that have come up. He would expect to be talked through these issues with someone who knows the information. Peter added that there should be a flare on every driveway; there are none. He said he would also like to know if the intention is to create each driveway flare to the edge of the right of way or are they going to go in and tear everything up every time they put a building in. This needs to be clear. He asked when they plan on installing the electrical conduits. It should be as they bring the fill up. He would like a very detailed construction sequence.


Chair Wells asked the applicant if he wanted to go through the rest of the plan that evening or go back and get more information and bring it back at the next meeting. They would like to know how each point has been addressed. Chair Wells said he thought it would go more smoothly if the applicant was prepared. He added that any tree-clearing should be shown clearly on the sheets. He believes that their standard tree line delineation is not representative of what is actually going to happen. Glenn said the engineering report asks that the underground utilities is shown on the same place as the tree clearing.


The applicant took a document from Peter Stanley which states the points that need to be addressed. Chuck added that the yield plan must be reviewed as well. Chair Wells offered that some conversations could be had between the applicant and Peter to help them clarify how much the applicant does/not understand. The 4th Tuesday in March is the next meeting they could have. That is March 22nd. The responses from the applicant need to be provided to the Town by the first week in March.


Chair Wells said if there is something that the Land Use Coordinator and he disagree on, the applicant is still urged to come to the board and ask for consideration.

It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Dane Headley to open public comment The motion was approved unanimously.


Zachary Broch asked about the Stoney Ridge Environmental Letter and how their comments relate to the lands plan. He was curious how the comments made it onto the site plan. Peter said that the consultant the Town hired came and met with the wetland scientist and surveyor who had represented the original plans. They went over everything together and incorporated everything into the pans that have been updated by Art Siciliano. Chuck said the plan they have now has not been reviewed by the wetlands scientist the town hired.


There were no further comments.


The public hearing was continued until March 22nd at 7:00pm.


2.PB 2022-02 Shifrin – Hanson Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation

Ray Critch was there from Horizon Engineering on behalf of Laura Hansen. The applicants had come in to the Planning Board last month for a preliminary hearing. The applicant owns both parcels and intend to sell one of them. They’d like to push their lot line back a bit to add a bit more to their property before selling the other parcel. Mr. Critch said that they have gone out to set three monuments to show the adjusted lot line.


Chair Wells asked about the slope of the property. Mr. Critch looked at the map and noted that it was about 1,525’ – 1,505’ over 3,200’. Peter said he would assume that someone would come in and go over the contours.


There were no questions by the board.


It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Dane Headley to open the public hearing.

The motion was approved unanimously.


There were no comments.


Chair Wells closed the public hearing.


Peter noted that there were some waivers being requested.


It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Christine Fletcher to waive the requirement under 3G that shows intersecting roads and drives within the required distances.  The motion was approved unanimously.


It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Christine Fletcher to waive the showing of the existing easement, water courses, pipelines, drainage ways, etc. for the lot line adjustment.  The motion passed. Dane recused himself from the vote.


It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Chuck Bolduc to accept the application as complete. The motion was approved unanimously.


Stefan and Karen Timbrell, who live across the street from the property had provided a letter to Peter Stanley. Peter read the letter into the record stating that they are in support of the request of the minor lot line adjustment. These individuals are also the realtors who will be selling the lot for the Hansens.


It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Christine Fletcher to accept the lot line adjustment and annexation as presented. The motion passed. Dane recused himself from the vote.


Peter explained to the applicant that the Town needed three separate checks for the fees instead of just one. One check goes to the Town, one to LCHIP, and the balance to Merrimac County Registry of Deeds.


  1. Review of Minutes

Glenn said the minutes were fine except for the first line which noted Chair Wells opened the meeting; he was absent at that meeting.


It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Christine Fletcher to approve the minutes of January 11, 2022, as amended. The motion was approved unanimously.


  1. Master Plan Update

Chair Wells said that he and Glenn have met to review the Master Plan draft with the Select Board, Budget Committee, and several other groups are lined up to meet with them. They should be finished meeting with all 10 groups by the end of March. Peter said he would be setting up a zoom meeting with the Historical Society.


Chair Wells said that the Master Plan is currently a draft and if they decide to still approve it after the meetings, they would then start advertising ahead of the hearing and posting it online.


Chair Wells said he would contact the chair of the Muster Field Farm board and invite them to the Zoom that is being held for the Historical Society.


Chair Wells said he has been trying to contact Thomas Friel, owner of the Country Club. He has emailed him and hasn’t gotten an answer. He also texted him, as was suggested by the outgoing message on his voice mail.


Chair Wells said he would like Mike Tardiff’s opinion on what he feels is most fruitful for zoning amendments this year.


Glenn said he may be able to get in touch with the developers who are frustrated with trying to work in Lebanon. They haven’t probably thought of coming in this direction (Sutton) because it isn’t on their radar.


Chair Wells thought they should continue with the meetings with the different groups, make any needed changes, and then approve the final plan. He said in his experience, developers don’t come to Sutton because they don’t feel welcome. This is due to past experience, but he thinks that things now have changed. Glenn thought a cluster zoning change which would benefit the town financially, might be attractive to the voters. The Economic Development Committee would be helpful in this endeavor.  Chair Wells said developers like cluster development because they save on building roads. Chuck thought that this kinds of development should provide a benefit to the public, such as having trails on the property. Chair Wells said there needs to be some kind of reward to the Developer to come to town. And they can work with the Town to make the development meet their needs and the town’s needs.



With no other business, Chair Wells called for a motion to adjourn.


It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Chuck Bolduc to adjourn. The motion was approved unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary

Town of Sutton