Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board Agenda

March 25th, 2024, 5pm


Select Board Chair Michael McManus opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker, Select Board Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Glenn Pogust, Selectman; Julia Jones, Town Administrator; Alison Jones, Welfare Administrator & Overseer of the Checklist; Jen Call, Cemetery Commissioner; Janet McManus, Cemetery Commissioner; Bob DeFelice, Sutton Budget Committee (SBC) Chair; Nancy Glynn, Trustees of the Sutton Free Library (SFL) Chairperson; Roger Wells, Planning Board Member; Michael Gebo, SBC Member; Melissa King, SBC Member; Sue Esposito, and Lee Booker.



The Board reviewed public minutes from March 18th. Selectman Pogust presented amendments to the minutes. The Board agreed to table review of the public minutes until amended. The Board agreed to postpone review of the non-public minutes from March 11th at the request of the Town Administrator.


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll:                 $ 19,021.33

Vendor:                 $ 380,230.91



The Board reviewed and approved a $25,000 Building Permit to update and enlarge an existing bathroom for property owned by Louise Emma Lloyd located at 676 Rt. 114 04-265-382.


Chair McManus opened a meeting with newly elected officials at 5:10pm and invited officials in the audience to introduce themselves. Chair McManus acknowledged that not all officials could attend. The Board directed the Town Administrator to schedule a second meet and greet with town officials for Monday, April 15th at 5pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, 93 Main St. Sutton Mills, NH 03221. Selectman McManus encouraged all those present to attend that meeting as well.

Selectman McManus encouraged town officials to attend a strategic planning session scheduled for Monday, April 8th at 5pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, 93 Main St. Sutton Mills, NH 03221. The purpose of this meeting would be to gather input from the public on 2024 Select Board priorities and projects, and to encourage the public to take an active role in championing priorities and projects they are interested in moving forward.

Selectman Pogust shared the following list of proposed strategic priorities:

  1. Library Lift, including suitably protected entrance structure.
  2. Grist Mill Bridge Replacement including bank stabilization.
  3. Finalization of revisions to the Personnel Policies Manual (Annual Leave, Sick Leave, etc.)
  4. Bonding for all projects involving use of heavy trucks and equipment on dirt roads:
    1. Logging
    2. Building Construction
    3. Gravel Extraction(?)
  5. Website upgrade and social media.
  6. Cyber Security Plan.
  7. Funding for Keyser Street Culvert.
  8. Mold Remediation at Town Hall, including dehumidification.
  9. Office renovation at Town Hall.
  10. Exterior repairs at Town Hall.
  11. Coordination with the Planning Board on developing a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
  12. Compilation of RSA provisions adopted at town meetings.
  13. Relocating the summer hearse to a protective structure that allows for public viewing.
  14. Renovations at the Old Store Museum.
  15. Solar arrays on Town-owned property.
  16. Replacement of outdoor notification kiosk at Pillsbury Memorial Hall.
  17. Hazard mitigation plan.
  18. New emergency management director.
  19. Municipal energy audit.


Selectman Pogust emphasized the importance of public input in advancing strategic priorities. At the request of Bob Wright, SBC Member, Selectman Pogust shared more information on the hazard mitigation planning process, which is required for the Town to apply for funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). He added that the Central NH Regional Planning Commission guides volunteers through the hazard mitigation planning process.

Selectman McManus added that the Board would like to advance these strategic priorities in partnership with volunteer committees.

Walter Baker shared that he would like to advance the development of Mastin Cemetery.

The Town Administrator shared that the Town may need to consider transitioning to a new accounting program.

SBC Chair DeFelice shared information on the Administrative Computers fund, which might be used to fund this transition.

SBC Member Bob Wright asked why microphones were not being used. The Town Administrator shared that the wireless table microphones were out of order and that plans were in place to fix the issue.

Baker shared an update on research conducted by Deputy Town Clerk Kristi Kisler regarding the library lift and a meeting at the library.

SBC Member Wright asked about plans to address drainage issues in the parking lot for the parking lot? Chair McManus shared that the drainage issues would be addressed by the engineer at his expense, likely in June of this year.

The Town Administrator reminded the Board that voters had raised concerns about the Board’s follow-through on the park originally planned to accompany the grist mill parking lot. Selectman Baker discussed ideas for the park, including engaging the Highway Department to work on the project. He recommended the park be added to the list of strategic priorities.


The Board discussed the Town Administrators suggested weekly update on Select Board directives.

The Town Administrator shared best practices for offsite meetings of the Board to ensure compliance with NH RSA 91-A, the Right-to-Know Law. She reminded the Board that all meetings of the Board must have proper notice and be open to the public. Pursuant to RSA 91-A:2, minutes must be kept for all public meetings and must include members present, others participating, and description of subjects discussed, and final decisions made. Although not required, the Town Administrator recommended that minutes be prepared by someone other than a member of the Board. To ensure compliance with RSA 91:A, the Town Administrator asked the Board to prepare minutes from the Wednesday, March 20th meeting of the Board. Selectman Pogust agreed to prepare the minutes.

The Board agreed to table discussion of proposed amendments to Personnel Policies Manual pertaining to annual performance evaluations, annual leave, and sick leave.

The Town Administrator provided additional information on the Municipal Government Building and Related Infrastructure Expendable Non-Capital Reserve Fund:

The Municipal Government Building and related Infrastructure Expendable Non-Capital Reserve Fund was established, and agents to expend were assigned at Town Meeting held March 13th, 2018, when Article 5 passed with the required 2/3 voice vote.

Article 5:  To see if the Town will vote to change the purpose of the Pillsbury Memorial Hall Non-Capital Reserve Fund established in 2011 from the purpose of replacement of the heating system to the Municipal Government Building and related Infrastructure Expendable Non-Capital Reserve Fund and further to name the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend these funds.

Non-Capital Reserve funds are authorized under NH RSA 35:1-c.

This fund had an ending balance of $23,457.29 according to the Trustees of the Trust Funds Report for Year Ending December 31, 2023. She reminded the Board that the Town voted to raise and appropriate $80,000 to be added to this fund at the March 13th, 2024, Town Meeting under Article 4.

SBC Chair DeFelice shared his opinion that the Municipal Government Building and Related Infrastructure Expendable Non-Capital Reserve Fund was not intended for planned projects like the proposed office renovations in Pillsbury Memorial Hall.

The Town Administrator read directly from Article 5 and the Town Meeting Minutes from March 13th, 2018, which mention no such restriction.

Selectman Pogust made a motion that Roger Wells and Christine Fletcher be reappointed to the Planning Board. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Selectman Pogust made a motion to reappoint Betsy Forsham and Smantha Gordon to the Zoning Board. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Chair Baker agreed to gather appointment recommendations from the Conservation Commission at their next meeting on April 10th.

The Board agreed to postpone discussion of dehumidification recommendations for Pillsbury Memorial Hall until the Lawson Group provides further guidance.

The Board agreed to postpone discussion on employee recognition.

The Board agreed to postpone discussion of a response to Greg Gill on the Role of Elected Officials in the Town of Sutton, NH.

The Board directed the Town Administrator to schedule and advertise a second meet and greet with public officials at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, 93 Main Street, Sutton Mills, NH, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 15th, 2024. All town officials, including committee and board members, are encouraged to attend. Members of the public and residents interested in serving the town as a public official or board/committee member are encouraged to attend. The Board discussed plans for this meet and greet, and vacancies on the Economic Development Committee and other committees.



Welfare Administrator and Supervisor of the Checklist Alison Jones asked if the Board would review the history behind some of the projects identified in the Board’s list of strategic priorities. The Board agreed to provide background information at the March 8th strategic planning session.

SFL Board of Trustees Chairperson Nancy Glynn offered recommendations for engaging the public in the March 8th strategic planning session. The Board asked SFL Chairperson Glynn to facilitate the meeting. She agreed to do so.


At the recommendation of Chair McManus, the Board directed the Town Administrator to contact Walcole Mechanical regarding dehumidification systems.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Julia Jones

Town Administrator