April 13, 2021 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 PLANNING BOARD Draft Meeting Minutes for Tuesday April 13, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and took roll. ROLL: Roger Wells (Chair), Glenn Pogust, Christine Fletcher, Chuck Bolduc, Dane Headley, David Hill, Peter Blakeman ABSENT: David Angeli OTHERS PRESENT: Peter Stanley (Land Use Coordinator), Mike Tardiff and Katie Nelson (CNHRPC) Chair Wells asked Chuck Bolduc, alternate, to sit in for David Angeli, who was absent. PUBLIC HEARING: None ADMINISTRATIVE: Approval of draft March 23, 2021 Meeting Minutes It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by David Hill to approve the minutes of March 23, 2021 as circulated. The motion passed unanimously. Election of Chair and Vice Chair. At an earlier meeting, Glenn Pogust had been nominated by Chair Wells to continue as vice-chair and Roger Wells had been nominated by Glenn Pogust to continue as chair. It was moved by Dane Headley and seconded by David Hill to close the nominations. The motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Dane Headley and seconded by David Hill to approve the nominations for chair and vice-chair. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: Master Plan – Review Chapter 3, Services and Resources Mike Tardiff said after getting some comments and suggestions from Chair Wells and Glenn, he and Katie made some changes. Katie said she would like to go through the recommendations as a group. Before the recommendations section, there was a highlighted portion that Katie asked about; she wondered what should be added to the list she had. The list was the start of volunteer groups and committees in the town. Glenn said they should add the Kezar Lake Protective Association and the Blaisdell Lake Association to the list of volunteer groups, which already included Musterfield Farm, The Ridge Runners, etc. Chair Wells felt that a sentence or two for each of these organizations should be included. He said they are examples of how well the community works together and why friendliness and cooperation is so important in their goals. David Hill suggested making a statement about the importance of the volunteer groups and then listing them in lieu of listing each and explaining what they are. It was advised to be sure not to leave any group out. Glenn and Chair Wells said they would provide a list of the groups and the important things that they have done, and provide it to Katie and Mike. Katie read through the recommendations. Some recommendations were removed and some were adjusted to fit the town’s needs and visions for the future. Recommendations and priorities included: staff training, capital reserve programs, the use of passive language, trail systems/local & regional, trailhead/parking areas and parking issues, acquiring land for recreation/community center, cell towers for better coverage, fiber optic services in 100% of the town, RSMS database usage to prioritize road upgrades, beaver dams, identify open land for future conservation, the purchase of conservation land by using the land use change tax funds, outreach and education on things such as invasive species, storm water management, etc., drinking water aquifers, conservation commission strategic plan, volunteerism, solar arrays, public transportation, sidewalks and bicycle lanes. Katie said that the adjustments would be made and sent to Peter Stanley to distribute for review. She noted that the first draft of the Appendix was ready. She did a screen share just to show it to the Board, but didn’t feel they needed to review it at the meeting. A copy would be sent to Peter to distribute and the Board could comment at the next meeting. Chair Wells suggested getting an outline of the Land Use Chapter prior to the next meeting. This would help the Board to be prepared for the meeting. NEW BUSINESS: There was none. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was none. ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Glenn Pogust and seconded by Dane Headley to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:18pm. Respectfully submitted, Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary Town of Sutton