Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Approved Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.


Chair Pogust called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. He said there was a quorum and took the roll.

ROLL: Glenn Pogust (Chair), David Hill, Roger Wells, Chuck Bolduc, Christine Fletcher, Dane Headley, Jason Teaster, Kristin Angeli (alternate)

ABSENT: Peter Blakeman(Alternate)

ALSO PRESENT: Peter Stanley, Eric Tentarelli, Mr. Tentarelli Sr., Mrs. Tentarelli Sr.


1. Case # 2023-09 Tentarelli, Conditional Use Permit

Peter said that in his opinion, the application was complete. The application has to do with a minor encroachment on a wetland buffer, but he would let the applicant explain. A map was displayed on the projector.

It was moved by Roger Wells and seconded by David Hill to accept the application as complete. The motion was approved unanimously.

Mr. Tentarelli Sr. was there to present his application. The project they are proposing is within 250’ of Beaver Pond and requires a filing of a shoreland protection permit through DES which was acquired in May. There are a number of logging roads on the property. The intent was to use a new part of the current driveway and part of a logging road to create a driveway to the new house. When the wetland mapping was done, it was found that the existing driveway overlaps the wetland buffer area by about 42 sq’. This has nothing to do with Beaver Pond, but with a stream across the street. Mr. Tentarelli, Sr. said that Peter Stanley had suggested that a conditional use permit should be applied for. He has also met with the Conservation Commission, which agreed that his plans made sense; their proposal is to leave the driveway where it is. Moving the driveway will create more erosion and more trees would need to be cut. Peter clarified that both the driveway and the road cross the wetland buffer.

It was moved by Roger Wells and seconded by Dane Headley to approve the application for a conditional use permit, as submitted. The motion was approved unanimously.


1. Approval of Minutes

August 8, 2023

It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by Jason Teaster to approve the minutes of August 8, 2023 as drafted. The motion was approved unanimously.

August 22, 2023

It was moved by Jason Teaster and seconded by Christine Fletcher to approve the minutes of August 22, 2023 as drafted. The motion was approved unanimously.

2. Update on Peacock Hill LLC Subdivision

Chair Pogust said the Board had been given the drainage calculations and plans from Peacock Hill LLC to review. He said that these items were supposed to come in one at a time, but they were coming in all at once. Nobis Engineering rejected the plans a few times because they were not done correctly. Chair Pogust told the Board that he would vote to approve a plan that is accepted by Nobis Engineering. Building permits cannot be issued until the plat is provided by Peacock. Drainage inspections also have to be done prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy.

Chair Pogust noted that Peacock was going to pave the road one day when it was pouring rain. Nobis Engineering told them not to but they did anyway. A violation was issued by the Town. Chair Pogust said he doesn’t believe the road will be certified by Nobis until appropriate testing is done to determine the adequacy of the road.

It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by Dane Headley to accept the drainage calculations and plans for lots 1-7 of the Peacock Hill LLC subdivision and compliance with condition number 10 with the condition of approved drainage plans.

The motion was approved unanimously.


1. Revised Ordinance and Site Plan Review Regulations

Chair Pogust said that they are working on Subdivision Regulations that are for use in the villages if an owner wants to take advantage of the proposed Village Overlay District zoning ordinance. These would be reviewed at a future meeting. That evening they would discuss the presentation for the village meeting on September 26th.

Chair Pogust and Roger Wells went through a slide show, which contained information that will be presented at the village meeting on the 26th. The village zone would apply to all of the villages, but the first to be addressed was Sutton Mills. They want to protect what exists there first.

Jason suggested adding a notation that the overlay district for the village is 102 acres (500’ from the centerline of the main roads).

Chuck thought the map should lead the information. Others agreed.

There was discussion of different types of lots and possible areas of subdivisions and ADUs. Chair Pogust said none of their plans are required to be done; they are merely suggestions on things that could be done (would be allowed) in the villages.

Chair Pogust said the meeting on the 26th would be posted on the Town’s website the following day. It would also be in the following weeks’ Intertown Record (Tuesday).

Chair Pogust said they are recommending a new process to deal with zoning in a village district. Property owners or applicants can develop under the current zoning, or use the new (proposed) village district process by submitting a conditional use permit. There will be greater flexibility of what can be done as long as it can keep with the character of the village. Facades, roof lines, non-residential parking, lighting, street trees, and pedestrian walkways will have standards to continue a village atmosphere.

There was discussion on incentives for developers. Some thought this would raise worry among citizens about some getting to pay lower taxes than others. Roger thought that this kind of thing could be discussed with residents later on.

Roger explained the lots and showed where the white buildings (representing new buildings) could be situated. The rendering showed what could be done, not what had to be done. The examples of a six-lot cluster and another showing 2 flag lots would be called “conceptual subdivisions.”

Roger showed some slides of sample properties along Main Street that could have ADUs or be subdivided in the future. Suggested designs of additional buildings were shown to make them blend in with the other roof lines and designs of the current buildings.

Chuck asked if there was anything to prevent anyone from coming in and putting in a bunch of Air BNBs or a tiny home development. Roger said that this could happen as long as there was sufficient septic available. Chuck said the Air BNB issue is growing in some nearby places and it can come upon the town quickly.

Chair Pogust said he would make some final checks on the ordinance and would send updates on the presentation to the Board.

With no further discussion, Chair Pogust closed the meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:48pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary

Town of Sutton