Planning Board

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2016

Present: Planning Board Members: Carrie Thomas, Chairperson; Roger Wells, Jim Lowe and David Angeli, Members; Bill Curless, Ex-Officio; (Bob DeFelice and Julie McCarthy, Members, were absent); and Laurie Hayward, Land Use Coordinator (LUC); Steven Bagley, Sutton Road Agent; and Deb Lang, John W. Jones, and David Bettoney, interested parties.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Carrie Thomas, Chairperson.

Public Hearing, PB Case 2016-08: The Chair opened with the Public Hearing regarding tree trimming and/or removal on Corporation Hill. The LUC read the Notice of Public Hearing:

“You are hereby notified of a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at or around

7:00 p.m. at the Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall, 93 Main Street, Sutton Mills, NH, concerning a

request by the Sutton Highway Department pursuant to RSA 231:158, Scenic Roads, to trim and

remove trees and brush along and near Corporation Hill Road which is a designated Sutton

scenic road.”

Wells addressed the Road Agent and asked if the trees in question are marked in orange. Steve Bagley, the Sutton Road Agent replied that they are marked in orange. The Road Agent noted that his preference is to clear trees and brush from the road to the stone walls.

John W. Jones stepped forward and addressed the Board. Jones is a licensed arborist (his license was 97). Jones expressed his concerns about the condition of the trees and stated that he feels that some of the changes including excavation work done over a period of years has damaged the trees, especially the root systems. He also stated that loam has been removed from around tree bases. He encouraged members to walk from the Keith house to the Pressey Bridge to see the damage that has been done. He also asked that the current maple saplings be allowed to grow. Jones expressed concern regarding the Road Agent’s suggestion that everything be cut from the road to the stone walls. He noted that there is a beautiful and very old red oak that he feels should not come down, despite the fact that the Highway Department has marked it for removal. Jones strongly suggested that the excavations on the east side be reworked.

Dave Bettoney of 185 Corporation Hill Road stepped forward. Bettoney stated that he lives in the old Bohanan House. Bettoney told Board Members that, as a scenic road, Corporation Hill Road deserves great care. He agreed with Jones that there should be no cut back of the trees and brush to the stone wall. Bettoney stated that kind of cutting will undermine the stonewall itself. He also noted that there should be no more efforts to widen the road as he feels that likely will lead to more vehicles speeding on this road. Bettoney also agreed with Jones on saving the red oak at the bridge. He suggested that tree be cleaned up at the top; but, not removed entirely.

At this point Jones and Bettoney left the hearing.

The Road Agent stepped forward again. He mentioned that he has requested that the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission do a traffic count on Corporation Hill Road. Bagley noted that some of the trees in question are dangerous. Bagley spoke about the life cycle of a tree, pointing out that trees age and die. He thinks the heart of the red oak at the bridge in question is rotted. Wells stated that he drove the road today and that the vast majority of the trees marked are either dying or dead. Wells suggested that the Board recognize the concerns expressed by residents and take a Site Walk and check the trees in question.

Curless pointed out that the Select Board could have declared the trees a danger and required they be removed; but, they did not. Instead, the Select Board turned the issue over to the Planning Board. Lowe asked the Road Agent if he believes that the trees in question, if left, present a danger. Bagley said that it is his sense that they do present a danger

Wells moved that the hearing be closed; Curless seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to close. Members agreed that they will do the Site Walk on Saturday, May 21, 2016 9AM starting at the bridge at the flats. Lowe spoke in favor of preserving trees if removing them is just a matter of convenience for the plows.


Minutes of previous meetings: The Chair asked for a motion regarding previous minutes. Wells moved to approve the minutes of the April 26, 2016 meeting; Loews seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Curless moved that the minutes of the meeting April 12, 2016 be approved; Lowe seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Correspondence: The Chair asked if there was any correspondence. LUC told members that she has had multiple discussions with Bill Brown regarding his possible plan to have a vehicle detailing business at the property formerly the location of RSD Leasing. The LUC asked if any members were familiar with RSD Leasing which did have some contact with previous Planning and Zoning Boards. No members seemed familiar with the history. The LUC went on to explain that Brown indicated that this business would also apply a certain product, a “rust prohibitor”. The LUC’s sense after discussions with Brown is that before the proposed business could commence at the North Road location, both Land Use Boards would have to approve the site for that use. The ZBA would need to hear an appeal for a Special Exception for that business at that location and Planning Board would need to approve an application for Site Plan Review. There was a discussion about the previous business at the location and the current building. Board members asked the LUC whether Brown is trying to purchase the property. The LUC stated that she is not clear on that and Brown, himself, may not have decided. The LUC explained that she suggested that Brown, along with the property owner, Partridge, consider starting with a Preliminary Conceptual Consultation with the Planning Board. Curless stated that he has little concern with an auto detailing business; but, is concerned with possible issues if this rust prohibitor part of the business involves hazardous materials. The LUC suggested that, if pursued, this might be an opportunity for a joint Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment public hearing.

Old Business: None


Select Board – Curless told members that the Select Board is “on board” with the Land Use Coordinator’s request for changes in hours and schedules to support continuing her work for the Boards after she moves. Curless also told members that the Select Board is moving forward with the CAI proposal for work to be done to provide the Town with online Tax Maps and other land use online applications.

Land Use Coordinator – The LUC spoke in support of the decision to use CAI to create digital tax maps and other digital mapping for the town. The LUC specifically explained the ways that this approach will save money for the town over time and make it easier for her to train her replacement at some point in the future.

Other Business:

Work session: Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations. Wells suggested that the draft in today’s packet be used and all other drafts be put away. The Chair explained for newer members that revision of the Regulations has been a multi-year project. The work was undertaken to clean up the language and simplify where possible. Work has been done in pits and pieces and the Board is now trying to incorporate all that work and make sure that the town’s related ordinances and regulations are consistent with the revised Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations. The Chair also explained that Wells has plans to provide exhibits, charts, whatever else will make the document more clear and useful.

Curless asked for whom the document is being prepared; whether it is for a professional or for any member of the public. He added that the answer to the question will dictate whether the language is successful in providing a clear and simple document. Wells answered that he did not expect they could successfully produce a simple document for anyone, for “J.Q. Public”. Wells does believe that they are aiming for a clear document for someone with some experience in land use, whether as a builder, a surveyor, or another professional who has reason to read the document.

Wells explained that one of the key items the Board wishes to accomplish is to established a Checklist to be used by applicants so that they can go down the list when preparing their applications and know by the items they have included and marked of the check list that they have completed the application and so that the Land Use Coordinator will know the same thing. The Chair pointed out that the Board must vote an application as “complete” before the clock starts ticking – so it is very important that the applicant and the Board be able to know that an application has everything that it needs to be considered “complete”. The LUC added that, there is a draft of a checklist; but, the Regulations draft must be complete so that the checklist can be completed consistent with the proposed revised Regulations.

It was agreed that members would take the version provided home and really study it. The LUC suggested she would prefer to provide a better version. The LUC agreed to double check and clean up a “best draft” and have it available by end of week. It was agreed members would pick up this “better version” from the Land Use box in the Select Board Office.

Wells asked when the next meeting will be. The LUC replied that the next meeting will be in June.

Wells suggested that the Board make it a goal for the work this summer to complete the Regulations and Checklist. The LUC added that she also hoped that the Board would consider a “rolling” Master Plan – which would allow the Master Plan to be completely updated by working on one or two Chapters per year over 5 to 7 years and then begin again. The LUC also pointed out that an area where a number of people indicated interest and the town survey also elicited response is “Workforce Housing”. Board members discussed the benefits of this approach.

Next regular meeting is scheduled to be held on June14, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

There being no further business, Wells moved, Curless seconded and it was unanimously voted that the meeting be adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Hayward

Land Use Coordinator