Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221


APPROVED Meeting Minutes for Tuesday January 11, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.


Vice-Chair Glenn Pogust called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and took roll.


ROLL: Glenn Pogust (Vice-Chair), Chuck Bolduc, Christine Fletcher, David Hill, Dane Headley


ABSENT: Roger Wells (Chair), Peter Blakeman


OTHERS PRESENT: Peter Stanley (Land Use Coordinator), Raymond Critch (Horizons Engineering for Shifrin/Hanson LLA), Cole Dube, Sam Dube, Ian Pollard


In the absence of Roger Wells, Chair, Glenn Pogust, Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and took roll. There was a quorum.



  1. Dube Minor Subdivision (2 lots) and a Lot Line Adjustment/Annexation of a 52-acre parcel of land on Pound Road North, Map/Lot 05-837-329.

Peter Stanley said that he believed the application was complete.

It was moved by David Hill and seconded by Christine Fletcher to find the application complete as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.

Request for three waivers:

The first waiver was a request to waive the requirement for a survey of the entire parcel. Peter noted that this is a common waiver request as surveying the entire parcel is costly and unnecessary.

It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by Chuck Bolduc to accept the waiver of VI, section A, sub D. The motion was approved unanimously.


The second waiver request was to waive the requirement for a topographic map, showing and labeling 20’ intervals for an accurate contour. There are no geographic concerns on the lot. The applicant is asking for a waiver of this requirement. Peter said he saw no issues with this waiver.

It was moved by David Hill and seconded by Christine Fletcher to accept the waiver for Article VI, Section A, Sub Q.

Chuck asked if this would cause a problem later on if the land was to be subdivided. Peter said there is typically no need for contours if there is significant acreage, as this parcel has.

The motion was approved unanimously.


The third waiver was for Article IV, Section E having to do with the ratio of with to depth because the lots are so large that the size would not limit the usability of the land.

Peter said that both the lots after subdivision will have sufficient frontage per the zoning regulations.  This is one of the most frequently waived requirement for subdivisions.

It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by David Hill to waive the requirement for article IV, Section E. The motion was approved unanimously.


Cole Dube presented the project; a 12-acre lot would be taken from a 56-acre lot. The driveway would remain on the 12 acre lot.  There would be a lot line adjustment with the abutting parcel to allow for the appropriate setback requirements (the neighbor is building a garage and needs this additional footage). Peter said he would like something in writing from the abutters saying they are in favor of this adjustment. He has spoken to all parties and everyone is in favor of this.

Mr. Dube said that Mr. Pollard was on his way to the meeting, and a moment later , walked into the room. Mr. Pollard then confirmed that he was a party to the annexation and was in fovor of its approval.

The public hearing was open at 7:13pm for anyone interested in speaking to this subdivision and lot line annexation. There were no members of the public who wished to speak.

It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by Chuck Bolduc to close the public hearing. The motion was approved unanimously.


David Hill confirmed that two acres from the 12 would be taken out of current use to build on; the remaining 10 acres would stay in current use. Cole said this was the plan.

It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by David Hill to grant the application. The motion was approved unanimously.

Peter provided a Mylar for the board to sign.


  1. Raymond Critch, Schifrin/Hanson LLA Lot Line Adjustment

The paperwork for a formal hearing was not submitted in time for that evening’s meeting. Mr. Critch, however, asked if he could come before the board to review his application and get their feedback before the next month’s meeting.

Mr. Critch showed a map and noted that they would like to adjust the lot line of the property. They have provided 25’ around a shed on the abutting King Ridge subdivision. He is ready to go put the pins out. He would change the building envelope to keep within the setbacks. If they leave it as is, the shed is outside the building envelope.

Mr. Critch said that the owners want to do this adjustment so they can remove the building envelope setback from the shed, which is currently up for sale. Glenn said that the Planning Board doesn’t have the authority to change the building envelopes; they are part of the covenants for all of the owners in the King Ridge subdivision. A change requires a 75% vote of the lot owners. It would be simpler to get a variance on the building envelope if someone plans to build on that property in the future.

Glenn suggested that in the plan they don’t include the building envelope as it would create issues. Peter suggested that new owners should be made aware of the lot lines.

Mr. Critch said he could add a note on the plan that says “These lots are subject to building envelopes in the covenants.” Glenn said that would work.


Glenn said that the discussion would be re-opened on the Dube subdivision.

Ian Pollard, abutter of the Dubes arrived at the meeting. Ian said he was aware of the plans and consents to all that is being proposed.


  1. Approval of Draft December 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by David Hill to approve the minutes of December 14, 2021 as circulated. The motion was approved unanimously.


  1. Master Plan

Glenn said the draft Master Plan is just about done. He and Roger will go around to the same groups they met with when they were in the beginning stages of the Master Plan. The board needed to review the list and accept it and/or add to it. Glenn read the list to the Planning Board. There were no issues with the list and Glenn said they would begin meeting with the groups ASAP.


With no other business, Glenn Pogust called for a motion to adjourn.


It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by Charles Bolduc to adjourn. The motion was approved unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 7:49pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary

Town of Sutton