Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Approved Meeting Minutes for Tuesday February 9, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER: Chair Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.


ROLL: Roger Wells, Glenn Pogust, David Angeli, Peter Blakeman, David Hill, Dane Headley  


OTHERS: Christine Fletcher, Arthur Siciliano (representing Peacock Hill), K Whit (Peacock Hill), Walter Partridge, Derek Lick, Peter Stanley – Planning and Zoning Administrator.


  1. Conceptual Discussion – Peacock Hill LLC, Map/Lot 01-173-097, East Sutton Road Potential Major Cluster Subdivision. Arthur Siciliano was there to represent the owners.


Arthur said the property is a little over 98 acres on the west side of East Sutton Road. They are proposing a cluster subdivision. The wetlands in the middle of the property have been delineated and they came up with seven lots that would work. A map was shown where the lots would be on the property. There would be 80 acres of common land, which is more than is required.


David Hill asked about the circles with the dots on the map. Mr. Siciliano said that these represented wells.


Dane Headley asked if the egress road would be paved. Mr. Siciliano said he believed it would and said he planned to build it to town specifications so the town would take it over once built. Mr. Blakeman thought a cluster subdivision had to come off a common road. Chair Wells said he didn’t believe this was true in their ordinance.


There was some discussion of the common area and access to it. There was also some discussion of the access road to the lots. Chair Wells said he would prefer two accesses off of East Sutton Road so there wouldn’t need to be as many long driveways. Mr. Blakeman, and Mr. Stanley also said they were going to mention this. Mr. Pogust said this would also be helpful for emergency services.


Mr. Stanley noted to Mr. Siciliano that he doesn’t need lots at all for a cluster subdivision. None of the parcels need to have frontage on the road, which would give some flexibility in the arrangement of where the sites are situated. This would allow for fewer separate driveways. Mr. Siciliano said the road the property is off from is a state road, and they are only allowed so many driveways. Mr. Stanley said he was talking about driveways off of the road he builds; not coming from the main road. If nothing abuts the road (50’-75’ away) they could have two driveways off of the new road (not the town road) which can go out to shared driveways accessing the homes. Mr. Stanley said they don’t have to have frontage and there is no minimum lot size for this type of subdivision. They have to decide on a building envelope.


Chair Wells said when they come back to the Planning Board, he would like to see a map showing the slopes. Mr. Siciliano said that the owner isn’t afraid of longer driveways and larger lots. They are giving 80 acres of common land, which will help make it look nice. The road they build will be less than 250’ long and they feel it would require less maintenance for the town. They feel it is a good plan but will take a look at what Mr. Stanley has mentioned. They had discussed shared driveways but they can sometimes be a problem.


Chair Wells said that he thought the longer driveways would mean a lot of impact to the land and cutting of trees. He would prefer to see something different if possible. It would be better to cross a small wetland than to cut all the trees or have to build on steep slopes.


David Hill said looking at the driveway for the hammerhead; if they came in at the right hand corner of the driveway and ended it in a circle for a plow truck, they could run a driveway to the lot above and below it. It could also lead to the remote lot. This would use less blacktop and get four driveways off of the circle. Chair Wells said that the town prefers a hammerhead instead of a circle. Mr. Hill amended his solution which still reduced the amount of driveways.


Chair Wells said he supports the cluster development but just wanted to make sure it is done as well as it can be to set an example for others who will hopefully follow suit.


Mr. Blakeman noted that storm water and fire safety planning measures will be needed for a future hearing. Mr. Stanley said that these details are not required at a conceptual review.


Mr. Stanley said that a Special Exception is the next step the applicant will need to get with the Zoning Board. Then the Planning Board will meet with the applicant again to continue with the planning of the subdivision.


Ira Thomas, an abutter to the property, said that he didn’t know if a driveway is allowed to come off of a hammerhead. He believed that in this case, they prefer a cul-de-sac. He also said that some others in the area had to get a wetlands permit to put in a driveway and they had to put in a culvert due to the amount of water. He isn’t a wetlands scientist but perhaps the town should get a wetlands scientist to verify that there are no other wetlands present to make sure it is feasible to build. Mr. Thomas said that perhaps some measures could be taken to preserve the historical features and qualities of the cemetery on the property.


Chair Wells said the last two driveways are coming off the hammerhead, which are actually not supposed to.



  1. Continued Public Hearing – Site Plan Review request by Walter and Doris Partridge, 466 North Road, Map/Lot 05-497-323, for approval to add additional self-storage units, per plan, to the existing self-storage facilities already on the property.


This is a continuation of the meeting from January 12, 2021. Chair Wells opened the public hearing. Mr. Partridge was using the map drawn by the assessors to explain his plans, which was not accurate. Chair Wells said that a surveyor will be needed to describe accurately what he is proposing to do and identifying existing structures as they pertain to the property lines. He said the lot lines and setbacks and structures need to be identified by a surveyor, but only in the areas that Mr. Partridge is going to make changes. Mr. Partridge said he would try and get in touch with Jeff Evans, in town. Mr. Stanley said to make sure Mr. Evans doesn’t include Shadow Hill Road as it no longer exists.


IT WAS MOVED (Glenn Pogust) AND SECONDED (David Angeli) to continue the hearing for Walter and Doris Partridge to the March meeting.


Pogust: Yes, Angeli: Yes, Wells: Yes, Blakeman: Yes, Headley: Yes, Hill: Yes



  1. Approval of draft January 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes.

Glenn Pogust asked if there were any comments on the minutes. There were none.


IT WAS MOVED (Dane Headley) AND SECONDED (David Hill) to approve the minutes of January 12, 2021, as circulated.


Roll Call vote: Hill: Yes, Pogust: Yes, Angeli: Yes, Blakeman: Yes, Headley: Yes




  1. Master Plan Review

Michael Tardiff from CNHRPC said this chapter is not in final form, it is a “firehose of information.” He wanted to make sure they didn’t miss anything. Chair Wells suggested comments from the board are sent to Peter Stanley.

Dane Headley said there was a small portion in the chapter about the grist mill and improvements to the parking lot. The committee that was supposed to form in 2020 didn’t, due to Covid. It is hopefully going to be formed in 2021.

Glenn Pogust added that the Parks and Recreation Committee is the only group that will be responsible for that grist mill property, no longer the Grist Mill Committee. He also asked if the conservation properties will be provided by the Conservation Commission.

Chair Wells said he had come up with some changes to the text. Glenn Pogust had also provided some suggested changes.

Chair Wells said that there should be some mention of Blaisdell Lake area in the land use chapter.

Mr. Tardiff asked the board to read through the first draft of Chapter 4, mark it up and give it to Peter Stanley. He said his staff is working on an updated trails and walks map.


The next meeting would be the fourth Tuesday of the month, not the second, due to town meeting.



IT WAS MOVED (Glenn Pogust) AND SECONDED (David Hill) to adjourn.



The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary

Town of Sutton