March 25, 2024 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON PLANNING BOARD MINOR SUBDIVISION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Case PB 2024-01 Tuesday March 26, 2024 You are hereby notified of a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday March 26, 2024, at 7:00p.m. at the Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall, 93 Main Street, Sutton Mills, NH, concerning a request by property owner the Robert A.K. Jeffrey Family 2011 Trust, Robert A.K. Jeffrey TTEE, PO Box 413, South Sutton, NH 03273, to approve a Conditional Use Permit, as Permitted by Article X, Section G of the Sutton Zoning and Building Ordinance, to cross multiple wetland buffers on a 129 acre property along Blaisdell Hill Road and Archie Sawyer Road, Map/Lot 02-204-044, for the purpose of constructing a driveway accessing a homesite. You are invited to appear in person or be represented by an agent or counsel to provide input to the Zoning Board of Adjustment regarding this application. Please address any written input or comments to Sutton Planning and Zoning, 93 Main Street, Sutton Mills, NH 03221, referencing “Jeffrey CUP Application.” All written submissions will be included as part of the record. Plans are available for your review at the Town Office.