Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

February 20, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m.


Dane Headley opened the meeting at 5:00  p.m.  with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Heidi Thoma, Kyle Hubbard; Chip Chesley, Jeanne LaChance, North Sutton Improvement Society; Don Davis and Lynn Wittman, Conservation Commission/Kezar Lake Protective Association; Pete Blakeman, Blakeman Engineering; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator



At 5:00 p.m. Selectman Headley administered the Oath of Office for Beth-Holly LaDuke to the Office of Town Clerk/Tax Collector for a one-year term.  Ms. LaDuke agreed to administer the Oath of Office to Yvonne Howard to the Office of Deputy Town Clerk Tax Collector.


The Board met with Heidi Thoma, President of the North Sutton Improvement Society; Pete Blakeman, Blakeman Engineering and Kyle Hubbard; Chip Chesley, Jeanne LaChance, North Sutton Improvement Society; and Don Davis and Lynn Wittman, Conservation Commission/Kezar Lake Protective Association to discuss parking lot maintenance, safety concerns, the horse beach boat ramp and related matters.


Ms. Thoma advised that she was following up regarding an invoice for engineering services that the Town forwarded to the North Sutton Improvement Society (NSIS) and the Kezar Lake Protective Association (KLPA) for engineering services.  Ms. Thoma requested that all the interested parties meet to discuss work that has been completed and plans for moving forward and to discuss payment responsibilities.  Ms. Thomas emphasized that this was a preliminary meeting and that she would bring items discussed for NSIS consideration.  Ms. Thoma also suggested setting up a schedule for meetings moving forward.  Mr. Blakeman said his initial review was based on survey information from an abutting lot and a septic system design that had been done on the Steven’s lot approximately 30 years ago.  The lot was subsequently purchased on behalf of the Town by the Conservation Commission.   Clayton Platt surveyor was hired to survey the North Sutton Improvement Society lot in order to provide more complete and up-to-date parcel information.  There was a lengthy discussion regarding the boat ramp and which entity was responsible for maintaining it.  It was noted that NH DOT did the most recent repairs on the ramp.


Mr. Blakeman expressed safety concerns regarding boats and trailers accessing the ramp and said that consideration needs to be given to providing adequate parking and safe access to the ramp.  Mr. Blakeman provided a rough sketch depicting the area that he felt would be conducive for a parking lot but it would be necessary to expand onto the Conservation Commission land.  Mr. Blakeman advised that the wetlands are beyond the woods which facilitates expansion.  Mrs. LaChance pointed out that TDS also had an easement on the property.  Mr. Blakeman recommended having the wetlands reflagged.


Ms. Thoma summarized that issues for further exploration are whether or not to keep the ramp and should the parking area be expanded or not.  Selectman Headley explained that the Town is interested in upgrading the parking area so that there isn’t a need for extensive annual maintenance required.  Selectman Baker advised that the Conservation Commission was not interested in expanding the parking onto their land.  Selectman Baker noted that there were six or seven parking spots near where the porta-potty is and that the Commission did not want the greenspace touched.   Selectman Baker said the issue at hand was what to do with the existing parking lot that is owned by NSIS to bring it up to a point where the Town doesn’t have extensive ongoing maintenance costs.  Selectman Baker felt that the costs should be shared between the North Sutton Improvement Society and the Kezar Lake Protective Association.


Mr. Blakeman felt that the parking situation posed a safety nightmare.  Mr. Blakeman said it’s an accident waiting to happen and that the parking area needs to be defined.  Selectman McManus wanted to know how much the entities were willing to spend.    Mr. Blakeman recollected that  the area became popular when the State stopped allowing dogs.  The parking lot was never meant to be a beachfront parking area.  Mr. Blakeman said that when you design a parking area, you need to look at safety, form, environmental considerations, and capacity noting that there has to be a blend of safety and environmental considerations.  Mr. Blakeman said that you can make the area environmentally sound you would need to remove some trees.  Mr. Blakeman noted that it is a very popular area for walkers etc.


Mr. Davis said that the original boat access was at Wadleigh.  DOT put the boat ramp in to protect the road from boaters putting in randomly on Horse Beach causing the pavement to be broken up.  Mr. Chesley asked who owned the underlying interest in the beach property.  At this point, ownership requires more research.  Selectman Headley asked what the consensus was on what people wanted to do with the land.  Ms. Thoma said that she needed to bring the matter back to her Board.  There was a lengthy discussion regarding the boat ramp.


Selectman Baker reiterated that the focus was to make the North Sutton Improvement Society a viable parking area.  The Conservation Commission was not interested in expanding property onto their lot.    Selectman Baker asked what would it take from an engineering standpoint to make the drainage adequate on that lot.    Selectman Baker recalled that the Town entered into to a maintenance easement with the North Sutton Improvement Society in response to public outcry regarding the condition of the lot.  At that time, the North Sutton Improvement Society was not interested in expending funds on the parking area.  It was observed that parking is available at Wadleigh State Park.  Jeanne LaChance noted that the NSIS parking area was intended for access to Smiley Grove.


Pete Blakeman pointed out that there were no standards that would allow for more that 4 cars in that area.  Selectman Baker said that when he originally met with Mr. Blakeman, they discussed Horse Beach and the small parking area for the Conservation land.  They spoke about the lots separately as well as what could be done by combining the lots.  The conceptual plan provided by Mr. Blakeman was based on addressing safety concerns and that conversation.  Mr. Baker added that the Conservation Commission was not in favor of expansion and wanted to maintain the existing greenspace.  Selectman Baker said that he was interested in seeing what could be done on the North Sutton Improvement Society parking area to deal with the drainage and maintenance issues.  Selectman Baker emphasized that he felt the maintenance costs should be shared between the parties.  Selectman McManus said that the town put in six loads of gravel this year, and used the grader and backhoe for about 7 hours.  Ms. Thomas requested estimates for ongoing annual maintenance.  Selectman McManus discussed the drainage issues on the property.   Selectman Baker indicated that the natural drainage was onto Smiley Grove.


Mr. Blakeman said that he could present a plan that used the area around the TDS easement and showed drainage.  Ms. Thoma said that the next best step would be for the North Sutton Improvement Society should meet to discuss options.  Selectman Headley summarized the Select Board’s goals which were to mitigate ongoing maintenance costs and keep the lot open to the public.  It was agreed that the Select Board has not discussed getting rid of or relocating the boat ramp.  Mr. Blakeman asked if there was an easement for the ramp.  Mr. Blakeman will check to see if Clayton Platt, Surveyor, has information regarding an easement for the ramp.


The Select Board, NSIS and KLPA will formalize the process for obtaining estimates, developing a plan and approving expenditures.  The Select Board will provide NSIS with a cost estimate for annual maintenance on the parking lot.  Grant opportunities were discussed.  Mr. Blakeman suggested the Moose plate grant might be a good fit for this project with multiple interested parties.


Selectman McManus made a motion to approve the February 13, 2023, public and nonpublic minutes as written.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.

The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:  $38,965.57

Payroll Manifest:   $15,436.85



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Krista and John Haynes, 02-433-477, Johnson Hill Road, for a rooftop solar array.

Neil Shifrin, 10-598-414, Stonehouse Road for a ground mounted solar array.

Brendon Rowe, 09-516-045, Cotton Road, for a garage

Rod Sigua, 08-135-049, Penacook Road, replacing a generator


The Board had a brief discussion regarding the Town’s Personnel Policy and Sick Leave Policy.  Selectman Headley noted that there were only two states that currently allow Covid leave.   The Board will research sick leave policies in other communities.  The Board also discussed the bid and contract process.


The Board briefly discussed the  joint board meeting  with Library Trustees scheduled for 2/23/2023 at 6:00 p.m.  (weather permitting).   Selectman Baker will provide an update on research he has conducted on recommended repairs.  Selectman Baker has met with Wet Basement Solutions regarding the moisture situation and will be meeting with Irish Electric on 2/21/2023 to review his recommendations.  The Board will also discussed the process for requesting disbursements which requires a written request.  Selectman Baker suggested including the Trustees in the monthly Department Head Meetings.  The meetings could be scheduled for after the 15th of the month so that the Trustees can submit their monthly (quarterly, yearly) reports at that time.



The Board issued appointment forms for:

Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk/Tax Collector for a term until election 2024

Yvonne Howard, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector


Peter Stanley, Land Use Coordinator forwarded a request by an abutter to survey the Old Store Museum property due to unfavorable winter/wetland survey conditions.  The Board requested that a meeting be scheduled with Mr. Stanley so that the Board can obtain further information and consider the request.  The abutters Wells/Balenger will also be invited to attend if they wish.


The Board agreed to begin interviewing candidates for the Town Administrator.



Selectman Headley will follow up with the Planning Board regarding Alan Wagner’s driveway appeal.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Elly Phillips, Town Administrator