Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

May 15, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m.



Dane Headley opened the meeting at 5:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman and David Grinsell, Town Administrator


Chair Headley moved to accept the minutes of May 8, 2023.  Selectman McManus seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.



Old Store Museum RFP – No RFPs were submitted for the restoration work related to the Old Store Museum.   The Selectman held a discussion and determined to keep the RFP open until June 15.  Local contractors will be called to provide estimates and respond to the RFP.  Selectman McManus made a motion that was seconded by Chair Headley.  The motion passed unanimously.


Meeting with Library Chair Nancy Glynn and Treasurer Catherine Paden

Library Financial Reports – Library Chair Nancy Glynn and Treasurer Katherine Paden presented April Bank statements and a record of income and expenses was provided for the Board to review.


Remaining Appropriation – The Board informed Chair Glynn and Treasurer Paden that the remaining library appropriation of approximately $24,000 will be released to the library this week.


Edits to MOU – Chair Headley inquired if Chair Glynn is going to suggest edits to the MOU because both the Town and Library have issues with the existing agreement. Chair Glynn stated that she wanted to reach out to counsel and a joint meeting with the Town and Library to work together on resolving these issues. The responsibility of maintaining the building was discussed as one item that needs to be addressed.  Chair Headley mentioned that the MOU is a document that can be amended anytime there is an agreement between the parties.


Remaining Appropriation Detail – Selectman McManus pointed out that the payment will be the remainder of the budgeted appropriation, less the first installment previously made, less the remaining budget wages for a net check of approximately $24,000.  Chair Glynn agreed that sounds to be what she expected.


Bank Statement Issue – A discussion was held regarding deposits to the Library Sugar River Bank accounts only to learn that the bank statement submitted by Treasurer Paden included both the Town Rescue Squad account and the library account.  TA Grinsell offered to call Sugar River Bank to correct the problem.


Scheduled Reporting Requirements – Chair Headley inquired if the library is prepared to meet all their reporting requirement deadlines going forward.  Treasurer Paden mentioned that she now has a process and is on schedule to make timely reports.  The Chair also asked if the Trustees were practicing the portion of RSA 202-A:4-c that notes unanticipated funds to the library in excess of $5,000 require a public hearing and funds under $5,000 require notification in the library’s minutes.  Treasurer Paden said they were.


Update on Contracted Repairs – Selectman Baker provided and update on the contract work being performed by Irish Electric and Wet Basement Solutions.  It was also mentioned that a storage container from Blue Box will be delivered the first week of June.  It would be beneficial if the library began placing books in carboard boxes to clear the work area.  Chair Glynn expressed concern about the placement of the storage container as its placement may interfere with the library’s outdoor summer programs.  Selectman Baker offered a tentative solution of placing the storage container at the highway department.   A discussion followed about the schedule contractors will follow to complete the project.


ADA Modifications – Chair Glynn asked about funds available for indoor ADA modifications and mentioned that a local carpenter has been contacted to perform some of the work.  Grant funding is being considered to help reduce costs.  A discussion ensued about providing a ramp or lift to allow ADA access to the library.  It was stated that a lift is the practical choice and would have the least impact on the parking lot.  Selectman Baker suggested that Chair Glynn begin researching lifts so the topic can be brought up at the next town meeting.  Chairman Headley revisited the topic of the local carpenter and inquired about his ability.  Chair Glynn mentioned that he is a local carpenter with a farm.  Selectman Baker mentioned that this carpenter must have the necessary insurance coverage if he is going to perform work at the library.  Chair Headley shared that the Town process for contracting work is to get three quotes.  We will accept what Chair Glynn has and seek additional quotes if necessary.


Employee Benefits / Town Counsel Meeting – Chair Glynn brought up the next topic of benefits saying that some of her staff are not receiving even pro-rated benefits.  Chair Headley informed her that town counsel has confirmed that library employees are not town employees and not eligible for town benefits.  Benefits provided for library employees come out of the library budget. Chair Glynn acknowledged she understands and added that we should look for a Paid Family Medical Leave Policy for a library employee with medical issues. Both Chairman Headley and Selectman McManus indicated that such a policy has nothing to do with the town.  Chair Glynn replied that because we prepare the payroll checks we need to be aware of the new policy.  Chairman Headley asked for a copy of Library bi-laws and Chair Glynn said she would provide.  Chair Glynn verified that if the library is to provide any benefits for their employees, then the library is going to put that together.  Chair Headley affirmed the statement.  A discussion between Selectman Baker and Chair Glynn followed about budgeting for employee benefits.  Selectman McManus stated that it would be best to bring up employee benefits at the meeting with town counsel.  Chair Headley then asked for dates and times in June to schedule the town counsel meeting.  Chair Glynn will send out an email and provide dates and times.


The Front Door – Chair Glynn stated that the libraries front door is broken.  The door sticks and the crash bar is broken and very difficult to open.  She asked who is responsible for the repair and suggested waiting until we review the MOU with town counsel before addressing repairing the door.  Selectman McManus asked if this is the library’s only door.  Chair Glynn noted that it is the door that the public uses to enter the library.  Selectman McManus asked again if the crash bar is not working.  Chair Glynn responded that it is broken.  The Board indicated that if the door can’t be opened then it is a safety issue that must get fixed.  Chair Glynn responded that the door can be opened with excessive force.  Chairman Glynn mentioned she will reach out to the local carpenter to see if he has time to repair the door.  Selectman McManus stated that if the door is not fixed then the library needs to be shut down.   He stated the door needs to get repaired immediately or we must shut the building down. Chair Glynn mentioned that her husband repairs windows and doors.  Chair Headley suggested that as long as he has the appropriate insurance have him fix the door and we can worry about payment later.


End Library Meeting




The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:  $50,501.88

Payroll Manifest:   $16540.24



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Dag Lidbeck, 06-459-256, Chalk Pond Road for a replacement dwelling in original footprint.

Dominic and Lynn Jundt, 08-145-419, to extend deck/install hot tub and replace cabinets.






The Board signed a letter providing permission for Comcast to enter into Sutton (TDS jurisdiction) to provide internet service for Neil Shifrin at 57 Stonehouse Road.  There will be no cost to the Town of Sutton.


Chair Headley made a motion to enter into a Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3, II(a) compensation of a public employee at 5:10pm. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and unanimously passed. Role call was taken by TA Grinsell as follows Chair Headley Yes.  Selectman McManus Yes.  Selectman Baker Yes.  Public Session resumed at 5:13 pm.  The minutes were not sealed.



Chippers Tree Service examined the Sugar Maple tree at 93 Main Street and determined the tree was dead and a hazard to the public and utility lines. Chippers is providing a proposal to remove the tree and grind the stump.  In addition, they are providing their findings that support the condition of the tree.  They are also providing a second proposal to maintain the tree’s appearance.  They will not provide a life expectancy as the tree is dead.


A check from Berkley Insurance Company was received in the amount of $10,000 for a settlement related to the Hansen Bridge lawsuit.


TA Grinsell provided and update on Irish Electric noting they will be coming to 93 Main Street to install new led lights on Tuesday, 05/23, 9am.


TA Grinsell provided an update on the MRI Wage and Position Analysis process.  The questionnaires will be sent to all employees this week for their review.  MRI will be on site on Wednesday, 5/24 at 9:30am to go over the questionnaire and process.  Chair Headley reviewed the questionnaire and asked that it be emphasized that this exercise is not for purposes of evaluating individual performance.  Chair Headley asked TA Grinsell to provide the date on when employee questionnaires need to be returned.

It was also mentioned that on Page 6 Percent of Time Applied Over a Year be disregarded.  TA Grinsell added that MRI would like us to provide them with a list of specific municipalities we would like to include for comparative purposes.  The Board determined that municipalities within 30 miles of Sutton would be appropriate.



NHDES Notification of PFOA – The Board reviewed the notification and noted the location of the test site was 82 Guile Pond Road.  A discussion followed that the school sports fields were the source of the PFOA and how it has leeched to abutting properties.  Chair Headley is contacting NHDES and will inform the board of his findings next week.


Lynn Wittman – NHDES Clean Water State Revolving Fund – TA Grinsell provided detail on how the loan is structured, the Town’s responsibility in accepting the loan and the loan forgiveness process.  The Board discussed reviewing the loan documentation and having town counsel look at it as well.  TA Grinsell is to follow up with the board on May 22, 2023.


Barbara Hoffman – Create a recycling committee – Selectman Baker shared with the Board that Ms. Hoffman is upset that we are not recycling and interested in potentially reprocessing Type 2 plastics.  The Board discussed the high cost and inconvenience of plastic recycling.  It was determined that this is more of an endeavor for Ms. Hoffman and that the town is not interested in forming another committee because there is no market for this. The inconvenience of separating the types of plastic and added work for transfer station employees was also mentioned.  Selectman McManus requested that we extend her an invitation to meet with the Board on Monday, May 22, 2023.






TA Grinsell reminded the Board that Chief Jon Korbet is coming to the May 22 Board meeting.  Selectman McManus requested that Chief Korbet provide the Board with the job descriptions he had prepared a year earlier.


Chair Headley requested that documents related to the agenda that are not excessively large be included with the Board Agenda we submit to Board members in advance of the meeting.


Selectman Baker mentioned cleaning up the granite left at the back of the Grist Mill parking lot and using the material at certain locations around town including the Old Store, the pillar and a bench in front of town hall and store the remaining pieces at the highway garage.  Chair Headley noted that the Board should determine whether to store the remaining granite pieces or sell them.


TA Grinsell mentioned a member of the public pointed out the large puddle that formed in the back of the parking lot.  It is supposed to be a green area that was a selling point to the local residents.  Chair Headley expressed his concern with the engineering of the parking lot.  He indicated that we have a year from the completion date to go back to the contractor with issues.  Chair Headley stated that commercial parking lots should not turn to mud. The Board discussed the drainage issue and how the parking lot material does not allow the water to dissipate through the soil.   Selectman McManus noted that the parking lot is supposed to drain to the back corner and that excessive rainfall has saturated the ground and the water has no where to go.  The Board discussed the possibility of having the contractor come to a Selectmen meeting, noting that there is ample time to schedule a date.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:28 pm.


Respectfully submitted,





David Grinsell

Town Administrator