May 31, 2022 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board May 31, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. Dane Headley, Selectman, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Wally Baker, Jr., Adam Hurst, Road Agent, and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. Selectman McManus made a motion to accept the minutes form May 23, 2022 as written. Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Selectman McManus made a motion to accept the nonpublic minutes from May 23, 2022 as written. Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The minutes were not sealed. APPOINTMENTS: Adam Hurst, Road Agent, met with the Board to provide a departmental update. Mr. Hurst advised that he has signed a contract for paving with Wolcott Paving. Mr. Hurst plans to grind, grade and pave from the town line to Cotton Road which is approximately 2.5 miles. The contracted amount is $206,000 which is approximately $76.00/ton. Based on the current market, this is a very favorable rate. An issue that has come up is availability of culverts for the project. If Mr. Hurst is not able to procure the culverts his plan is to do a shim and overlay on Keyser Street to prolong the life of the road. The estimate for this project is $120,000. Mr. Hurst has reviewed his paving plans with Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair. Mr. Hurst discussed next steps for using the ash landfill as a storage site for reclaimed paving materials. Mr. Hurst is coordinating with Chuck Rose on the project. Mr. Hurst would like to clear 1.5 acres and do a selective cut on the property. Mr. Hurst will follow up with the timber monitor regarding the timber tax. The Board will review surveys of the area to establish abutter boundaries. The Board will review Mr. Rose’s bid when it becomes available. The Board requested that Mr. Hurst remove the tree stump on the Soldier’s Monument property. Mr. Hurst discussed the lack of an adequate place to store stumps. There was a general discussion regarding the recent sheer event and resulting damage and road closures. The Board discussed a complaint regarding damage to a stonewall. Mr. Hurst said that the road crew did not hit the structure. Mr. Hurst advised that the crew is mindful of the wall. Selectman Baker will follow up. Mr. Hurst advised that he rented a wheeled excavator and was able to get a great deal accomplished, because the equipment is wheeled and can reach both sides of the road. The crew was able to accomplish seven loads a day, whereas with a backhoe they average three loads a day. This equipment could also be used for the installation of culverts. On Roby Road, the town installed four culverts a day; whereas, with the backhoe, it takes a day to do one culvert. The rental for a month was $5,000. Selectman McManus recommended that Mr. Hurst explore an RPO option for a wheeled-excavator. Selectman McManus discussed use of a rental roller for grading. Mr. Hurst discussed the I-89 project. Weaver Brothers has installed their pump on Gile Pond Road. Mr. Hurst advised that the State is working well with the Highway Department. REVIEW OF MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed an approved the following manifests: Vendor Manifest: $ 59,698.48 Payroll Manifest: $ 13,564.45 BUILDING PERMIT: The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits: William and Heather Turner, Map 02-708-505, Andrews Avenue for a shed/office/studio. Maurice Saunders, Pinnacle Drive for a breezeway and garage. SOLAR EXEMPTION: The Board reviewed and approved the following solar exemptions which were filed timely for first issue 2022: Stefan & Karen Timbrell, 10-480-287, $22,870 Joshua & Rachel Ortiz, 06-393-230, $23,390 Henry and Paula Marcy Revocable Trust, 10-082-200, $14,550 Frances & Suzanne Esposito, 06-718-582, $11,950 Richard Kowalski, 01-553-126, $14,550. OLD BUSINESS: The Board discussed the Grist Mill Parking Area Invitation to Bid. Selectman Headley said that the final detail was ensuring that there was an alternative way to shut down the lights. An option that was discussed was putting the lights on a timer. Also, the Board wanted to be sure that a 60-day limit was established. The Board noted that facility reports were submitted for the Police Department, Highway Department and Town Hall. Reports were outstanding for the Library and Fire Department. The Board discussed clean up of the Stotler property. Selectman McManus agreed to follow up. NEW BUSINESS: The Board agreed to execute the 2022 First Issue Tax Warrant on 6/1/2022. NON PUBLIC SESSION: At 5:33 p.m., Selectman Headley made a motion to enter into Nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3,II(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The Board was polled with Selectmen Headley, Baker, and McManus voting in the affirmative. Public session resumed at 5:36 p.m. The minutes were not sealed. The Board approved Diego Solimine’s, Solid Waste Supervisor, recommendation for the third part-time position at the Solid Waste Facility. SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: The Board discussed the Memorial Day observance. Selectmen Headley and McManus were in attendance. The Board noted that Jack Noon gave an interesting presentation discussing the plague that occurred in the 1600’s that devasted the Indigenous Indian population. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator