July 24, 2023 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board July 24, 2023, 5:00pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Walter Baker opened the meeting at 5:04 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker, Acting Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Thomas Shamberg, State Representative; Ira Thomas and David Grinsell, Town Administrator. APPOINTMENTS: Ira Thomas expressed concern about Peacock Hill Road, LLC drilling wells in potential violation of town ordinances. Mr. Thomas wanted to know if the Board was aware of these potential violations and to learn what the Board knew about them. Acting Chair Baker mentioned that he was notified that the contractor was drilling wells. TA Grinsell provided Mr. Thomas with a summary of the Board’s actions to date to address the complaints about Peacock’s site development. The Town took Peacock to court and contested the numerous previous zoning violations. Peacock agreed to remedy each violation by August 4, 2023. A second Court date is scheduled in late August to ensure that Peacock is in full compliance with Town ordinances to avoid further legal action. In the meantime, Glenn Pogust and Peter Stanley, Land Use Coordinator, will be at the job site this week to review the drilling and any other work being performed. TA Grinsell agreed to provide Mr. Thomas with an update on their findings. A discussion followed about the distance required for septic systems. Mr. Thomas again expressed concern and wanted the Board to be aware that the work Peacock is performing is beyond the scope of reparations such as installing primary power conduit. TA Grinsell continued that the Board is addressing Peacock’s known and potential violations according to the letter of the law through direction provided by Town Counsel. Part of the agreement with Peacock is that his work will be reviewed and signed off by an independent engineer. If the work is not in compliance, then the Town potentially can enforce the injunction to stop work at the site. CONSENT AGENDA: Acting Chair Baker moved to approve the minutes from the July 17, 2023, Board meeting as written, Selectman McManus seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Selectman McManus questioned the amount of the Vendor manifest, and it was noted that included in the manifest was a payment to the Kearsarge Regional School District for $550,000. The monthly school payment schedule was reviewed by the Board. The Board then approved the following manifests: Payroll: $ 21,146.49 Vendor : $572,218.73 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits: Ryan Sheets/Jillian Hannah, 05-732-541, Shadow Hill Road, Deck/Shed YIELD TAXES: The Board issued the following yield taxes: Nicholas Brunet, 03-329-058, Eaton Grange Road, for 10 acres out of 58.4 NEW BUSINESS: Blaisdell Lake protective Association provided the Board with their notice to lower the level of Blaisdell Lake to make minor repairs to the dam and allow homeowners to make repairs to docks and waterfronts. The Board approved setting a public meeting for August 21, 2023, 5:00pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall 93 Main Street, Sutton Mills, NH. The Police Department approached the Board about consolidating its current two special duties rates into a single rate and increasing the rate to $85 an hour with an additional rate of $15 an hour for use of a cruiser. The Board approved scheduling a public meeting to increase Police Department Special Duty Rates on August 14, 2023, 5:00pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall 93 Main Street, Sutton Mills, NH. OLD BUSINESS: TA Grinsell provided an update on library repairs: BPL heating and AC suggested cleaning the AC coil and replacing the indoor air filter plus reconnecting and tying in the piping for the exterior faucet. The Board authorized TA Grinsell to schedule the AC maintenance and request a proposal to repair the faucet. Selectman McManus suggested approaching BPL about providing the library with an annual maintenance contract to assist the library in conveniently addressing the library’s heating and plumbing needs. Wet Basement Solutions will complete installing the dehumidifier and pump on Friday, 7/28/23. Irish Electric is contracted to install outlets to provide electrical power for the pump and dehumidifier. TA Grinsell provided the Board with a draft for a Building and Grounds job description. The position would eliminate the need for many building, grounds and equipment repairs and maintenance that are now contracted out to numerous, lawn, electrical, plumbing and building contractors, plus provide custodial services as needed and support the Highway Department with snow plowing in the winter. Selectman McManus mentioned that the Town will be required to purchase a mower and small power tools to support position. He mentioned that the cost savings from not subcontracting out the current repairs and maintenance will significantly help reduce the expense of this full-time position. Acting Chair Baker suggested that perhaps the work could be subcontracted to one contractor who already has the equipment available to perform the necessary work and the related insurance required by the Town. It was determined to advertise the position, see the response, and then decide how to fill the position based on the talent available. TA Grinsell reminded the Board that Chippers Inc will be performing pruning and weight limiting services to the Maple tree by the Grist Mill parking lot. Chippers also prepared an assessment for the tree in front of Town Hall and the tree by the parking lot requesting an additional $150 for the report. The Board discussed whether the report was worth the $150, noting that Eversource has determined that the tree in front of Town Hall is dead and a hazard to the public and their power lines and that Eversource has scheduled to remove the tree. It was determined that the assessment is necessary for the Board to substantiate their decision to remove the tree in front of town hall and prune the tree by the parking lot. Selectman McManus indicated that the report must state the condition of both trees, if the trees are a hazard to the public, and the life expectancy of the tree by the parking lot. The Board also agreed that if the assessment states that the tree by the parking is also determined to be a hazard or deemed to have a limited life expectancy then the tree will also be required to be removed. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board read the latest correspondence from Sean and Shannon Frost requesting an appeal hearing to overturn the Select Board’s decision that the Frosts were not in compliance for failing to apply for a building permit for the structure currently on their property. Frost’s basis for the appeal is that the land is not used for any commercial purposes and that they object to said land being classified as “residential.” TA Grinsell added that the letter was sent to Town Counsel for review and instruction on how to proceed. SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: Selectman McManus requested TA Grinsell to review the real estate tax matter for William Puskas and provide an update to the Board on July 31, 2023. Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II (a) At 5:50pm Acting Chair Baker made a motion to enter a non-public meeting according to RSA 91-A:3(II). The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and the Board was polled with Acting Chair Baker and Selectman McManus both voting in the affirmative. Public Session resumed at 6:17pm. Acting Chair Baker made a motion to seal the non-public minutes as divulgence of this information would render a proposed action ineffective. Selectmen McManus seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous affirmative vote. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22pm. Respectfully submitted, David Grinsell Town Administrator