Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board

July 31, 2023, 5:00pm


Walter Baker opened the meeting at 5:01 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker, Acting Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Adam Hurst, Road Agent, David Grinsell, Town Administrator and Recording Secretary Lynne Grinsell.


Mr. Hurst discussed the status of the box culvert on Keyser Street and excavating a test pit in the Grist Mill Parking lot. Select McManus led a discussion about how the rain is making it difficult to schedule the work. It was determined to track the forecast and try to anticipate at least a week of dry weather then coordinate with the highway department and contractor to schedule the excavation. Acting Chair Baker initiated a conversation about how it will require two weeks to install the box culvert on Keyser Street. He expressed that the project can be completed in 2023. His concern was the cost and the impact to this year’s budget. Road Agent Hurst estimated the cost to be from $80,000 to $100,000.


Selectman McManus mentioned that the price of the box culvert is $37,000 and asked for details on the remaining costs. Road agent Hurst listed some anticipated expense items. Selectman McManus asked Road Agent Hurst to nail down more exact figures for the machine rental and materials. Road Agent Hurst indicated that he was unable to provide better numbers because he had not yet received the final plans from the engineer. The Board requested that TA Grinsell assist in obtaining the final plans by contacting the engineer. A discussion on ways to finance the project in 2023 followed with the concern being that the cost will only increase next year. The Board instructed TA Grinsell to research methods to finance the cost of the project and report back to the Board with alternatives. A conversation about the potential timing and scheduling of the project in 2023 and the administrative process to get the project approved by DES continued.


Other road and town projects were discussed. Selectman McManus inquired about the status of the dump truck. Road Agent Hurst responded that the chassis must go to Viking and then Road Agent Hurst will meet and go through the entire vehicle. It is estimated that the truck will be delivered by the 2024 Town Meeting. The Board instructed TA Grinsell to call and follow up with Viking on delivery status of the vehicle.




Selectman McManus made a motion to adopt the minutes of July 24, 2023. Acting Chair Baker seconded. Motion carried, and the minutes were approved. Selectman McManus made a motion to approve the non-public minutes as written. Acting Chair Baker seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.



The board approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $ 17,329.81

Vendor : $ 30,749.89


Building Permits

The Board approved building permits for Map/Lot 07-032-585, Kearsarge Valley Road and 05-505-365, KRSD High School. The building permit for 05-353-440 Mastin Road was not approved due to concerns about the structure, distances to setbacks and differences in the plans submitted to the ZBA and the plans included with the building permit. The Board requested TA Grinsell to have Peter Stanley, Land Use Coordinator, review the building permit and related plans.


New Business

A Cemetery Deed Ownership Transfer to Heather Rowe her heirs and assigns, was reviewed and approved by the Board.


Oath of Office and Letters of Introduction of Deputy Town Clerk, Kathy Frey, were reviewed and approved by the Board.


A discussion followed about scheduling appointments for the August 7th Board Meeting with the Board deciding that Joseph Driscoll will present to the Board from 5-5:30 pm, Budget Chair Defelice 5:30pm, and a non-public meeting at 6:15pm. Public hearings for Special Duty Rates and Blaisdell Lake Association will be held on August 14, 2023.


Old Business

The Board noted that they had requested that Mr. Puskas deliver an updated title abstract which was never received. The Board instructed TA Grinsell to continue to try to assist Mr. Puskas.

Post repair on Keyser Street – The Board authorized TA Grinsell to instruct the taxpayer to obtain a quote to repair the damaged post. The quote will be reviewed by the Board for reasonableness.

TA Grinsell informed the Board that the installation of the pump and dehumidifier at the library is complete and operational. The AC unit maintenance and spigot repair are being scheduled with BPL Heating and AC. BPL was also asked to consider an annual maintenance contract to address the numerous library plumbing related issues.

Progress on the work being performed at the Old Store Museum was discussed. It was noted that the window sash was missing, and the Board granted permission to the contractor to bring job site waste to the transfer station. Additional repairs and related costs were discussed with the Board deciding not to spend any additional funds on the structure this year.

An email prepared by Glenn Pogust which provided a status report on Peacock Hill LLC’s work in East Sutton was reviewed by the Board. In light of Town Attorney, Joseph Driscoll, providing an informational update to the Board and the public at the August 7, 2023, Select Board meeting it was determined to wait until after Attorney Driscoll’s presentation before making any determination on this matter.

The Board reviewed an assessment of the two trees in front of Town Hall and by the Grist Mill Parking lot. The assessment confirmed that the tree in front of Town Hall is dead and the tree by the parking lot is estimated to be about mid-life but is in a high stress area that will accelerate the tree’s decline, even with preventative measures. The cost to trim and de-weight the tree is $1,325 which the Board approved at the July 24, 2023, meeting.


Review of Correspondence

The Board discussed a New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Land Resources Management Program complaint of alleged statutory violations by Peacock Hill LLC.


Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II (c)

At 6:05pm a motion was made by Acting Chair Baker to enter into a nonpublic session per RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and a roll call vote to enter into nonpublic session was taken with Acting Chair Baker and Selectman McManus responding in the affirmative.


Selectman Baker made a motion to leave the nonpublic session and return to public session at 6:26 p.m. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and unanimously passed. Once public session reconvened Acting Chair Baker made a motion to seal the nonpublic minutes because it is determined that divulgence of this information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of this board. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and passed unanimously.


Selectmen’s Comments

Acting Chair Baker instructed TA Grinsell to contact library personnel and request that they not touch any of the settings on the new pump or new dehumidifier. Acting Chair Baker and Selectman McManus both instructed TA Grinsell to remind the library staff of their responsibility to assist the town in helping maintain the library building and equipment and ask the staff to empty the old dehumidifier and wipe them out to eliminate any mold accumulation.


Selectman McManus instructed TA Grinsell to start scheduling department heads to meet with the Board to provide updates on their department’s activities.

A conversation followed about scheduling the August 7 Select Board Meeting appointments. It was determined that Attorney Driscoll will present from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. Budget Chair DeFelice will meet with the Board from 5:30pm to 6:00pm and the nonpublic session will begin at 6:15pm. TA Grinsell was instructed to schedule a meeting with the library trustees and Attorney Butterfield on August 14, 2023, to review the MOU.


The meeting adjourned at 6:37pm.