August 29, 2022 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board August 29, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. Dane Headley, Selectman, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Wally Baker, Jr., Selectman; Derek Lick, Moderator; Yvonne Howard, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Beth Holly LaDuke, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Glenn Pogust, Supervisor of the Checklist; Timothy Hayes, Cemetery Trustee; Bruce Ellsworth, Blaisdell Lake Protective Association and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. APPOINTMENTS: At 5:30 p.m., Selectman Headley executed a letter of support for a Request by the Blaisdell Protective Association and Sutton Conservation Commission to designate the section of NH Route 114 as a “Low Salt Roadway.” Selectman Headley read the letter of support into the record, which follows: In accordance with NHDOT Snow Removal and Ice Control Policy, O&M 1, Last updated November 17, 2021, the Sutton Select Board, Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Rescue Chief request that you designate the section of NH Route 114 from Watkins Avenue to Jolly Farm Road as a “low salt roadway.” The NHDOT traffic counter, 82053050, just south of the proposed area indicated the average daily traffic (ADT) in 2020 was 1,522 which is well below the allowed maximum of 2,500 ADT for a Type 4 Roadway. The original request was made by the Blaisdell Lake Protective Association (BLPA) and the Sutton Conservation Commission (SCC). The BLPA monitors Blaisdell Lake and has noticed an increase in the conductivity near the beachfront along NH Route 114 and the inlet from Russell Pond. Enclosed with this letter, please find a letter of support from the Kearsarge Regional School District. We believe that the Low Salt Policy is adequate for this portion of the road for safety and will provide some environmental relief to Blaisdell Lake and Russell Pond. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. The letter will also require the signatures of Jonathan Korbet, Police Chief; Cory Cochran, Fire Chief; and Hilary Grimes, Rescue Chief. At 5:46 p.m. the Board met with Derek Lick, Moderator, Glenn Pogust, Supervisor of the Checklist, Yvonne Howard, Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Beth Holly LaDuke, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector, to discuss the September 13, 2022, Primary Election. Mr. Lick reviewed the setup for the election and suggested going back to the pre-covid layout as the Historical Society would like to have a table this year. Mr. Pogust indicated that the flow of the voters worked better with the current layout. A suitable location for the historical society table was discussed. The Select Board’s role in the process and sealing the ballots was reviewed. The Select Board agreed to be present at the end of the evening to participate in the sealing of the ballot boxes. The Select Board finalized their shifts for primary day: Selectman Baker be present for the morning shift. Selectman Headley will represent for the afternoon shift. Selectman McManus will represent for the afternoon shift. Mr. Lick is finalizing the roster of ballot clerks who will be assisting with the process. It was noted that undeclared voters can revert back to undeclared after they vote, either on election day or thereafter. Use of the protective barriers were discussed. The barriers will be made available for the use of election officials. Timothy Hayes, Cemetery Trustee met with the Board to discuss various issues. Mr. Hayes sought disbursement from the Millswood Cemetery Trust that was established this year. Mr. Hayes was interested in performing repairs to the Millswood Cemetery Fence. Mr. Hayes spoke about grounds maintenance and budgetary items for 2023. Mr. Hayes proposed some necessary tree work and was advised that if funds were available in the operating budget, Mr. Hayes can authorize disbursement. Mr. Hayes advised that due to inflation, it is likely that the 2023 proposed budget will reflect increased costs. Mr. Hayes proposed raising the rates for cemetery plots noting that Sutton is way below average. Selectman Headley suggested providing the Select Board with a summary of costs from towns of a similar size. Mr. Hayes stated that has been re-evaluating the plots available at the North Sutton Cemetery. There may be additional plots available. Mr. Hayes will research the matter. There was a discussion regarding progress with planning for the Mastin Cemetery. Mr. Hayes is following up on the Mastin Cemetery with Peter Blakeman, Blakeman Engineering. There was also a discussion regarding maintenance of overgrown bushes. Selectman Headley moved to approve the minutes from August 22, 2022. Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Vendor Manifest: $429,614.44 Payroll Manifest: $ 14,728.12 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board approved a building permit for Stephen Breton & Wendell Dennis, Map 02-842-151, Route 114 for a garage. OLD BUSINESS: The Board was advised that their 8/31/2022 5:00 Tax Appeal Meeting was cancelled at the request of the taxpayer. The Board noted that the agreement with GDC Slate and Copper is currently being reviewed by Town Counsel. Selectman Baker agreed to follow up with Doug Sweet to discuss Mr. Sweet’s concerns regarding damage to his stone wall that may have been caused by a town plow. NEW BUSINESS: The Board executed the MS-535 DRA Form, Financial Report of the Budget for 2021. The Board was advised that finance recently converted the BMSI Payroll Software to BMSI’s Cloud-based software. The older version of the software will no longer be supported by BMSI. The Board executed the No Thru Trucking Ordinance on Gile Pond Road. The Board issued a Zoning Enforcement Letter for Map 02-483-135, Camp Kemah Road. The Board agreed to meet with Lynn Wittman, Kezar Lake Protective Association, and Polly Crocker on 9/6/2022 to discuss a grant opportunity. The Board reviewed the 2023 Budget submission letter and schedule. It was noted that process will be starting earlier this year. The Board discussed staffing considerations for 2023. The Board will review the job description for the Town Administrator and whether additional staff would be beneficial for the executive department. SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: Selectman McManus provided an update on progress with the clean up of town property, Map/Lot 01-407-067. The cleanup of the house has been completed. The contractors are working from the farthest point in the woods. They should be down to the barn by this week. Special Duty costs for the project are being allocated to the salary contingency line item. All other expenditures related to the cleanup, with the exception of legal, are being allocated to the Warrant Article. It is likely that the project will go over budget and will need to be compensated for from unspent funds from another line item. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator