September 5, 2023 | Hilary Grimes TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board Agenda September 5, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Headley opened the meeting at 5:02 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, David Grinsell, Town Administrator; and Lynne Grinsell, Recording Secretary. Appointments: Harvey Road Reparations Adam Hurst, Road Agent, provided the Board with information on reparations to Harvey Road, including pricing. The job would include grinding the existing pavement and resurfacing. The information included the cost for two options: pave from Keyser Street to the top of the hill or replace all the existing pavement. Mr. Hurst also indicated that he would redo the road and include a better base so that it does not continue to erode. A discussion was held about repairing Harvey in conjunction with installing the box culvert on Keyser Street. Mr. Hurst was asked whether he could reclaim the pavement and keep the road gravel. Selectman McManus suggested that the steepest part of the road should be pavement. The cost for each option was discussed. Mr. Hurst suggested that the reparations occur all the way up the hill so that there is a turnaround for plowing purposes. Selectman McManus asked if it is necessary to obtain easements for the turnaround. Selectman McManus requested that TA Grinsell meet with Ellie Phillips to make a list of turnarounds that require easements. Selectman McManus asked Road Agent Hurst about the status of the drainage issue on Rowell Hill Road. Road Agent Hurst responded he had not marked off the road and would like to have a police officer or Board member go with him. A discussion followed about the property owner’s methods to modify the road and alternatives to addressing the drainage issue. Chair Headley discussed a four-day work week for the Highway Department employees. He suggested that half the crew take Friday off; and half the crew take Monday off – ensuring that crews would always be available. A discussion ensued. Mr. Hurst also assured the Board that he checks with the crew on their availability when weather events are expected. The Board asked Mr. Hurst to check with the crew to determine their preference regarding work schedules. Mr. Hurst will report his findings to the Board at a future meeting. It was noted that Road Agent Hurst is scheduled to excavate a test pit in the Grist Mill Parking lot on September 12 at 10:30 a.m. TA Grinsell informed him that Cindy Balcius, Stone Ridge Environment, would like to witness the excavation. NHPDIP Investments Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, reviewed NHPDIP Investments with the Board and reported that the town of Sutton is earning 5.41 percent interest on current investments and that the year-to-date interest earned is close to the interest earned during the combined last five years. It was noted that the investments at NHPDIP are not federally insured, however they are insured by the state of New Hampshire similar to FDIC insurance. Chair Headley and the Selectmen asked Mr. DeFelice questions about consolidating the trusts. Mr. DeFelice indicated that we cannot do so per statute, as we only own the interest and not the principle. A possible solution would be to return the principle of smaller trusts to the owners, thereby lowering the number of trusts to reduce administration, but not affecting the interest income in a significant way. It was noted that one advantage to moving the trust funds to Bar Harbor Bank is the bank could assist Budget Chair DeFelice in managing the numerous trust funds. CONSENT AGENDA: MINUTES: Chair Headley made a motion to approve the August 28, 2023, minutes and Selectman Baker seconded the motion which passed unanimously. MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Payroll: $16,624.20 Vendor: $19,526.64 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board approved the following building permits: · Lucas Brown 02-448-231 88 Blaisdell Hill Road wharf & seasonal dock $40,000 · Warren Jones 08-843-068 224 Baker Hill Road steel building garage/work area $20,000 · Marin Freymann 08-199-535 323 Felch Road plastic covered greenhouse $4,000 · Sara & Zachary LaMott 02-716-473 17 Clark St 2-story addition – 1 year extension to 9/5/24 · David & Julie Caferino 05-981-338 – 1 year extension to 9/5/24 NEW BUSINESS: TA Grinsell reported that the Expendable Capital Reserves, currently $279,126, will be reimbursed and revert to the General Fund towards the end of November so the funds can stay invested and still be transferred to the general fund before the end of the year. Beth Renzulli, Trustee submitted her resignation as a Trustee of the Sutton Trust Fund. Chair Headley clarified the role of the trustees. Budget Chair DeFelice indicated that the trustees who manage the trust meet at least once a year in person. Mr. DeFelice suggested the name of a candidate he believes has the background to fill the vacant trustee position. It was suggested that this individual can assume the task of preparing the MS-9, a laborious task because of the number of trusts that need to be reported. The Board agreed that Budget Chair DeFelice can contact the candidate to determine if she is interested in being a trustee. It was noted that budget letters to the Department heads were mailed last week including requests for capital improvement plans. Meetings with the Department Heads will be scheduled shortly, and it was discussed the need for Department Heads to be prepared when they meet with the Board. Budget Chair DeFelice requested that he be placed on the agenda for next week’s Board meeting to discuss school budgetary items. TA Grinsell added put him on the agenda for 6:15 p.m. on September 11, 2023. OLD BUSINESS: Conservation Permit Review Keyser Street Box Culvert Chad Poland from Michie is providing a copy for the conservation commission’s review. A request was made to include the permit review on the agenda for the 9/12/23 meeting. Chad Poland from Michie Concrete will be available, and it is recommended that a Select Board member and the Road Agent attend. TA Grinsell said that a meeting has been requested for Wednesday, September 13, 2023, but they have yet to respond. It was noted that the Town Staff interviewed a talented candidate for the Deputy Town Clerk position. The individual not only had experience with automotive titles, but also an extensive bookkeeping background. The Board approved allowing the Town Clerk to make an offer to the candidate. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: · Peacock Hill LLC & Nobis Reports. A notice of violation was sent for failure to comply with state standards. A cease and desist notice will be added to the court action. · The town received a complimentary note about the transfer station and the work of the staff. PUBLIC INPUT: SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: · The Board discussed creating a succession plan for those high value, long-term individuals in staff and elected positions that are close to retirement. · Selectman McManus mentioned moving the granite by the parking lot to the Highway Department while the excavator was on site to dig the test pit on September 12. · There is currently an open position in the grounds/maintenance department. Salary was discussed along with contacting their connections with construction backgrounds about potential candidates. Selectman McManus suggested that we enter the job on the town’s website. Budget Chair DeFelice suggested that we contact the school for possible candidates. · TA Grinsell was again instructed by the Board to contact the owners of the property at 153 Gile Pond Road to determine the status of the property. · Selectman McManus commented on the quality work the contractor performed on the Old Store Museum. A discussion followed about other work we can have the contractor perform and the need for three bids for project proposals, but the time delay created by following the three-bid policy. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, David Grinsell, Town Administrator