Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Agenda

September 11, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m.





Chair Headley opened the meeting at 5 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Naomi Butterfield, Town Counsel; Elizabeth Geraghty, Library Director; Nancy Glynn, Chair of the Library Trustees; Tracy Mingarelli, Library Trustee member; Catherine Paden, Library Trustee member; David Grinsell, Town Administrator; and Lynne Grinsell, Recording Secretary.




Library Board of Trustees


The Library Board of Trustees attended the meeting to discuss the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) between the Town of Sutton and the Sutton Free Library. The sections of the MOU were discussed as follows:


Number 3, Section (d): No issues with this section.

Number 4, Section (b): Ms. Nancy Glynn, the Chair of the Trustees, suggested that this section be amended to require only personnel policies relevant to payroll be provided to the Town. Counsel Butterfield inquired whether there were any instances where one party believes the policies are relevant and the other party does not. As the parties did not see an issue with the proposed language, Counsel amended the MOU to indicate that only relevant payroll policies need to be provided to the Town no later than two weeks prior to the next payroll period in which they will apply. In response to a question by TA Grinsell, Counsel advised that the Library Trustees are responsible for ensuring that it is compliant with all laws and regulations related to payroll. Emergency leave situations and the notification policies surrounding those situations were also discussed, and counsel advised that the employee is provisionally on leave until such time as the FMLA policy is reviewed and complied with. The Trustees are currently working on PTO policies and will provide them when completed.

Number 4, Section (b): No issues with second part of this section.

Number 4, Section (c): No issues with this section.

Number 5, Section (a): Questions were asked about this section, specifically with regard to hiring contractors and/or maintenance. Ultimately there were no issues with this section.

Number 5, Section (b): Questions were asked about the procurement policy in general, and Counsel advised that the procurement policy needs to be consistent between both parties. Ultimately there were no issues with this section.

Number 5, Section (c): Library Director Elizabeth Geraghty highlighted that when repairs are to be made, the Town notify the library director and the Chair of the Trustees is copied on such correspondence. Ultimately no issues with this section.

Number 5, Section (d): No issues with this section. Counsel changed the last sentence to indicate that all contracts be submitted to the Board of Selectmen for review and approval (as opposed to the Board of Trustees).


Chair Headley asked Counsel Butterfield to make suggested changes. Both parties will review. If no other changes are necessary, the MOU will be approved at the Board of Selectman meeting on September 18, 2023.


School Budgetary Items

Mr. Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, could not attend the meeting. He will be placed on the agenda for next week’s Board meeting, September 18, 2023, to discuss school budgetary items.




Selectman McManus made a motion to approve the September 5, 2023, minutes and Selectman Baker seconded the motion which passed unanimously.



The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $16,051.70

Vendor: $18,017.46



There were no building permits submitted for review/approval.



TA Grinsell announced that the August Expenditure Reports will be reviewed at the meeting on September 18, 2023.


TA Grinsell discussed the Frost Correspondence regarding RSA 91-A. Mr. Frost will be meeting with the Zoning Board on September 20, 2023, to appeal the decision that he owes taxes on his property. Chair Headley confirmed that Mr. Frost has received the Board’s correspondence on this matter. In his appeal, Mr. Frost is arguing that his property is not commercial and that he does not recognize the town classification of “residential”, therefore he does not have to pay real estate taxes on his property. It was noted that if Mr. Frost’s appeal to the Zoning Board is not successful his remaining course of action is to hire an attorney and attempt to sue the town.


TA Grinsell discussed an update on Town accounting systems and procedures. He is proposing that he conduct the day-to-day bookkeeping to initially set up the accounting system. He will continue to update the system on a weekly basis until such time as the staff can take over the responsibilities. In addition, TA Grinsell will reschedule a meeting with the town treasurer for next Wednesday, September 20, 2023. If she is not available on that date, TA Grinsell will make himself available to meet at the town treasurer’s convenience.



TA Grinsell received two resumes for the building and grounds maintenance position. The qualifications of the applicants were discussed. TA Grinsell will request that the two applicants be added to a future Board of Selectman meeting for interviewing purposes.


153 Gile Pond Road – TA Grinsell contacted the owners of the property at 153 Gile Pond Road to determine the status of the property. He received a response from a Texas mortgage company which is paying the property taxes.


Old Store Museum – Mr. Lance Carter submitted an invoice for $4,000 to paint the Old Store Museum. TA Grinsell will formerly submit the invoice for the Board’s approval on September 18, 2023.


Rowell Hill Road Drainage Issue – Chair Headley contacted town counsel regarding the Rowell Hill Road Drainage issue. Several options to address the matter were proposed and discussed by the Board. The Board instructed TA Grinsell to contact town counsel for legal instruction on how best to proceed .


The excavation of a test pit in the Grist Mill Parking lot that was to occur on September 12, 2023, will not occur to due rain. TA Grinsell will cancel the appointment and will coordinate a new date to complete the work.


At the Board’s direction, Town Clerk Beth-Holly LaDuke offered the deputy town clerk position to Kristi Kisler. Ms. Kisler accepted the position. The Board has requested that Ms. Kisler be present at the Board meeting on September 18, 2023, to formerly approve of her hiring.



The Board reviewed the Friedlander Complaint regarding alleged speeding on Route 114. The Board suggested that a blinking light indicating the speed of the vehicle be placed on Route 114 in the area of Vernondales.




  • TA Grinsell discussed correspondence related to tree maintenance in the Sutton Mills Cemetery. This topic will be further reviewed and discussed at the Board meeting on September 18, 2023.
  • ·The Selectmen discussed updating the town’s administrative offices.



The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

David Grinsell