Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

January 25, 2021 @ 4:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Robert Wright Jr., Chair. Selectman Wright read the following notice into the record: “Due to the COVID 19/Coronavirus Pandemic and in accordance with Governor Sununu’s Emergency Order #12, pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, this Board is authorized to meet electronically. The public has access to contemporaneously listen and participate in this meeting by telephone by calling 978-990-5000 and entering access code 112820.”


Present at the meeting were Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Dane Headley, Selectman; Nancy Heckel, Library Trustee; Adam Hurst, Road Agent; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. Attending via teleconference were Derek Lick, Moderator; Carol Merullo, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Yvonne Howard, Library Trustee, and other interested members of the public.


The minutes from January 18, 2021, were approved as corrected. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:        $363,595.44

Payroll Manifest:         $   3,607.40



Adam Hurst, Road Agent, advised that he will be advertising for a new hire and that he would like to expand the required response time to one hour to attract a broader applicant pool. The Board agreed to that request.


Mr. Hurst discussed estimates for repair of the 2010 Truck. The estimates were between $9,400-$12,000. The trade in value quoted by Freightliner for the truck in its current condition was $12,000. The Board discussed options for repair replacement of the Truck. The Board discussed the pros and cons of repairing the truck and the likelihood that more repairs will be required. For the time being, the Board agreed to add $15,000 to the Highway Department Equipment line item for truck repairs. The Board will draft a warrant article for a new truck on the 2021 Warrant. Mr. Hurst will get further information regarding the trucks and meet with the Board next week.


Mr. Hurst discussed the problem with people getting stuck on Lovers Lane which is a Class V, Summer Maintained Road. Mr. Hurst asked whether he could barricade the road. The Board will follow up with Counsel.


Derek Lick, Moderator, met with the Board to discuss logistics and timing for Town Meeting in view of Executive Order 83. Moderator Lick supported holding the actual election day as scheduled, but felt the business session required further consideration. Mr. Lick felt that masks would be required and social distancing protocols would be implemented but the enclosed space was not ideal and may discourage citizens from attending. Mr. Lick felt if the meeting date was deferred it might result in a disruption in Town operations. However, if the meeting was deferred to a later date, it was likely that more citizens could obtain vaccinations and the town could use an outdoor venue. Selectman Curless emphasized the need to approve a budget for town operations. Selectman Wright felt that older folks will likely have their vaccinations and favored holding the meeting as scheduled. Carol Merullo supported holding the meeting as scheduled and reminded the Board of the notification process if the meeting date were to be changed.


Mr. Lick agreed that it seemed reasonable to proceed as planned, noting that masking and social distancing would be used. Mr. Lick asked that the town consider using the gymnasium. Selectman Wright expressed a preference for the auditorium.   Selectman Wright reviewed the requirements of Executive Order 83.   Selectman Headley recommended that the Board review the capacity for the auditorium. It was agreed that Selectman Curless and Mr. Lick would visit the school and develop a plan for social distancing. Phillips was instructed to follow up with the District to check for the availability of overflow area and arrange a time for the Selectman Curless and Mr. Lick to meet at the district for planning purposes.



The Board reviewed the Library MOU with suggested revisions from the library trustees. Nancy Heckel was present to discuss the suggested edits. There was discussion regarding submission of documents timely. In item 3b, “a paperwork schedule” was replaced with “information.” The Board and Ms. Heckel discussed timing for disbursement of the annual appropriation. The general consensus was that an initial appropriation of 25% of the total budget be made the first accounts payable period in January. The balance to be paid the first accounts payable period after Town Meeting. Phillips and Heckel will review the language. A suggested clause specifying maintenance items will not be included per recommendation of Counsel. The Select Board agreed that the Board will continue to negotiate utilities and provide IT services for the library. The term for modification/termination will be revised to 60 days. Ms. Heckel will share the revisions as proposed with her fellow library trustees.


The Board reviewed their 2021 budget recommendations on a department basis.   Line item 1-03-4312-660 Vehicle Repair/Maintenance was changed to 31,000 due to anticipated truck repairs for the 2010 6-wheeler plow/dump truck.


The Board reviewed a proposal for an environmental assessment on the land proposed for a future cemetery. The Board deferred action pending further consideration. The Town will seek an extension to do a test pit on the land.


The Board discussed drafting a Warrant Article regarding sale of Town Property located at Map/Lot 04-212-391. The assessors have revised the assessed value based on wetlands and that the parcel is non-buildable.


The Board discussed the Grist Mill Retaining Wall/Bridge project. The Board will continue to follow up with Town Counsel regarding contract review.



The Board reviewed a draft of the Round Room Report and suggested some additional items to be included in the report.





The Board noted correspondence from the DRA regarding the assessors required submission of the USPAP Manual.



Selectman Curless discussed parking problems around Kezar Lake. Several citizens complained about parked cars blocking the road. The Board will review the concerns with the Police Department .


Selectman Wright discussed the most recent school board meeting. Selectman Wright provided a copy of correspondence he had drafted regarding a reduction in revenues from the state.


There being no further busines, the meeting was adjourned at 5:54 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator