Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

October 17, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m.



Selectman Baker, Acting Chair, opened the meeting at 5:04 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:   Michael McManus, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr. Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair; Gail Guertin, Budget Committee Vice Chair; Henry Howell, Conservation Commission Chair; Deb Lang, Conservation Commission Member; Tom Schamberg, State Representative and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.



At 5:20 p.m. Henry Howell, Conservation Commission Chair and Deborah Lang, Conservation Commission Member met with the Board to discuss the Commission’s 2023 Proposed Budget.  The Commission recommends a salary increase for their recording secretary which includes a 2% merit increase and COLA as determined by the Board and the Budget Committee.  The remainder of the line items were increased by 5% due to inflationary factors.


Mr. Howell noted that the Special Projects line item is going over budget which will be compensated for through underspent expenditure line items within the Conservation Commission’s operating budget.  The Commission will have spent over $6,000 on special projects this year.  Mr. Howell identified current projects allocated to the special projects line item which included turtle crossing signs, volunteer day (advertising for trail work),   forestry management plan, plowing on Hominy Pot, and mowing at the King Hill Reservation.  Mr. Howell advised that the King Hill fund has been largely depleted, but $500 from that fund were allocated for mowing this year.  Ms. Lang stated that the forestry plan may be amended to be responsive to climate change.  Mr. DeFelice said that mowing and plowing should not be considered special projects as they are annual expenses.  A line item will be established for mowing and plowing, and these expenses will be reallocated to that line.  Another special project Mr. Howell discussed was a one-time cost of $1,500 to add crushed stone to Eaton Grange Road West leading to the Webb Crowell Reservation.  The stone will be added the last week in November.  This one-time contribution was due to damage that was caused by motor vehicles accessing the Webb Crowell parking area.


The Commission is considering asking the Select Board to place an article on the 2023 Warrant to establish a revolving fund to accept donations at trail head kiosks for trail work/maintenance.


The Board discussed appropriations to Capital Reserve.  The Commission is once again requesting an appropriation of $7,000 to the land capital reserve.  Currently there is $64,000 in that fund.  Mr. Howell explained that it was more cost effective to encourage landowners to place conservation easements on their land than to buy the properties outright. Mr. Howell said that it can cost in the neighborhood of $20,000 to put an easement on the land because of expenses incurred through surveying, title search etc.   The Commission also manages a fund that has a balance of $180,231.29.  The funding comes from the proceeds from the Land Use Change Tax.


Mr. DeFelice explained that this year the Budget Committee was looking at Capital Reserves very closely to see if there are any places that they can be reduced because of the uncertain economic outlook.   Mr. DeFelice asked that the Commission consider reducing their request to $5,000.  Selectman McManus pointed out the Commission’s entire proposed budget with Capital Reserves was $14,859.  Mr. Howell said that he understood the economic concerns and would discuss the proposed reduction with the Commission at their next meeting and get back to the Select Board and the Budget Committee.

Selectman McManus moved to accept the October 10, 2022, public and nonpublic minutes as written.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a vote of 2-0.



The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:  $23,012.23

Payroll Manifest:   $13,838.47



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Henry and Paul Marcy Revocable Trust, 10-082-200, Winslow Road, Shed, Dormer, and Deck.  The ADU will require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustments.

Robert B. Nelson, 04-908-516, Newbury Road for a generator.



The Board noted that Logging Agreement with Burl Land Clearing has been executed.  The stumps will be removed and placed to the side.  Selectman McManus reported on the status of the project.


Mr. DeFelice discussed the Capital Reserve established for the Fire Department for Scott Air Packs noting the cap was set at $127,000 to replace twelve packs.  The acquisition was scheduled for 2023.  Mr. DeFelice recommended checking with the Fire Chief to see if a Warrant Article was necessary.  Mr. DeFelice felt that replacing six air packs every six years would be more ideal from a budgetary standpoint and wondered whether replacing half of them with used certified equipment might be an option.   A discussion regarding obtaining grant funding for this acquisition was also discussed.



The Board issued a Deed to Kelly Kuwaye, formerly Normandeau, Trustee of the Robert and Helene O’Brien Trust, for the repurchase of deeded property located at 212 Route 114, Map 02-714-455 for consideration in the amount of $50,533.06


The Board scheduled a Non-Public Session for October 24, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. to discuss ongoing litigation.


The Board deferred discussion of proposed COLAs for 2023 until a full Board is present.  The Board agreed to schedule a separate nonpublic session to conduct Performance Evaluations for Department Heads.


The Board issued the Mid-Term Election Warrant to notify voters that the polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on November 8, 2022, to bring in votes for Governor, United States Senator, United States Representative in Congress, Executive Councilor, State Senator, State Representatives and County Officers.


Selectman McManus made a motion to authorize Phillips to lock-in the 2023 electric rates.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion which passed by a vote of 2-0.


The Board issued a Thank you letter to Jack Noon for his cleanup efforts at the old Store Museum.


The Board issued correspondence to Marc and Cheryl Hebert, Map 09-975-564, Rowell Hill Road, regarding ditching and objects placed in the Right-of-Way.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator