Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

October 23, 2023, 5:00pm



Chair Headley opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker Jr., Selectman, Michael McManus, Selectman, Glenn Pogust, Chair of the Planning Board, Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, and David Grinsell, Town Administrator.



At 5:20 Glenn Pogust provided the Board with an update on the contractor’s efforts to remediate issues with the road at the Peacock Hill development. Mr. Pogust outlined the problems, and that the contractor will be performing the work to correct the issues on Wednesday, 10/25/23. Mr. Pogust and the Town Engineer will be on site to inspect the process.




Selectman Baker made a motion to approve the October 16, 2023, minutes and Chair Headley seconded the motion that passed unanimously.



The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $15,793.72

Vendor: $35,131.87



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

D. Sturtevant 04-265-364 5×12 chicken coop



  • The Board discussed the process to Set the 2023 Tax Rate and approving the rate this week to expedite processing real estate tax bills by 11/03/23.
  • The Board approved and signed the Oaths of Office for Glenn Pogust for Deputy Treasurer and Samantha Gordon for Trustee of the Trust Funds.
  • Chief Korbet provided the Board with a schedule for the locations where the electronic speed sign will be placed over the next 2 months.
  • The Board was notified that the Town’s medical insurance provider, Health Trust, has open enrollment for Town Employees through 11/11/23.
  • A Wage Analysis reflecting the cost of a 2% and 3% increase was presented to the Board for review.
  • Chair Headley provided the Board with a sample of a Construction Progress Form enumerating the steps involved in constructing a building that will be a useful tool for the Town Building Inspector.
  • Selectman Baker made a motion to raise the fee for dog licenses by $1.00. The motion was seconded by Chair Headley and passed unanimously.



  • Chair Headley made a motion to endorse the Low Salt Zone on Route 114 by Blaisdell Lake. The motion was seconded by Selectman Baker and passed unanimously.
  • The Board discussed the scheduled road repairs being made on Rowell Hill Road and authorized Selectman Baker to consult with Road Agent Hurst to determine whether to proceed with the project.
  • The Board discussed accessing the value of property and initiating legal proceedings against a Town citizen for violating the Town Zoning Ordinance and failing to pay the related real estate taxes.
  • A Notice of Violation was signed by the Board to taxpayers at Map/Lot 06-091-285 for not complying with the Town Building Ordinance – failing to apply for and complete a building permit.
  • Resumes for the Town Administrator position were reviewed by the Board and requested meeting times be established to meet with the candidates.



A letter regarding broken headstones at the East Sutton Cemetery was shared with the Board.





  • The Board discussed contacting a local contractor to provide materials and perform the drainage repairs needed for the Grist Mill Parking Lot. The Board discussed obtaining quotes for the installation of the Keyser Street Box Culvert.
  • Chair Headley reminded the Board that RSA 91-A:2-a, II restricts Board members from communications regarding Town matters outside a formal meeting.



The meeting is extended until Wednesday, 10/25 at 4:30pm to approve setting the tax rate. The meeting was adjourned on Wednesday, 10/25/23, upon the three Selectmen approving and signing the setting of the tax rate.


Respectfully submitted,


David Grinsell

Town Administrator