Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH

Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

November 6, 2023



Chair Headley opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Select Board Chair, Michael McManus, Selectman, Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair, Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Disposal Department Head, Christopher Fox, and Budget Committee members Charles Nelson, Robert Wright Jr., Gail Guertin, and Charles Forsberg.



At approximately 6:05, Solid Waste Department Head, Diego Solimine, presented his requested 2024 department budget to a joint meeting of the Select Board and Budget Committee. This was followed by a lengthy line-by-line discussion of the proposed expense items by all present including Mr. Solomine. In the end, the approved budget reflected some minor adjustments to the requested budget including decreases in maintenance/supplies, repairs, and gas heating costs, and an increase in electricity costs. This resulted in an approved budget of $185,122 versus the requested budget of $186,122 for an overall decrease of less than 1%. It was noted that the next scheduled joint meeting of the BOS and BC is for 5pm on 11/13 to discuss the requested 2024 budget of the Police Department.





Chair Headley made a motion to accept the 10/30 public minutes as revised and Selectman McManus seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. McManus then made a motion to accept the 10/30 non-public minutes with a second by Headley. This motion also passed unanimously.



The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $ 19,478.38

Vendor: $18,571.16



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

E Tentarelli – 03-022-098, Beaver Pond Road – AllEarth Solar Tracker $86,780

T Wyeth – 04-190-150, 89 Roby Road – Remove / Replace Garage $140,000

E Chinburg Trust – 08-591-235, 485 King’s Hill Road – Addition for Family Camp $ 300,000


The Board reviewed but did not approve the following building permit:

C Fox – 02-020-566, Roby Road – Two Bedroom House $150,000

The Board informed the applicant, Christopher Fox, who was in attendance, that there were a number of steps needed before the permit could be considered. These include Zoning Board of Adjustment approvals regarding setbacks, wetlands, etc. Mr. Fox was directed to Peter Stanley, Land Use Coordinator, for an appointment.




The Board approved and signed off on the following matter:

Oath of Office Conservation Committee – Yvonne Howard and Joanne Murphy



The Board agreed to release Peacock Hill from the Cease and Desist Order the Town had issued for engineering violations committed by its developer, as per the Planning Board Chair, said violations have been corrected.

The Board reviewed and approved the schedule submitted by the Budget Committee for the remaining budget meetings to be held jointly with the Board.

The Board noted that two more applications for Town Administrator were submitted last week. A schedule for interviewing applicants will be discussed at the next Board meeting.

The Board noted that Grist Mill Parking Lot repairs are scheduled to occur over the next week or two.








Selectman McManus noted that the Highway Department was hoping to purchase a new storage container for its site. The Board decided to have Department Head Adam Hurst file a building permit for the proposed container and the Board will discuss its merits and approval at that time.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Dane Headley,

Select Board Chair