October 30, 2023 | Hilary Grimes TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board Agenda October 30, 2023, 5:00pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Headley opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Select Board Chair, Michael McManus, Selectman, Glenn Pogust, Chair of the Planning Board, Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, Peter Stanley, Land use of Coordinator, David Weaver, Christopher Fox, Beth-Holly LaDuke, Tax Collector, Thomas Schamberg, State Representative, Charles Nelson, Robert Wright Jr., Gail Guertin, Charles Forsberg, and David Grinsell, Town Administrator. APPOINTMENTS: The Board met with Christopher Fox to review a notice of violation of the Sutton Zoning Ordinance related to permission for use of a trailer in conjunction with a building permit, noncompliance with federal, state, and local set back wetlands and building lines, and sanitation protection requirements. It was noted that the landowner has not applied for a building permit or a permit for the trailer. There is construction at the site, but it is not permitted and not legal. Pursuant to the Town Zoning Ordinance, the Board instructed the landowner to cease activity on the lot, remove the trailer and apply for the necessary permits within 10 days. Land Use Coordinator, Peter Stanley, provided the landowner with the process to follow to comply with the Zoning Ordinance or to appeal the Boards decision through the Zoning Board. At 5:26pm, Glenn Pogust provided the Board with an update on the Peacock Hill development. Last week the contractor addressed the pavement issues and corrected the road thickness and slope to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer. The Board was advised to lift the notice to cease and desist and Mr. Pogust will provide the Board with a formal notice of decision to sign for Town records. Chair Headley made a motion to lift the cease and desist on the pavement of the internal road at the Peacock Hill development. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and the motion passed unanimously. The Board entered into a non-public session at 5:28pm pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (L) Consideration of legal advice provided by legal counsel, either in writing or orally, to one of more members of the public body, even where legal counsel is not present. At 5:45pm a motion was made by Chair Headly to leave the nonpublic session. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and passed unanimously. Once back in public session, Selectman McManus made a motion to seal the non-public minutes as matters discussed in public would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this Board. The motion was seconded by Chair Headley and passed unanimously. At 5:45pm, the Board met with a candidate interviewing for the Town Administrator position. The Sutton Budget committee (SBC) met with the Board at 6:30pm. Scheduling budget meeting times with the SBC, Department Heads and the Board was discussed. Budget Chair DeFelice was asked to prepare a schedule based on the anticipated time the SBC will require to meet with each department. Procedures were discussed and established between the Select Board and SBC. Town Clerk LaDuke presented her department’s 2024 budget and Voter Registration budget to the Board and the SBC at 6:45pm. The budgets were reviewed in detail and changes were noted. The Board instructed TA Grinsell to request Department Heads to provide the Board in advance of their budget meetings with a schedule of any large dollar items that are out of the ordinary. CONSENT AGENDA: MINUTES: Selectman McManus made a motion to approve the October 23, 2023, Select Board minutes as written, and Chair Headley seconded the motion that passed unanimously. MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Payroll: $ 16,232.54 Vendor: $449,954.07 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits: M Rosenthal 06-265-381, 133 Corporation Hill Road, Re-locate bedroom, add bathroom to basement $20,000. NEW BUSINESS: The Board approved and signed off on the following matters: The 2023 Town of Sutton 2nd Issue Property Tax Warrant. Oath of Office for Samantha Gordon, Trustee of the Trust Funds. Changing the name of a DRIVEWAY on Johnson Hill Road to “Barred Owl Drive.” Warrant for Unlicensed Dogs. Police Department’s request to access expendable capital reserves to purchase a new computer. OLD BUSINESS: The Board reviewed the Michie Concrete invoices and pay terms for the engineering and fabricating of the box culvert for Keyer Street. The Board was notified about contractors to provide snowplowing services for the winter season. TA Grinsell was instructed by the Board to contact and coordinate the contractor and engineer to begin the drainage reparations for the Grist Mill Parking Lot. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: PUBLIC INPUT: SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: Selectman McManus informed the Board that shelving for the Town Hall Basement was donated by Excalibur Shelving in Contoocook. The Town Administrator and other staffing requirements were discussed. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm Respectfully submitted, David Grinsell Town Administrator