November 27, 2023 | Hilary Grimes TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board Minutes November 27, 2023, 5:00pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Headley opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Select Board Chair, Michael McManus, Selectman, Walter Baker, Selectman, Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, Charles Nelson, Robert Wright Jr., Gail Guertin, Charles Forsberg, Lorri Himes, Executive Bookkeeper, Julia Jones and David Grinsell, Town Administrator. APPOINTMENTS: Road Agent Adam Hurst presented the Highway Department’s 2024 budget to the Board and the SBC at 5:00pm. The budgets were reviewed in detail and changes were noted. At 6:00pm Aaron Flewelling from the Sutton Ridgerunners met with the Board to discuss using Town property located at Map/Lot 09-906-090 to re-route a snowmobile trail. Selectman McManus made a motion to approve allowing the Ridgerunners to use the Town property predicated on the Town being provided with an insurance certificate naming the Town as a loss payee and maintaining the property in its present condition. Julia Jones met with the Board at 6:15pm to interview for the Town Administrator position. CONSENT AGENDA: MINUTES: Selectman Baker made a motion to accept the November 13 nonpublic minutes, November 20 minutes and nonpublic Select Board minutes as written, and Selectman McManus seconded the motion that passed unanimously. MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Payroll: $ 21,405.84 Vendor: $427,967.93 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits: Z Brock – 01-183-064, 29 East Sutton Road – Update electrical service to 200 Amps – $ 1,200 L Booker – 06-380-154, 32 Main Street – Add sunroom $8,000 NEW BUSINESS: The Board reviewed and approved accepting the Mitchell Municipal Group’s proposal to reduce their monthly flat fee billing to the Town from $1,250 to $1,000 for 2024. OLD BUSINESS: The Board inquired about the status of a notice of violation of local and state regulations with the intention to pursue the landowner once the return receipt from the certified mail is received by the Town and the 10-day waiting period is met. The Board reviewed and approved having town counsel initiate and pursue a Complaint, Request For Preliminary and Permanent Injunctions, Attorneys’ Fees and Civil Penalty against a property owner. Ms. McKinnon was instructed to contact the police should she encounter additional issues with dogs on her property. The Board instructed TA Grinsell to compile the MRI Wages Analysis and present it to the Board on 12/04. The Board has determined that the Building and Grounds position will not be filled at this time and requested that a letter be sent to the two candidates who applied for the job. The Board decided to wait to relocate the replacement tree in front of Town Hall until the spring 2024. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board asked that Tim Hays be contacted to determine the price for a cemetery plot to determine an offering price to repurchase the 4 plots at the East Sutton Cemetery. PUBLIC INPUT: SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: The Board entered into a nonpublic session at 7:38pm pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) the hiring of any person as a public employee. Roll Call vote to enter a nonpublic session: At 7:56pm a motion was made by Chair Headly to leave the nonpublic session. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and passed unanimously. Once back in public session no motion was made to seal the nonpublic minutes. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm Respectfully submitted, David Grinsell Town Administrator