Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH

Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

December 4, 2023, 5:00pm



Chair Baker opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker, Select Board Chair, Michael McManus, Selectman, Thomas Schamberg, State Representative, Christopher Fox, Peter Sykes, Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk and David Grinsell, Town Administrator.



At 5:00pm a landowner met with the Board to discuss a drainage issue on Maston Road. The Board requested Road Agent Hurst visit the site and report back to the Board on 12/11/23.




Chair Baker made a motion to accept the November 27, 2023, Public Select Board minutes as written, and Selectman McManus seconded the motion that passed unanimously.



The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $15,127.72

Vendor: $45,277.06

Selectman McManus questioned over time hours on an employee’s timesheet and requested the Department Head respond why that hours were not paid as straight time. The cost to pay for the Highway Department mowing was also reviewed.



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

  • J Donnelly, 06-560-559, 18 poor Farm Road – Replace asphalt roof with metal roof – $5,000.
  • D Caterino, 05-981-338, 98 Pound Road – Roof mounted solar array – $23,590.



  • The Board discussed the need to consistently bond Class VI roads for applications for Intent to Cut Wood.
  • The Board requested that a schedule be prepared to meet with Department Head that have not yet reviewed their 2024 budget with the Board of Selectmen.



  • The Board was informed that the dead ash tree in the East Sutton Cemetery was removed on Friday, 12/01.
  • Selectman McManus requested copies of the Keyser Street Box Culvert Plans to provide to contractors for quotes to perform the installation. TA Grinsell was instructed to determine if DES has yet to approve the project.
  • The Board discussed the Grist Mill Parking Lot drainage repair and that the work is to be completed in the coming weeks.
  • A property owner on Rowell Hill Road has placed tarps and rocks on the side of the road in the Town’s right of way. Chair Baker will visit the site with Road Agent Hurst and report back to the Board.
  • A landowner on Roby Road who has been placed on notice in violation of the Town Zoning Ordinance met with the Board. Selectman McManus informed the landowner that his 10-day grace period to provide the Town with an accurate completed building permit has lapsed. He continued that Town Employees and the Board have tried to work with the property owner since August. The landowner asked for more time as he now has a contractor that he is working with to prepare a septic plan for submission with the state. The Board provided the landowner until Friday, 12/8/2023 to submit a legitimate building permit application. The Board continued that if the landowner is unable to submit a viable building permit, then the landowner will be required to remove his trailer from his property and the Board will pursue this matter with legal action if necessary.
  • The Board was provided the final MRI Wage and Benefits Study to review. Due to the volume of information the Board opted to take a week to read the reports and reconvene to discuss them at the 12/11/23 Board meeting.
  • The Board was notified that Brenda Digilio, landowner on Keyser Street was contacted to regarding a quote to repair a stone pillar in the Town right-of-way. Mrs. Digilio is still working on a quote to have the work performed in the spring of 2024.
  • The Board reviewed a request by Road Agent Hurst to install Security Cameras for the Highway Department. Having recently approved a $6,000 expenditure for a storage container, it was determined that the cameras are not necessary at this time.
  • The Board discussed certain property being taken back by the Town located at 01-407-067, 15, Rte. 13 was temporarily re-occupied. The Board requested the Highway Department to empty and seal the building to prevent access to the structure. The Town has the right to take the property on 08/31/24.
  • Town Clerk LaDuke provided the Board with an update on the payments collected for the second 2023 tax warrant.







Selectman McManus requested that Road Agent Hurst visit property located on Roby Road and provide the Board with an update on the culvert needed to address excess water draining into the road and report to the Board at the 12/11/23 meeting.


Chair Baker made a motion that he resume his role as Select Board Chair after temporarily relinquishing the position to Selectman Headly earlier this year. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and passed unanimously.


The Board agreed to accommodate a request by Selectman Headley and meet in a Select Board only nonpublic session on Thursday, 12/7/2023 at 5pm.


The Board instructed TA Grinsell to contact a contractor to visit Town Hall and provide a quote to repair the Executive Bookkeeper and Town Clerk offices.


At 6:23pm Chair Baker made a motion to enter into a nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a) the compensation of any public employee. The motion was seconded by Selectman McManus and passed unanimously.


At 6:36pm a motion was made by Selectman McManus to leave the nonpublic session. The motion was seconded by Chair Baker and passed unanimously.


Once back in public session a motion was made by Chair Baker to seal the nonpublic minutes and seconded by Selectman McManus. The motion passed unanimously.



There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:47pm.


Respectfully submitted,


David Grinsell

Town Administrator