Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

February 13, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m.



Dane Headley opened the meeting at 5:00  p.m.  with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Adam Hurst, Road Agent; Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair; Gail Guertin, Budget Committee Vice Chair; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The Board met with Adam Hurst, Road Agent, for a Departmental Update.  Selectman Headley executed a driveway permit for the Town for the old Ash Landfill.  There was a general discussion regarding road posting.  Selectman McManus moved to post town roads for a 6-ton limit beginning  February 14, 2023.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  Mr. Hurst said that he has inspected all the town roads and expressed concern regarding the warm weather that is anticipated for the end of the week.  Mr. Hurst recalled a discussion regarding replacing the road posting signs.  It was agreed that the matter will be reviewed and reconsidered at a future meeting, but in the meantime the Town will continue using the signs currently in inventory.   Phillips will advise Eversource that the roads are posted.


Selectman McManus asked whether there has been follow up on getting estimates for a box culvert.  Mr. Hurst will forward the estimates as soon as they are available.


Mr. Hurst reported that morale was good within the Highway Department.  Mr. Hurst had a question regarding sick time for COVID absences.  Mr. Hurst noted that the town only offers 56 hours of sick time a year.  As a result, there is a staff member that only has 2 sick days available for the remainder of the year.  It was noted that when sick time is depleted that vacation time or short term disability is used.  Per the personnel policy, accrued sick time is forfeited at the end of the year.  Selectman Headley felt that the Board should explore options and reconsider this decision.   Mr. Hurst said that the highway crew is not happy about this.   Selectman McManus felt that current sick time along with short and long term disability was adequate.    Mr. DeFelice felt that benefits will be reviewed as a component of the wage study if the article is approved at Annual Meeting.  Selectman Baker felt that the matter should be revisited in conjunction with the wage study.  Phillips was instructed to follow up with Town Counsel and other municipalities regarding their COVID policies.  The Board will revisit the matter with Mr. Hurst.


Mr. Hurst asked about the status of the turnaround easement for Birch Hill Road and was asked to provide information/measurements so that the easement can be drafted.


Selectman McManus asked about problem driveways in town, noting that there are driveways that need culverts that are causing a hazard to the traveling public.  Mr. Hurst discussed  a problem driveway on Roby Road.  The issue was caused when the driveway was paved and the swale for water dispersal for the gravel driveway was no longer effective.  Mr. Hurst discussed a driveway on Keyser Street that was causing a problem.  He had previously spoken with the property owner regarding  installing a drain to divert the water.  Selectman Baker agreed to follow up with the property owner.  Mr. Hurst agreed to follow up with the property owner on Roby Road.


Selectman McManus thanked Mr. Hurst for taking down the dead trees within the right-of-way on town property located on Meeting House Hill Road.   Disposition of the wood on the property was discussed.  The Board had no objection to giving the wood to  the abutters, Anderson/Salathe.  It was noted that there is an article on the 2023 Warrant seeking authorization to sell these tax deeded properties to Mr. Anderson and Ms. Salathe.  Selectman McManus identified additional trees that should be removed on Meetinghouse Hill Road.  Mr. Hurst will discuss the matter with the landowners.


Mr. DeFelice asked whether there had been progress on the drainage problem on Rowell Hill Road.  He was advised that the landowner was not interested in solutions proposed by the town.  It is still an ongoing problem.


Mr. DeFelice asked that when departments are proposing  acquisition of equipment that the Budget Committee is provided with a copy of any quotations/estimates for their records and for projecting capital funding requirements.  Mr. Hurst agreed to provide this information.


At 5:51 p.m. Selectman Baker made a motion to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3,II(c) matters which if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this Board.    Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectmen Headley, Selectman Baker and Selectman McManus voting in the affirmative.  Public session resumed at 6:07 p.m. Selectman McManus made a motion to seal the minutes as matters discussed might adversely affect another not a member of this Board.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.

Selectman Baker made a motion to approve the minutes from February 6 and 8, 2023 as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:  $39,681.54

Payroll Manifest:   $15,321.70


The Board approved OHRV Permits for access to 03-777-338 on a Class VI portion of Eaton Grange Road for Bourgeois.




The Board discussed the process for approving the Warrant which will be finalized after the Budget Committee meets.


The Board accepted the resignation of Yvonne Howard, Town Clerk/Tax Collector effective 2/17/2023.  Ms. Howard indicated that she would be willing to serve as Deputy.  Selectman McManus moved to appoint Beth-Holly LaDuke to the office of Town Clerk/Tax Collector for a term until the  March 2024  election (the remainder of the term will be 1 year) and Yvonne Howard as Deputy Town Clerk.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.  It was noted that the Deputy serves at the pleasure of the Tax Collector.  Ms. Howard requested a work week of 3-days per week at a pay rate of $18.00 per hour which was approved by the Board.


Joint Meeting with Library Trustees.  The Board discussed disposition of the damp books at the library.  Selectman Baker agreed to meet with Wet Basement Solutions on February 14, 2023.  Selectman McManus suggested that if the books are to be moved to the Pillsbury Memorial Hall an agreement should be drafted to formalize the return of the books back to the library upon project completion.  The Board discussed scheduling a joint meeting with the Library Trustees.  The Board will try to schedule a meeting for Thursday, 2/23/2023 at 6:00 p.m.



The Board noted correspondence from Eversource regarding  their work schedule on NH Route 103 2/13/2023 through 2/28/2023.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Elly Phillips

Town Adminstrator