March 6, 2023 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board March 6, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m. Dane Headley opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Jon Korbet, Police Chief; Derek Lick, Moderator; Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Glenn Pogust, Supervisor of the Checklist; Bob DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair; Gail Guertin, Budget Committee Vice-Chair; Robert Wright, Jr., Budget Committee Member; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. Jon Korbet, Police Chief, met with the Board to discuss the police department’s cruiser status and to provide a department update. Chief Korbet reported that Sergeant Crone’s cruiser was back in the shop. The engine was recently replaced but is still experiencing mechanical problems. Chief Korbet has arranged for several mechanics to look at the cruiser. Currently, the cruiser is at Bob Mariano’s in Concord. The cruiser was at 10,000 miles when it was determined that the engine needed replacing. After engine replacement, the cruiser went about another 2,000 miles before it started experiencing problems again. Chief Korbet expressed the hope that Bob Mariano will be able to diagnose and rectify the issues with the cruiser. The cruiser is still under warranty. Chief Korbet agreed to follow up on the matter with Town Counsel. The Dodge Charger recently went through routine maintenance repairs. Chief Korbet said that it has been challenging to only have one cruiser in use. The new cruiser is getting equipped and should be in service within the next week or two. Mr. DeFelice observed that 2/3 of the fleet is down and you lose 2/3 of the force trying to run back and forth to get the cruisers serviced. Chief Korbet said that things were going well within the Department. Calls for service for the current period were up 151 calls from last year. Chief Korbet observed that some of this increase could be attributed to having a third officer on the force. Chief Korbet expressed interest in revising special duty calls to one rate instead of having an in-town/out-of-town details. Phillips will follow up on the process and determine whether a public hearing is required. Mr. DeFelice felt that a public hearing or meeting was a good way to get the word out to people. At 5:30 Derek Lick, Moderator; Glenn Pogust, Supervisor of the Checklist; and Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk/Tax Collector met with the Board to discuss the 2023 Annual Meeting. There was a discussion regarding the counting process for the write-in spots as well as the annual meeting Warrant Articles. The differences in the Budget Committee’s and Select Board’s recommendations were reviewed. Bob DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair; Gail Guertin, Budget Committee, Vice-Chair; Robert Wright, Jr. Budget Committee Member met with the Board to discuss the Annual Meeting. Mr. DeFelice requested that if the Select Board had issues regarding the Budget Committee that they address them with the Committee prior to annual meeting. The Committee felt affronted regarding a matter brought forward at last year’s annual meeting by the former chair. Mr. DeFelice acknowledged that although the former chair was speaking as an individual, it was confusing for those attending the meeting. Selectmen Headley and Baker said that they did not have advanced knowledge regarding the statement. Mr. DeFelice requested that if anything like that happens again that the Select Board immediately clarify that the member was expressing their own opinion. Mr. Wright stated that the former chair should have delivered his message from the floor. Mr. DeFelice discussed the ex-officio presentation of department budgets. Mr. DeFelice indicated that there was some small changes in the numbers presented before the budget committee and the preliminary budget numbers that he received prior to the presentation. Phillips said that there may have been a typographical error in the numbers provided or a correction by a department head that was made prior to the presentation. The Select Board did not recollect making any last minute changes. Mr. DeFelice acknowledged that the changes made were de minimis but this should not happen going forward. Phillips said if a number changed, it would have been done by her; however, it would have been changed at the request of the Department head or it could have been a rounding factor or error. Mr. Wright emphasized that Select Board ex-officio needs to represent the Board’s position. Mr. Wright provided a history of his service on both the Select Board and Budget Committee. Selectman Headley said that as ex-officio on the Planning Board, he presents his views and makes it clear that he is presenting his opinion. Mr. Wright said that you should say you don’t have an answer at this time and bring it back to the Board at a later time. Selectman McManus asked what the issue is. Mr. Wright responded the issue is the pronoun “I.” Phillips recommended that the Select Board and Budget Committee go back to the streamlined method of the Board’s meeting jointly which was more effective, reduced the number of meetings and everybody knew what everybody else was thinking. Mr. DeFelice said the Budget Committee considered that in 2020, but then the pandemic hit. Mr. Baker said that when he is asked a question, he may not have an answer that has been discussed by the Board, but he attempts to offer a sense of the Board. There was a general discussion regarding the budget process overall and some warrant article items. At 6:39 p.m. Selectman Headley made a motion to enter into Non-Public Session Under RSA 91-A:3, II(b) The hiring of any person as public employee. Selectman McManus seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Public session resumed at 7:15 p.m. Selectman Headley made a motion to seal the minutes relating to personnel. Selectman McManus seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Selectman Baker made a motion to accept the February 27, 2023, as corrected. Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 2-0. REVIEW OF MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Vendor Manifest: $41,117.50 Payroll Manifest: $15,710.01 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits: Bob and Denise Dailey, Map 04-363-077, Route 114 for interior renovations. Mark & Wendy Rosenthal, Corporation Hill, for a shop. Kyle Hubbard and Stephanie Ross, 07-953-373, Keyser for interior renovations. NEW BUSINESS: Selectman McManus reported that the cost to purchase a storage container was $4,800 and to rent a storage container was $265.00 per month. There are also one-time charges for delivery and pickup of the units. Selectman McManus recommended renting the storage unit for the library. The unit will be required while the moisture mitigation work is being done at the library. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board noted correspondence from Charles Forsberg regarding 09-833-066 deed matters. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator