Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

May 9, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m.



Dane Headley, Selectman, opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Mark Peterson, and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.



Mark Peterson to discuss Building and Grounds Management.  Mr. Peterson expressed his concerns regarding the Town Buildings.  Mr. Peterson provided information on his background in property management.  Mr. Peterson recommended doing a baseline assessment of all town buildings.  Mr. Peterson recommended tasking the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer with the project if he was interested in accepting this project.  Mr. Peterson did not support creating a new position for Building and Grounds.


Mr. Peterson discussed several maintenance items that need to be addressed at the Pillsbury Memorial Hall and emphasized the Board’s responsibility as stewards of these buildings.  Mr. Peterson said that based on the initial assessment you can decide on the best way to approach maintenance issues, retrofit, restore or replace.  Mr. Peterson cited areas where preventative/proactive maintenance should occur such as reviewing electrical needs, repairing the town hall roof, removing trees and shrubbery from behind the police station to get sun on the backside of the building, and washing down the fire department roof.  Mr. Peterson recommended that a mission statement be created for each building.


Mr. Peterson said that he has previously addressed these concerns before the Board and spoken with former Selectmen Curless  and Wright about it.  Mr. Peterson volunteered to assist with the task of building assessment or with an interview process if a new position is warranted.  Selectman Headley said that this was a concern of Mr. Curless over the last year, performing the assessment, budgeting for projects and creating a position to oversee facilities management and projects.  Selectman Headley said that the Board was on the same page.


Selectman McManus asked for short-term recommendations from Mr. Peterson such as the roof and railings for the Pillsbury Memorial Hall.  Selectman McManus discussed immediate needs that should be addressed.  Selectman Headley said that the Board also needs to look at long-term solutions.  Selectman Headley said that the Board is taking measures to go in that direction.  Mr. Peterson reiterated that he felt that the building inspector should be involved and that he did not recommend creating a new position.  Mr. Peterson discussed concerns that he had regarding taxpayer impact.  It was agreed that subcontractors would need to be involved.  Mr. McManus said that the position the Board was considering would be for building and grounds needs such as snow shoveling, carpentry, minor maintenance needs.   Selectman Headley said that the Board was in the process of developing a job description and that they would meet with the Building Inspector to discuss facility needs.  The Board thanked Mr. Peterson for expressing his concerns and his willingness to share his expertise on behalf of the town.


Selectman McManus made a motion to approve the minutes from May 2, 2022 as written.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:             $  8,515.30

Payroll Manifest:              $14,043.88



The Board approved an intent to cut for John Brown & Son, 189 State Right of Way Project, along I-89.



The Board issued correspondence to the Merrimack County Sherriff’s regarding the Stotler Property Notice to Vacate.


The Board discussed DES lagoon testing.  Phillips will coordinate the logistics with Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Facility Supervisor.


The bid documents for the Grist Mill Parking Area will be available for Board review at the Board’s next meeting.  The Bid will be sent out to local contractors and advertised.



The Board received copies of useful materials from the New Hampshire Municipal Association pertaining to minute taking, public meetings and right-to know laws.  The materials will be distributed to all Boards, Committees, Trusteeships, and Commissions as a resource for new members and a refresher for current officials.


Selectman McManus made a motion to accept the proposal from Thoroughly Pro for cleaning services for the Pillsbury Memorial Hall.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a vote of 2-0.


The Board issued a Yield Tax, for Craig Courser, for Map 05-815-136 in the amount of $9,918.64.


Selectman Headley made a motion to approve the request to name the shared access for the Peacock Hill subdivision as  Gridley Drive.  Selectman McManus seconded the motion.


The Board received expenditure report for review at their next meeting.



The Board received notification of Tax Collector certification of the 2022 final tax issue.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator