Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

April 24, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m.


Dane Headley opened the meeting at 4:30  p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Trustees of the Trust Funds;  Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Jennifer Call, Treasurer;  Glenn Pogust, Planning Board Chair; Timothy Hayes,  Bonnie Hill, David  Anderson and Karla Salthe; David Grinsell, Town Administrator; and Elly Phillips, Recording Secretary.



At 5:00 p.m., Tim Hayes met with the Board to advise the Board about the Town cemeteries and the duties and functions of the Cemetery Trustees.  As Mr. Hayes grew up in Sutton he has both strong roots and a commitment to the community.  Mr. Hayes offered his services in the capacity of Cemetery Sexton.  Mr. Hayes provided a summary of his qualifications to serve as sexton including his familiarity with the cemeteries and the functions and duties of the Trustees.  Mr. Hayes will also make himself available to train the new Cemetery Trustees and administrative staff on cemetery rules and procedures.


Selectman Headley  made a motion to appoint Timothy Hayes as Cemetery Sexton for a one-year term at  an annual stipend of $600.00.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The vote passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.  Beth-Holly LaDuke reported on the two write-in candidates for the Trustees.  She is following up with the write-ins.    Both Selectman Baker and Mr. DeFelice expressed an interest in the appointment in the event that the write-in candidates decline the office.


At 5:15 p.m. Beth-Holly LaDuke met with the Board regarding the Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector position.  Ms. LaDuke provided an updated job description for the Deputy position.   Ms. LaDuke will advertise the vacancy which will be compensated at a negotiable salary that is commensurate with qualifications and experience.  Ms. LaDuke reported that she is also following up with one write-in candidate for the Budget Committee.


At 5:20 p.m., Jennifer Call, Treasurer, met with the Board to recommend that they appoint Elly Phillips to the office of Deputy Treasurer to fulfill all the functions and duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer.  The Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer offices are appointed and do not have a residency requirement.    The Board executed an appointment form for Phillips for the office of Deputy Treasurer at an annual stipend of $100.00 (plus colas).  The Board discussed staffing for the Select Board office and agreed to revisit the matter at a future date.


At 6:00 P.M. the Board opened a Public Informational Meeting regarding removal of the dying sugar maple located on the Pilllsbury Memorial Hall site, Map/Lot:   06-428,236, Main Street.  Selectman Headley recommended having an arborist assess the tree and to obtain estimates for its removal prior to making a final decision regarding the tree.  Selectman McManus observed that half the tree is living and the other half is dead.  Selectman McManus shared his concerns regarding falling branches.  Selectman Headley felt that the discussion was premature.  It was noted that the purpose of the informational meeting was to make concerned citizens aware of the issue and to obtain feedback on next steps for the tree.  Bonnie Hill was opposed to taking down the shade tree.    The Board discussed the condition of the maple tree across the street on the Grist Mill Parking Lot site.  The Grist Mill Parking Lot Committee had that tree assessed during their committee deliberations.  There was a brief discussion regarding paving the parking lot for winter maintenance purposes, etc.  Mr. DeFelice indicated that the decision to pave would need to come before the annual meeting since it was stated that the parking lot would not be paved when the project was originally approved by the voters.  If the sugar maple is to be taken down, Joanna Murphy, a local landscaper a Sutton Mills resident recommended replacing it with a snowcap lilac tree.  Mr. DeFelice recommended exploring options and a budget for the tree and bringing the matter for consideration at annual meeting.


At 6:37 P.M. Selectman Headley opened a Public Hearing in accordance with RSA 31:95-b on Monday, April 24, 2023,  in order to consider acceptance of  $27,950 Housing Opportunity Grant from invest NH.   Mr. Pogust explained that the NH legislature has set aside funds in order to look at ways to provide more diverse housing opportunities.  With the assistance of the Central New Hampshire Planning Commission, the purpose of the grant is to:

  1. Create a new Village District Zone for the town’s four existing villages
  2. Draft new Cluster Development Ordinance
  3. Draft a PUD Ordinance for the creation of a new village off Kearsarge Valley Road.
  4. Community Engagement
  5. Housing Academy (training)
  6. Project Administration Support


Mr. Pogust noted that although the town just adopted a new cluster ordinance, the grant would provide guidance to amend the ordinance to allow the developer to put in additional units provided that a certain percentage of units which would be at offered at a set percentage based on the median income of the town.  Mr. Pogust said that the Planning Board would also be looking at planning a mixed use complex off of Kearsarge Valley Road.  The grant would promote community engagement and provides for three volunteers to attend a state sponsored training in how to communicate housing needs.


The total grant amount is $27,950 and will be administered through the planning commission.  Selectman Headley observed that the grant activities will be performed in conjunction with the work of the Economic Development Committee.    Mr. DeFelice noted that there is a strong educational component to the grant so that citizens will understand what is being proposed, and how these developments will work in keeping with the wants and needs of the community.  Mr. Pogust also discussed the established need for additional housing in the area.


Selectman McManus made a motion to accept the funding of $27,950 for the InvestNH Housing Opportunity Planning Grant and to authorize Glenn Pogust, Planning Board Chair to be the signer/grant administrator on behalf of the Town.  Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


The minutes from April 17, 2023, were approved as corrected.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest:  $287,793.71

Payroll Manifest:   $   14,268.41

Payroll Manifest:  $     1,463.26



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Timothy Buteau, Map 04-522-558, Newbury Road, for a garage.

Marion Freymann, Map 08-199-535, Felch Road, for a chicken coop (moveable)



David Grinsell, Town Administrator, reported on administrative efforts.  The Town will be updating their telephone/internet agreement to increase speed from 75,000 to 500,000 MBPs and replacing the outdated Cisco switch to alleviate the data transmission/lag that staff have been experiencing.  Two obsolete workstations are being replaced and a new workstation will be added for the Select Board Office along with two new printers.  The telephone/internet upgrade will result in annual-cost saving.  The computer equipment will be acquired at a cost of $4,800.00 which will be funded from the Computer Equipment Expendable Capital Reserve Fund established for that purpose.  Mr. Grinsell, along with Treasurer Call,  has also met with representatives from Bar Harbor Bank to discuss investment opportunities now that interest rates are more favorable.  Mr. Grinsell responded to the Select Board’s inquiries regarding current rates and advised that he is seeking competitive rates investments and will consider all alternatives.    Mr. Grinsell added that he is working with Mission Square Retirement Plan to consolidate the Town’s retirement plans, and add a Roth and  loan component to the plan offerings.  Mr. Grinsell is also working with NH Health Trust to implement a qualifying 125 Cafeteria Plan for eligible employees.


Mr. DeFelice reported on Capital Reserve Investments and requested that the Select Board meet with the Trustees at their regularly scheduled meeting on May 1, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to discuss processes and investment opportunities.


The Board executed Quit Claim Deeds to David Anderson and Karla Salthe pursuant to  Article 9 of the 2023 Annual Meeting Map/Lot which authorized the Board to convey Sutton Tax Map/Lot  04-207-389 and  04-194-375 for the consideration of $5,000.  Mr. Anderson and Ms. Salthe provided a written request to the Board asking to allow these contiguous properties into current use for the 2023 tax year.    Selectman Headley moved to allow these properties to be classified in current use for the 2023 tax year as justice may allow.  Selectman McManus seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.



Selectman McManus asked about estimates to  repair the Pillsbury Memorial Hall ceilings and install replacement lighting in the Select Board and Town Clerk’s offices.  If funding is not available from the Building Maintenance capital reserves, ARPA funding are available to cover project costs.   Selectman McManus reviewed the scope of the project.  Selectman Headley suggested getting estimates and recommendations prior to drawing up an RFP.


David Grinsell reported on the status of the MRI Classification Study.   The three primary objectives of the project are to develop up-to-date job descriptions;  establish appropriate salary ranges and update the performance review process as well as to update the personnel policy.    The Town will need to provide criteria for the comparative sample which will include Town’s within the Kearsarge Regional School District, Town’s with similar populations/valuations and towns within a 30-minutes driving range of Sutton.  Selectman Headley asked that the project be completed as soon as possible in to be used in conjunction with consideration of merit/longevity wages.


Selectman Baker reported on his discussions with Irish Electric. Irish Electric will make lighting recommendations for the meeting room at the Pillsbury Memorial Hall.  The TA will follow up on the matter.  Selectman Baker discussed the estimate provided by Wet Basement Solution for a sump pump for the library.  Mr. DeFelice advised that the library was considering using funds from their Capital Reserve for interior modifications for accessibility purposes.  He advised that there is approximately $22,000 in the fund.  Selectman Headley asked whether Wet Basement Solutions has provided an estimate for a standalone dehumidifier.  Selectman Baker agreed to follow up on the matter on behalf of the Board.


The Board reviewed a draft RFP for the Old Store Museum.  Select Board Headley agreed to review the RFP on behalf of the Board.  The Board discussed timing for the project.  The Board suggested a number of local contractors who might be interested in the project.   The RFP will also be advertised in a local paper.    The contractors site visit will be scheduled for May 6, 2023 with the proposals due May 15, 2023.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Recording Secretary