February 26, 2024 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board Minutes February 12th, 2024, 4pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Select Board Chair Walter Baker opened the meeting at 4:04pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker, Select Board Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Glenn Pogust, Selectman; and Julia Jones, Town Administrator; Tom Schamberg, NH State Representative; Nancy Glynn, Library Chair; Catherin Paden, Treasurer for the Trustees of the Trust Funds; Elizabeth Geraghty, Librarian; Lee Booker; and Lance Carter. APPOINTMENTS: At 5:30pm Lance Carter met with the Board to discuss renovations and emergency repairs to Pillsbury Memorial Hall. Lance requested that the Board prepare a list of jobs organized by priority and urgency. The Town Administrator provided Lance with a municipal buildings report prepared by Building Inspector Matthew Grimes and Mark Peterson on June 24th, 2022. In it, Grimes and Peterson identify various maintenance needs for the town hall, including the exterior facade, concrete apron, exterior trim, bulkhead, siding, and interior issues like plaster repair. Chair Baker emphasized that maintenance of the façade is a priority. It needs to be pressure washed and repainted before it deteriorates further. He acknowledged an issue with the cement apron, especially across the front of the building where seepage occurs. He also acknowledged that the granite stairs entering the building need to be repointed. He discussed the possibility of a long-term plan for the basement, including proper storage and shelving to prevent damage to critical documents. The Town Administrator raised concern about buckled carpeting in the Town Clerk’s office, which she identified as a tripping hazard. A discussion of possible flooring solutions proceeded. Chair Baker identified the flooring in the Town Clerk’s office as the highest priority and offered to meet Lance at the Town Hall to discuss next steps. Lance and the Board discussed the timeline for this project with elections approaching. Chair Baker asked Lance to prepare a list of repairs and maintenance projects that have been identified. After review by the Board, Chair Baker suggested the Town Administrator coordinate with Lance based on the Board’s directives. CONSENT AGENDA: MINUTES: At 4:06pm Chair Baker made a motion to approve nonpublic minutes from February 5th, 2024. Selectman Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. At 4:07pm Chair Baker made a motion to approve public minutes from February 5th, 2024. Selectman Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: Payroll: $16,691.28 Vendor: $32,118.28 INTENTS: The Board reviewed and approved an Intent to Cut 125 acres of 158.4 located at Wrights Hill Rd 02-798-448 & 04-742-037 subject to bonding. BUILDING PERMITS: NEW BUSINESS: The Board directed the Town Administrator to schedule a public information session on the watershed-based plan bond issue at 7:00pm, Thursday, March 7th at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221. The Board reviewed and approved Permanent Applications for Property Tax Credits/Exemptions for Benjamin Dalbec and Heather Dalbec. The Board reviewed a Wetlands and Non-Site Specific Permit 2023-02752 issued to the Town of Sutton by the State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services on January 29th, 2024 in accordance with RSA 482-A and RSA 485-A:17. This Permit authorizes the Town to dredge and fill a total of 399 square feet of temporary impact to wetlands for replacement of an existing mortar/rubble/granite culvert with a precast concrete open bottom arch, and reconstruct a stream channel and bank along a tributary to Kezar Lake. When conditions allow, work authorized under this permit will take place between 100 and 112 Keyser St, Sutton tax map #08, lot #022-363. After discussing Permit conditions, the Board validated the Permit with their signatures and directed the Town Administrator to share the Permit with a contractor engaged to support the project. The Board reviewed and approved a tax map maintenance proposal by CAI Technologies for processing data recorded 04/01/2024 through 03/31/2025. Under this proposal, CAI will provide professional mapping services to the Town, including compilation, computer map indexing, and Geographic Information System (GIS) processing. At 4:37pm Chair Baker made a motion that the Town add $20 to the building permit fee to cover the cost of having building footprints added to the map. Selectman McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The Board reviewed an excerpt from the NH Municipal Association Legislative Bulletin 06 related to HB 1640, which would repeal all existing statutory and common law immunity protections that apply to local government and allow lawsuits for monetary damages for essentially all governmental functions. The Board directed the Town Administrator to prepare a letter expressing the Board’s opposition to HB 1640. The Town Administrator shared information on a NH Municipal Association Local Officials Workshop to be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, 9am-4pm. The Board reviewed a $1,600 estimate prepared by CCI Complete Services for a laptop to be used by the Town Administrator. The Board directed the Town Administrator to ask CCI for more information on the program licensing requirements for the laptop. At 4:47pm Chair Baker made a motion to approve the $1,600 estimate prepared by CCI Complete Services for a laptop. OLD BUSINESS: The Town Administrator provided an update on remediation at Pillsbury Memorial Hall. ServPro performed a site visit on Friday, February 9th. A ServPro estimate for mold remediation is forthcoming. The Board reviewed a draft of the 2023 Round Room Report. The Board reflected positively on the draft and directed the Town Administrator to incorporate a review of certain projects undertaken in 2023. The Board briefly discussed the Town Vacation Policy. The Board reviewed the Town’s Eversource bill from December 2023. After a brief discussion, the Board directed the Town Administrator to schedule an energy audit of municipal buildings to be performed by Eversource. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board reviewed correspondence from Town Road Agent Adam Hurst notifying the Board of certain corrections to the Highway Department Budget to reflect the amounts requested by the Road Agent during his meeting with the Select Board on 11/27/2023. The Board discussed adjustments to specific line items. The Board agreed to reduce line item 1-03-4312-390 “HD OTHER PROFESSIONAL” by $20,000 to $28,000. The Board also agreed to increase line item 1-03-4312-570 “HD EQUIPMENT RENTAL” to other line #570 HD Equipment Rental was to be at $40,000 by $19,000 to $21,000. The Board reviewed correspondence from Mathew Grimes notifying the Board of his decision to step down as the Town of Sutton Emergency Management Director effective April 1, 2024. The Board directed the Town Administrator to prepare a letter thanking Matthew for his years of service to the Town. PUBLIC INPUT: SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: Selectman McManus requested an update on an ongoing matter related to property owned by William Puskas. The Board discussed the matter and the need for a formal resolution. The Board directed the Town Administrator to reach out to Town Counsel for the latest draft resolution to address the issue. The Town Administrator agreed to provide an update at the next meeting of the Board after some research. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:52pm. Respectfully submitted, Julia Jones Town Administrator