Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board Minutes

January 15, 2024, 3:30pm


Select Board Chair Walter Baker opened the meeting at 3:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker, Select Board Chair, Michael McManus, Selectman, Glenn Pogust, Selectman, and Julia Jones, Town Administrator, Bonnie Hill, Joanne Lord, and Lee Booker.



At 3:30pm, Walter Baker made a motion to appoint Joanne Lord as Deputy Treasurer. Michael McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Joanne Lord accepted the appointment and took her oath of office as Deputy Treasurer before Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk.


At 3:45pm, Glenn Pogust took his oath of office as Selectman before Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk.


At 4:00pm, the Board held a public hearing in accordance with RSA 31:95-b to review and receive public comment on whether to accept a $15,000 donation made to the Sutton Conservation Commission for the management, improvement, maintenance, and stewardship of the King Hill Reservation. At 4:00pm, Chair Baker made a motion to accept a $15,000 donation made to the Sutton Conservation Commission for the management, improvement, maintenance, and stewardship of the King Hill Reservation. Glenn Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Chair Baker invited public comment.




The Board reviewed public and non-public minutes from January 8th. The Board approved non-public minutes subject to certain modifications. The Board discussed modifications to the public minutes from January 8th and asked the Town Administrator to prepare a second draft for review. The Board agreed to table discussion of the public minutes.



The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll:                        $          18,422.49

Vendor:                       $          32,949.36

Vendor:                       $          850.38




The Board reviewed a building permit to replace an oil boiler at 125 Mastin Rd. 05-397-516, which was submitted by Bern & Brenda Thomas. Consideration was given to the need for inspection by the fire department. The Board approved the permit subject to inspection by the fire department.





The Town Administrator provided an update on a cyber security attack which took place on Monday, January 2nd, 2024. At the January 8th Select Board meeting, a resident shared that he re received one of the scammer’s e-mails, which contained a link to a login screen for a foreign company. The Town Administrator will follow up with Werme directly as a recipient of one of the scammer’s e-mails. She will also contact Primex and CCI for another update. The Board and the Town Administrator discussed best practices for handling suspicious e-mails.


The Town Administrator asked the Board for guidance on whether the Town compensates employees for time spent at follow-up medical appointments related to workplace injuries. Concerns were raised about potential implications for the Town, and the need to ensure fairness and consistency for all employees. The Board established that the Town does not compensate employees for time spent at follow-up medical appointments related to workplace injuries.


The Town Administrator provided an update on a site visit with a mold remediation specialist. The specialist observed mold on surfaces located on the basement, ground, and second floor during their site visit. The Town Administrator also notified the Board of uneven heating issues in Pillsbury Memorial Hall, which will be investigated by HR Clough.




  • The Board reviewed additional information related to the Harper Family Revocable Trust’s request to release 1 acre from current use on Pound Rd. 05-922-428. The Board approved the request based on this information.
  • The Board reviewed and signed a road use agreement for logging activity taking place at Dodge Hill Rd. #04-323-231.
  • Based on reviewed guidance from Town Counsel on the public release of the Independent Wage Classification Study. Based on this guidance, the Board approved the public release of the Study
  • At the January 8th Select Board meeting, Joanna Murphy requested the Select Board table the Village Overlay District Proposal, citing the need for more public awareness and additional surveys. At the request of the Board, the Town Administrator consulted with Town Counsel on the selectboard’s power to remove or table to remove from consideration, a zoning amendment. The Board reviewed Town Counsel’s response, which advised that” the Select Board does not have the power to remove or table to remove from consideration, a zoning amendment. Under RSA 675:3, zoning amendments are within the purview of the Planning Board and therefore the Selectboard has no authority to intervene. Consequently, as that process was observed and this was put forth by the Planning Board it must go on the ballot, and the Selectboard cannot intervene.



  • The Board reviewed correspondence from Sean Frost and discussed guidance from Town Counsel on the correspondence.





There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:28pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Julia Jones

Town Administrator