April 5, 2024 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board Minutes March 18th, 2024, 5pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Select Board Chair Michael McManus opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Walter Baker Jr, Select Board Chair; Michael McManus, Selectman; Glenn Pogust, Selectman; Julia Jones, Town Administrator; Jon Korbet, Chief of Police; Nancy Glynn, Sutton Free Library Trustees (SFLT) Chairperson; Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk; Derek Lick, Town Moderator; Lee Booker, and Sue Esposito. APPOINTMENTS: MINUTES: At 5:01 pm Selectman Pogust made a motion to accept the public minutes from March 11th subject to certain amendments. Selectman Baker seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed and approved a vendor manifest for $78,013.83. The Board reviewed a payroll manifest for $18,650.16. Chair McManus questioned overtime hours logged by the Highway Department for the pay period ending February 14th. Selectman Pogust acknowledged that overtime hours logged by the Highway Department were properly accounted for according to the Section IX:D:1 of the Personnel Policy, which the Town Administrator presented to Chair McManus. IX: OVERTIME Overtime shall be authorized in advance by the department head. All employees who are paid on an hourly basis shall receive overtime payment for all hours worked in excess of forty hours. Overtime will be paid at one and one-half times the employee’s regular hourly rate. Overtime shall be based on the number of hours worked. The meaning of this statement is that no paid non-work time, whether paid holiday, annual leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, or sick leave that might be taken during a given payroll week shall be included in the 40 hour base above which additional hours are paid at overtime rates. The following are exceptions to this general rule: If additional hours above the scheduled work week are authorized by the supervisor to meet an urgent and fortuitous need such as disaster relief actions, snow or ice removal, fallen tree removal after wind storms, reopening of roads after severe floods, and the like, then the 40 hour base shall include approved annual leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, sick leave and up to eight hours of holiday time (a lesser number for workers who would normally and regularly be scheduled to work a lesser number of hours on that day if it were not a holiday). If additional hours above the scheduled work week are authorized by the supervisor in circumstances not conforming to the “urgent and fortuitous need” criterion, and approval is obtained from the Selectmen in advance, any of the various types of paid non-work time listed above may be included in the forty hour base, depending on the circumstances and on the approval granted by the Selectmen. The Town Administrator shared that the Highway Department has relied on this policy since Paul Parker was Road Agent. Chair McManus raised the possibility of changing the Town’s overtime policy with respect to the use of sick time by amending Section IX:D:1 of the Personnel Policy. Following this discussion, the Board approved the payroll manifest for $18,650.16. INTENTS: BUILDING PERMITS: NEW BUSINESS: The Board reviewed election results from the March 12th ballot vote and March 13th Town Meeting. The Town Administrator shared that the Town Clerk is preparing the minutes from Town Meeting, which was recorded. The Town Moderator confirmed that the Town voted to raise and appropriate the Select Board’s budget plus an additional $37,000 under Article 3 at Town Meeting. Moderator Lick shared lessons learned from Town Meeting and discussed ways to improve next year. He agreed to respond to questions regarding the outcome of the March 13th Town Meeting. The Board discussed plans for annual reviews, including annual review templates, timing of annual reviews, and timing of merit raises. Chief Korbet shared that the Police Department uses its own annual review template, though annual reviews have not been conducted consistently by the Town in the past. The Board discussed standard annual review templates used by other Town departments. The Board established plans to conduct annual reviews in September. The Board agreed to make any merit raises effective following annual reviews in September. The Board directed the Town Administrator to prepare a standard annual review template for the Office of the Town Administrator. The Board agreed to prepare an annual review policy by mid to late April, 2024. The Board discussed cost of living adjustments and their impact on the municipal budget. After further discussion, the Chair Baker made a motion to issue a 3% raise to all town employees effective January 1st, 2023. Glenn Pogust seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Chair McManus asked Chief Korbet about ongoing mechanical issues and service related to the Department’s Dodge Durango. Chief Korbet informed the Board that municipalities are not covered by the state’s “Lemon Law.” The Board discussed these issues and agreed to consider a response. The Board reviewed a list of Town officials with terms expiring March 31, 2024. On March 19th the Town Clerk shared an updated list of Town officials with terms expiring March 31, 2024: Planning Board 2-Year Term Vacant Planning Board 3-Year Term Roger Wells Planning Board 3-Year Term Christine Fletcher Zoning Board 3-Year Term Betsy Forsham Zoning Board 3-Year Term Samantha Gordon Conservation Commission 3-Year Term Donald Davis, Jr Conservation Commission 3-Year Term Deborah Lang Conservation Commission (Alternate) 3-Year Term James Morris Conservation Commission 2-Year Term Vacant Town Treasurer 1-Year Term Vacant Deputy Treasurer 1-Year Term Joanne Lord Selectman Pogust agreed to request appointment recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Boards. Selectman Baker agreed to request appointment recommendations from the Conservation Commission. The Board reviewed and signed oaths of office for the following newly elected officials: Selectman 3-Year Term Walter L. Baker, Jr. Selectman 2-Year Term Glenn Pogust Cemetery Commission 1-Year Term Janet McManus Cemetery Commission 2-Year Term Marilyn L. Thompson Cemetery Commission 3-Year Term Jennifer Call Budget Committee 3-Year Term Robert DeFelice Budget Committee 2-Year Term Michael Gebo Trustees of the Trust Funds 3-Year Term Samantha Gordon Trustees of the Trust Funds 2-Year Term Robert W. Wright, Jr Trustees, Sutton Free Library 3-Year Term Kim Dean Overseer of Public Welfare 1-Year Term Alison D. Jones Supervisor of the Checklist 2-Year Term Alison D. Jones Supervisor of the Checklist 6-Year Term Kathleen Stowell Town Clerk/Tax Collector 3-Year Term Beth-Holly LaDuke The Board agreed to table discussion of the Municipal Assessment Data Certificate for the Board until the next meeting of the Board at the request of the Town Administrator to allow time for the Board to review the Town’s ratio study. The Board reviewed and approved a $150 modification to the Town’s contract with TDS Telecom. The Board reviewed and approved a $2,396.98 Yield Tax on Timber Cut for property owned by Prentice Troup & Jordan Ray located on French Rd 09-077-141. The Board discussed a letter that will be prepared by the Town Administrator updating TD Bank on current Town officials. The Board directed the Town Administrator to schedule a meeting with newly elected Town officials on Monday, March 25th at 5pm in Pillsbury Memorial Hall, 93 Main St. Sutton Mills, NH 03221. The Board discussed strategic planning for 2024 based on the results of the March election and feedback gathered at Town Meeting. Selectman Pogust presented a working draft titled “Sutton Select Board 2024 Priorities” dated March 18th, 2024. In this draft, Selectman Pogust proposed the following priorities: Library Lift, including suitably protected entrance structure. Grist Mill Bridge Replacement including bank stabilization. Finalization of revisions to the Personnel Policies Manual (Annual Leave, Sick Leave, etc.) Bonding for all projects involving use of heavy trucks and equipment on dirt roads: Logging Building Construction Gravel Extraction(?) Website upgrade Cyber Security Plan Funding for Keyser Street Culvert Mold Remediation at Town Hall Office renovation at Town Hall Exterior repairs at Town Hall Coordination with the Planning Board on developing a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Compilation of RSA provisions adopted at Town Meetings Selectman Pogust shared that he would like to sit down with former Town Administrator Elly Phillips to see if there are any other outstanding projects. The Town Administrator asked Selectman Pogust to clarify. He shared that he wanted to see if the former Town Administrator knew of any older outstanding projects. The Town Administrator shared that she and Executive Assistant and Bookkeeper Lorri Himes were apprised of outstanding projects while working with two former Town Administrators. The Board discussed funding for renovations at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, including grants. The Town Administrator shared that the Municipal Government Building and related Infrastructure Expendable Non-Capital Reserve Fund #072 had an ending balance of $23,457.29 according to the Trustees of the Trust Funds Report for Year Ending December 31, 2023. She reminded the Board that the Town voted to raise and appropriate $80,000 to be added to this fund at the March 13th, 2024, Town Meeting under Article 4. The Board of Selectmen are agents to expend these funds. After further discussion, the Board agreed to amend these priorities to include the following: Relocating the summer hearse to a protective structure that allows for public viewing. Renovations at the Old Store Museum. Solar arrays on Town-owned property. Replacement of outdoor bulletin board at Pillsbury Memorial Hall. Hazard mitigation plan. Chair McManus acknowledged community concerns about the Select Board’s responsiveness and follow-through on projects. The Board emphasized the importance of public engagement and transparency. The Board directed the Town Administrator to schedule a public meeting on these priorities Monday, April 8th at 5pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, 93 Main St. Sutton Mills, NH 03221. The purpose of this meeting would be to gather input from the public on 2024 Select Board priorities and projects, and to encourage the public to take an active role in championing priorities and projects they are interested in moving forward. OLD BUSINESS: Selectman Pogust made a motion to amend the February 26th, 2024, minutes to correct Barbara Schnitzer’s name, replacing “Barnara” with “Barbara”. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The Board reviewed and approved a sample Cyber Incident Response Plan recommended by Primex. The Town Administrator shared that a member of the public with professional experience in cyber security offered to assist the Town will cyber security matters. The Board acknowledged the offer and directed the Town Administrator to continue working with the Town’s existing service providers (CCI Managed Services and Primex) to prepare a draft Cyber Incident Response Plan. The Board reviewed the Lawson Group’s Remediation Management Proposal for Services at Pillsbury Memorial Hall, a phased plan to prepare a work plan for the Town, gather bids from contractors, and conduct post-testing. Upon review of the estimate for these services, the Board directed the Town Administrator to decline additional services from Lawson and to solicit bids for the remediation work based on the findings in the Lawson report.. Under the Town’s existing contract with the Lawson Group, the Board directed the Town Administrator to request more detailed dehumidification recommendations. The Town Administrator confirmed that Selectmen Pogust and Baker are registered for NHMA’s Right to Know Workshop on April 17th. She also confirmed that Selectman Pogust is registered for NHMA’s Local Officials Workshop scheduled for April 3rd. The Board discussed plans for employee milestone recognition and directed the Town Administrator to have Lorri Himes, Executive Assistant and Bookkeeper prepare checks in amounts approved during non-public sessions on February 5th and March 4th. The Board directed the Town Administrator to prepare a contract to offer NH Paid Family Medical Leave to full-time employees. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board reviewed correspondence from Greg Gill regarding the interaction between the Selectman and the tax payer/abutters of East Sutton at the March 4th meeting of the Board, which he considered bullying. Gill shared his concern that a similar display at Town Meeting would be detrimental to a successful review and approval of Sutton Town Warrant Articles. Gill asked to discuss the interaction between the Selectman and the tax payer/abutters of East Sutton at the March 4th meeting of the Board. He also asked how bullying will be managed at Town Meetings and future meetings. The Board considered Gill’s requests and Selectman Baker agreed to prepare a response. The Board reviewed correspondence from the US Department of Commerce regarding the Boundary Annexation Survey (BAS). The Board agreed to perambulate the Town’s boarder with Warner in 2024 to gather information to complete the BAS. The Board reviewed correspondence from Charles P. Forsberg regarding the boundaries and valuation of property owned by Crystal Allen & Kurt Baluk, located at 1710 Rte. 114 Lot 09-833-066. The Board agreed that a survey would be necessary to establish whether the boundaries in question are incorrect. This survey would need to be performed at the sole expense of an interested party, and the landowners or abutters would need to authorize surveyors to enter their property. The Board directed the Town Administrator to prepare a response to this effect. PUBLIC INPUT: SFL Chairperson Glynn discussed cost of living adjustments (COLA’s) and recommended the Board refer to across-the-board wage increases as COLA’s. SFL Chairperson Glynn shared that the library conducts annual reviews in November. To align with the Select Board’s directive, Chairperson Glynn offered to move the library’s annual reviews to September. SFL Chairperson Glynn referred to an earlier discussion regarding ongoing mechanical issues and service related to the Department’s Dodge Durango. She recommended the Board write a letter to raise awareness and seek policy change. The Board agreed to consider a response. The Board and SFL Chairperson Glynn discussed plans to install a lift at the library, including cost estimates, design considerations, and the need for community input. SFL Chairperson Glynn asked if the Board plans to include the Budget Committee in the public meeting on the Select Board’s strategic priorities. The Board discussed the purpose of this meeting, which is to gather input from the public on 2024 Select Board priorities and projects, and to While the Budget Committee is welcome to attend, the Board emphasized that this meeting is designed to engage the public in identifying, prioritizing, and participating in town projects. SFL Chairperson Glynn shared strategies for recruiting volunteers for various town boards and committees, highlighting the need to fill vacancies and refresh membership. Glynn recommended the Board host a meeting with representatives from each board and committee to answer questions from the public on what it means to serve on a municipal board or committee, including time commitment. The Board expressed agreement with this recommendation. Glynn raised staffing concerns related to the Sutton Fire Department. Glynn and the Board discussed strategies to attract new volunteers. The Board checked in with SFL Chairperson Glynn on a work order approved by the Board at the library. Glynn confirmed that the reason for the work order was no longer an issue. SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: There being no further agenda items, the meeting was continued at 7:15pm until 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 20 to meet with a contractor regarding the library access project and potential repair and renovation projects at Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, Julia Jones Town Administrator