Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

August 3, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m.


The chair, Bob Wright, opened the meeting @4:00 PM. As the discussion was both in person and on line, the chair read Governor Sununu’s Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Exec. Order 2020-04.

Present in the hall, in addition to the chair, was Selectmen Curless and Headley, TA Philips , Marcy Viezen (Library), Adam Hurst, Road Agent and Wally Baker; by teleconference were Budget Chair, Robert Defelice, Police Chief, Jon Korbet and Lynn Wittman.


The board had two appointments:

  1. Police Chief, Jonathan Korbet (4:15 PM), requested the use of the Grist Mill property for SWAT Training to be performed in August and that members of the Select Board be invited to observe. In addition, the chief requested that a training by the Fire Marshalls Office with a canine unit with trainer inspect the house for fire accelerants. This action would be monitored by the Sutton Police Department. The Select Board approved both actions.
  2. Road Agent, Adam Hurst (4:30PM) reviewed with the Board the following: (a) Roby Road was closed on Monday (8/3) and Thursday (8/6), 5 culverts are being replaced, the asphalt will be ground and then paved (b) Corporation Hill Road – wall boarding the Lane River near the library has fallen and 10 to 15 stones must be relocated. A third party will be contracted to determine the extent and nature of the necessary repairs to the wall. (c) Street signs would be reviewed and some needed to be replaced. The signs which include directional signs off Route 114 to the town hall and the Central School (including all brackets) would require a budget increase of $800. It was suggested and approved by a sense of the board that the increase would be over two years (2020-2021) so no budget adjustment would be required. (d) Tree on Baker Road. The RA will check and remove if needed. The RA was on site


The Board reviewed the KRSD board meeting of 7-29. It was held via remote conference and 288 individuals joined online to hear the board discuss the opening of the schools, and how it would be accomplished. It appears that cost of adjusting to the corona virus will be $500,000 and NH funding for this change will be $1,721,000. Two face masks of cloth will be given to each student and will require daily washing. There was also discussion of how school bids are received.  The department head receives the bids, recommends to the school board and the board ratifies the selection. The meeting which went from 6:30 PM to 11:45 PM, covered safety concerns, student concerns, teacher concerns and administration concerns. There was very little discussion of funding and even less regarding taxpayers.




The board signed off on the following items:

  1. Manifests: payroll $12,048.25 and vendor $22,360.57
  2. Ianniello , Building Permit – Map 02-372-585, Jolly Farm Road for a dwelling.
  3. Thomas Friel, NH Golf Course – intent to cut – 26 acres.
  4. Following lien error abatements were resolved: 05-960-028 Evans $22.20, 07-793-102 Rottkamp $19.97, 05-837-329 Dube $18.69.
  5. Easement Deed and Maintenance Agreement for North Sutton Improvement Society.
  6. To donate usable items from 26 Grist Mill property and to assure that all asbestos has been removed from the building.

The board received the Knollwood Environmental Septage Lagoon Monitoring Results for June 2020 and will be submitted to the NH Department of Environmental Services to assure compliance NHES.


@ 5:05 PM, the Board went into non-public session. The non-public session was a work session to perform Department Head employee evaluation.  The non-public session was adjourned at 5:10 PM and will be continued to the next regular meeting of the Select Board.

The public session adjourned @ 5:11PM


Respectfully submitted, Robert W Wright Jr. for TA, Elly Phillips.


Selectman Wright also provided the attached chart depicting tax history: Sutton Tax History