October 15, 2018 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Board of Selectman October 15, 2018 @ 3:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by William I. Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; Stephen Bagley, Road Agent; Adam Hurst, Highway Foreman; Robert DeFelice, budget Committee Chair; Sam Greene, DRA Real Estate Appraiser Supervisor; Tom Schamberg, Ben Louduc, and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator APPOINTMENTS: Stephen Bagley, Road Agent and Adam Hurst, Highway Foreman, met with the Board to review the Highway Department’s 2019 proposed budget. Mr. Bagley reviewed the proposed budget on a line item basis. The proposed budget included an increase in wages for the highway crew in order to maintain parity with other towns. There was a small increase in uniform costs due to an annual contract increase. Vehicle fuel was increased based on actual usage. An increase of $10,000 has been requested for tractor mowing based on usage and an anticipated cost for rentals. Mr. Bagley discussed the potential for tri-town acquisition of mowing equipment. A new tractor/mower would cost approximately $130,000. A “newish” used tractor would cost around $80,000. Mr. Bagley also described a type of boom system for the mower attachment that would greatly increase mowing efficiency. There was a $2,500 increase in tires as the grader tires will require replacement next year. Mr. Bagley also discussed the fact that since there was no capital plan in place for tires, the highway department would likely need to have replacement tires stocked. An increase is planned for sand and salt which was based on an increase in cost of materials as well as actual 2018 usage. It is likely the line item will go over this year, and there will not be any surplus to go into 2019. There was a major increase budgeted for calcium chloride as requested by the Selectmen. If approved, the increased cost of $26,000 would be for application of calcium chloride for dirt road stabilization on hills. Mr. Bagley and Mr. Hurst discussed the possibility of acquiring a crack sealer unit as a tri-town acquisition (Sutton, Bradford, Warner). The crack sealer would benefit all the towns on their road stabilization projects as well as with culvert work etc. In addition, Mr. Bagley reviewed sand and salt treatment around the lakes. The Highway Department will be sending a crew member to attend the Green Snow Pro program offered by T2. However, Mr. Bagley would like to review with the DES the conductivity tests results received by the KLPA as the State treats roads with salt more aggressively. 4:30 p.m. Sam Greene, DRA Real Estate Appraiser Supervisor, met with the Board to discuss revaluation requirements. Mr. Greene advised that there is not a statutory requirement to do a full measure and list for a revaluation. Since Sutton requires building permits, engages a building inspector and does annual pickups/re-visits, and picks up non-permitted construction that is reported by citizens, a statistical revaluation is an option to consider. A statistical revaluation adheres to all the criteria for a revaluation except for the full measure and list component. Phillips explained that she supported the concept and a change in purpose warrant article for the revaluation capital reserve to include mapping. Phillips indicted that the cost savings that would be achieved from not doing the measure/list could offset some, if not all, of the mapping projects without an increase to the capital improvement planning bottom line. In other words, the requested appropriation would still be $25,000, but it would serve to offset both the revaluation and the mapping project. The full measure and list could then be done every 10-years (if needed). At 5:30 p.m. Selectman Curless opened the public hearing in accordance with RSA 31:95-b in order to consider whether to accept funds from the federal government for FEMA4355 DR, in the amount of $11,414.59 representing the federal share of the total eligible costs for the 10/29/2017 storm and $570.73 from NHDOS. There being no public comment, Selectman Wright made a motion to accept the funds. Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 3-0. The minutes from October 8, 2018 were approved as written. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: BUILDING PERMITS: The Board approved the following building permits: Mike Lucier, Map 06-032-292, Pound Road North, for a gas heater Steven and Jodi Garside, 06-423-227, Main Street, roof replacement, shingles to standing seam (after-the-fact). NEW BUSINESS: The Board issued an appointment to the office of alternate Planning Board Member for James Morris for a term until March 2020. The Board issued an appointment to the office of Emergency Management Director for Matthew Grimes. The Board received a resignation from the Conservation Commission from Jane Williamson. The Board will request reconsideration from Ms. Williamson. The Board received a resignation from Conservation Commission from Dan Sundquist effective December 31, 2018. The Board accepted the resignation with regret and will issue a letter to Mr. Sundquist thanking him for his longstanding (30+) years of municipal service. The Board received a letter of interest for a vacancy on the Conservation Commission from Ed Canane. The Board will forward the letter of interest to the commission and seek their recommendations for appointment. The Board executed the DRA 2019 MS-1 form. The Board approved a Staples purchase order for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Selectmen, Land Use The Board noted County Tax due December 17, 2018 in the amount of $844,033. The Board received the 2019 Health Insurance Rates from the Health Trust. The rates reflected a 10.4% increase based on claims experience. The Board deliberated about the matter, observing that they had made a change to Health Insurance for 2018. Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, recommended that the Board stay with the same insurance offerings for 2019. However, insurance offerings should be re-evaluated in conjunction with the salary parity study that the budget committee plans for 2020. OLD BUSINESS: Phillips advised that the slate roofer will be doing annual roof repairs and the chimney flashing project at Pillsbury Memorial Hall Roof and any needed repairs at the library at the end of October. Selectman Curless executed an agreement in conjunction with his representation on the Fire Department Addition Committee stating that he had no pecuniary interest in the project and will not work directly or indirectly as a paid consultant or builder on the fire department renovation. The agreement was drafted in order to allay any concerns that citizens might have regarding the matter due to Mr. Curless’ profession as a builder. The Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting with members of the original fire department committee that was conducted on October 11, 2018. Selectman Curless attended the meeting on behalf of the Board and reported that the meeting went well with the original building committee and both the architect and the builder are fine with the timetable that was set to arrive at a bond issue warrant article appropriation amount in time for the 2019 Town Meeting. OTHER BUSINESS: Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair provided the Board with a year by year summary of the Highway Equipment capital reserve. Mr. DeFelice advised that he is compiling such a summary for all of the capital reserve funds. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator