January 9, 2017 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Board of Selectman Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2017 The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Walter Baker, Jr., Chair. Present at the meeting was Walter Baker, Jr., Chair; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; William I. Curless, Selectman; Jonathan Korbet, Police Chief; Stephen Bagley, Road Agent and Elly Phillips, Recording Secretary. APPOINTMENTS: The Board met with Jonathan Korbet, Police Chief, regarding salary items for the Police Department for 2017. The Board also reviewed the full-time salary line item for the Police Department. The Board previously approved a $2.00/hr. merit increase for Sergeant Krone for 2017. Chief Korbet was recommending a $1.00 per hour merit pay increase for Officer Domey based for 2017. Chief Korbet advised that Officer Domey holds dual roles in the Central New Hampshire SWAT operations unit. Officer Domey is a sniper as well as an operator. Officer Domey also uses his firearms expertise and training to train Sutton Police Department as well as other area agencies. Selectmen Baker made a motion to recommended a $1.00 salary increase for Officer Domey beginning in March 2017. Selectman Curless seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Chief Korbet discussed the administrative assistant salary line items. The Board is recommending a 3% salary increase for the administrative assistant and discussed bookkeeping and payment for the assistant who fills dual roles. It was recommended that the Assistant’s job description be modified to describe the required duties. Chief Korbet requested an annual increase for his position based on merit and submited a formal written request. The Board took the matter under advisement and requested that Chief Korbet meet with them at their next meeting scheduled for January 9, 2017. Stephen Bagley, Road Agent, met with the Board to review the engineering report for the sand and salt shed. There was a general discussion regarding snow load capacities for this area. Selectman Curless stated that Steel brackets will be fabricated by the Highway Department to compensate for possible shear load. The observations from Philip Savoy, Savoy Engineering follows: Re: Structural Review of Completed Salt Shed, Sutton, NH On November 2, 2016, I inspected to existing salt shed to address areas of concern of the Sutton Selectboard. 1. The rear truss bearing location. This end truss is partially on the bearing plate and partially on the siding boards. The siding boards are vertical hemlock with a substantial nailing pattern. The vertical load on these boards is negligible and half the chord on the plate is sufficient for the gable end truss which has half the load of the other trusses. A 2X4 plate is adequate for a bearing surface for these trusses. Maximum load is 6900 pounds on wood with a maximum compression yield of 2500 pounds per square in. Maximum load seen would be 1254 pounds per square inch. Adequate. No need for any changes in the framing design. I have attached truss calculations for a comparable truss under the same conditions. 2. The nailing patterns are compliant with NH Building Codes. 3. The length of the overhang from 6 inches to 12 inches is not a structural issue. In my opinion the walls will see water in a storm even with a 12 inch overhangs. 4. The reused trusses for the small bay were inspected. 5. When applying a 110 mph wind load to the building the force at the building opening creates a shear load on the end of the building. I have addressed this with portal frame bracing. This need only be constructed in the large opening. The Board discussed the engineering report in detail. Selectman Baker summarized that all the questions have been answered and that the building is fine without any structural changes other than the braces. Selectman Baker entertained a motion to accept the additional engineering and costs and the installation of the portal frame braces. Selectman Wright moved to approve the engineering report and associated costs and the installation of portal frame bracing (angle brackets/corner braces). Selectman Curless seconded the motion which passed by an unanimous affirmative vote. Phillips was instructed to issue the final payment. Road Agent Bagley provided an update on the Hominy Pot culvert project. Pouring will begin on January 10 (temperatures permitting). It is anticipated that the project will be completed on schedule (January 30, 2017). At 6:00 p.m, the Board of Selectmen met with the Sutton Budget Committee to review the Executive Budget. The minutes from January 3, 2017 were approved as written. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: PAYROLL MANIFEST: 13,716.20 VENDOR MANIFEST: 39,629.84 VENDOR MANIFEST: 2,066.88 (12-30-2016) BUILDING PERMIT: The Board reviewed a building permit application from Eric Chinbirg, 08-591-235, Kings Hill as well as a written request for Class VI access. The Board agreed to view the site at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, January 13, 2017. The Board will meet at the Highway Facility and proceed to the site. Road Agent, Stephen Bagley, will be invited to attend. The Board will review their findings at their regularly scheduled meeting on January 16, 2017 and conduct a noticed meeting to consider the request for a building permit on January 23, 2017. INTENT TO CUT: The Board received and executed the following intent to cuts for the Muster Field Farm Museum, Matthew Harvey Homestead: 09-909-051, Harvey Road, 35 acres out of 129 08-113,444, Harvey Road, 15 acres out o f 74 10-124-023, Harvey Road, 20 acres out of 50 NEW BUSINESS: The Board executed the Septage Disposal Site Authorized Signatures for 2017-2019 The Board reviewed the 2016 Annual Report for the Septage Facility (Permit SEF-04-002) submitted by Ed Herrmann, Solid Waste Supervisor. The Town reported 121,500 gallons of septage in 2016. The Board received correspondence from CNHRPC regarding the Transportation Improvement Program. Selectman Curless requested that the information be forwarded to Ed Canane, Land Use Coordinator, for review by the Planning Board. OLD BUSINESS: The Board reviewed a request for a merit salary increase from Linda Ford, Town Clerk/Tax Collector. Ms. Ford submitted a packet of information identifying her duties and training as a Town Clerk/Tax Collector. The Board acknowledged her achievement as a State Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector. Selectman Wright made a motion to increase the salary for Town Clerk/Tax Collector to $35,500 for 2017 (retroactive to January 1, 2017). Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Recording Secretary