Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Board of Selectman
Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2017



The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair.  Present at the meeting was Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Stephen Bagley, Road Agent, Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair, and Elly Phillips, Recording Secretary.


At 5:09 p.m. Selectman Baker made a motion to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3,II(a) compensation of a public employee.  The motion was seconded by Selectman Curless.  The Board was polled as follows:  Roll Call vote to enter nonpublic session:  Robert Wright, Jr., Chair, Yes, William I Curless, Selectman, Yes,             Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman Yes.  Public Session resumed at 5:29 p.m.  The minutes from non-public session were not sealed.  The minutes pertained to highway department wages.


The Board discussed trimming on Keyser Street in the area of Horse Beach in order to facilitate visibility for traffic going on to Route 114.  The Selectman instructed Road Agent Bagley to communicate with the property owner regarding the hazardous trees and vegetation within the Town’s right-of-way and to develop a plan to mitigate the hazard.   Mr. DeFelice asked whether vegetation could be cleared along the State portion at that corner.  The Town will notify the State regarding concerns at that intersection.


The Board and Road Agent Bagley discussed the Grist Mill Bridge project.  The ramps to the bridge have been constructed and paving will be scheduled.  The approach to the bridge within the right-of-way was widened to facilitate snow plowing.


The minutes from September 11, 2017 were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $  9,592.87

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $24,025.29



The Board approved a building permit for Martha McLoughlin, 07-683-413, Shaker Street, for a garage.



The Board approved the following Intent to Cuts:

Richard Zahn, Jr., Cottage Lane, Map 02-055-310, 5.6 acres out of 5.6 acres

Robert Bower, Gore Road, Map 03-012-486, 85 acres out of 92




The Board reviewed and approved the 2017 MS-1 Summary of Inventory Valuation for the Department of Revenue Administration.

The Board received a copy of a 2018 preliminary budget and will review the budget with Chief Korbet at a regularly scheduled Selectman’s Meeting.

The Board issued a yield tax for Kendall, 06-603-411 in the amount of $462.96.

Mr. DeFelice reported that he, Steve Hamilton and Andy Palmer, Budget Committee members, attended an all-day seminar on the budget process.  Mr. DeFelice felt the seminar is beneficial to Budget Committee members who have served at least one year.  This is so that the members go through the process.   The workshop helps to solidify the process and reinforce knowledge gleaned during the first year.  Mr. DeFelice also provided the Board with a copy of the Budget Committee’s proposed meeting schedule.

The Select Board agreed to begin their regularly scheduled meeting at 4:30 p.m. beginning in November.



The Board discussed the tax deeding process.  Selectman Curless suggested meeting prior to the time of deeding in order to perform a final deliberation.   The Board agreed to revisit the deeding process annually.


The Board issued a letter to Richard Riley regarding the Boston Post Cane.


The Board discussed replacement of a portion of the Millswood cemetery fence and approved the minutes from September 13, 2017.  Marne Thompson, Cemetery Trustee, will obtain a quote from Andover Fence.   It is anticipated that work will be completed this year.  Funding will come from the cemetery fence capital reserve.


Selectman Baker reported on the Library Ramp.  Plans will be available this week in order for the project to go out to bid.


Action was deferred on consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding with Mid-State RCC.



The Board reviewed a Wetlands Permit Application for Freeman Boynton for Map 09-865-299 to construct a fire pond and use the berm to provide access to a single family residence.

The Board noted correspondence from the HealthTrust notifying of their annual meeting and board elections.  Selectman Wright will follow up on behalf of the Board.



Selectman Baker provided a status report for the Conservation Commission.  The Commission will be reviewing the chain of title for the Commission’s Kezar Lake property commonly known as Horse Beach.  Funding has been approved for the title search.


Selectman Curless reported that he has contacted an electrician to perform an assessment and recommendations for the Old Store.  Mr. DeFelice suggested a knox box for the Old Store and will follow up with Cory Cochran Fire Chief regarding the acquisition of a knox box.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:29 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator