June 10, 2021 | Librarian BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES Approved Minutes Date of Meeting: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 @ 7:00 pm Members Present: Nancy Heckel (Chair); Jen Call; Emily Cooper; Nancy Glynn (Secretary); Marcy Vierzen (Treasurer); Betsy Anderson (Alternate); Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director) Members Absent: Note: This meeting was conducted on ZOOM for all present. Public Present: No members of the public were present; No guests were present. In light of COVID-19 concerns and applicable executive and emergency orders, this evening’s SFL Board of Trustees meeting is being held per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04, Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3. CALL TO ORDER: Roll Call, Introduction of Guests The SFL BOT meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Board Chair Nancy Heckel, and roll taken. There were no members of the public present, and there were no guests present. Further, no members of any households of Trustees were present within listening of this meeting. Review of Minutes Minutes from the 4/7/2021 meeting were reviewed with corrections made. Board Chair Heckel invited a motion to approve with revisions the minutes from the 4/7/2021 meeting. Board Member Jen Call made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Board Member Marcy Vierzen. The motion carried unanimously in the affirmative. Correspondence Sutton Free Library received correspondence from NHLTA with ATTN Nancy Heckel. With permission Director Geraghty opened the letter during the meeting. NHLTA has requested annual membership dues that are active between July 1 and June 30. Currently membership is listed under previous board member Diane Lander but Board Member Call is willing to take over. Susan Colter sent her yearly, non-restricted donation in memory of Beth Cernak in the amount of $500.00. Board Alternate Member Betsy Anderson will write a thank you note. REPORTS: Old Business Financial/Treasurer’s Report Board Member Vierzen noted the beginning balance of the Trustee Account for Sutton Free Library in April was $10,385.12. There were two deposits to this account during the month of April 2021… 1.) A check from Susan Coulter in the amount of $500, with no restrictions, and an earned interest credit of $3.27. Because Sugar River Savings Bank inadvertently ordered checks for the Trustee Account, rather than the Budget/ Operating Account, as requested, checks written were erroneously withdrawn from the Trustee Account. All checks written from the Trustee Account in the month of April 2021 should have been taken out of the Budget/Operating Account, and Board Member Vierzen will transfer $1938.60 on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 from the Budget/Operating Account into the Trustee Account to balance out these withdrawals. Vierzen will note in a memo on the check what the breakdown of this total is for so that there is a record on file. The bank balance on the Trustee Account at the end of April was $8,751.29. It should have been $10,888.39. Director’s Report Library Director Elizabeth Geraghty and members of the board had an active discussion about a citizen of Sutton approaching a member of the board about how they were “unhappy” that the library has not reopened yet. This concern was temporarily set aside for later discussion during the Reopening section of the agenda. Director Geraghty noted that she had reached out to the men’s prison to donate the discarded books. The prison respectively asked not to be sent the books as they have too many. Board Member Call recommended reaching out to the women’s prison. Board Chair Heckel said she would reach out to Karin Heffernan who initially recommended donations to the prison. Building and Grounds Director Geraghty noted that one section of the adult fiction bookcase was cleared out about 5-6 years ago to make room for the wheelchair accessible ramp. As the installation of the ramp is unknown and that space is needed, Director Geraghty plans to use that space as shelving again. Wood has been purchased using our operations budget to replace the shelving that has been used in other areas of the library. Chris Geraghty has graciously volunteered to rebuild the shelves. Chris also contacted the teacher at the high school who has offered to make Sutton Free Library a new sign about possible completion. Originally the sign would only have the name of the library and possibly phone number, but will include hours in the future. Work on the flower garden has started and the gardener for Whickey Pine Property Maintenance expressed some concern of the number of weeds that are popping up and her inability to keep up with all of the weeds with the number of times per year (twice) she provides services. The gardener wanted to make sure Sutton Free Library was a satisfied customer. Director Geraghty explained our budget and made a recommendation to the BOT to consider increasing flower bed maintenance to 3 visits instead of 2 next year. She also offered to donate her extra plants to the garden at no expense. Board Chair Heckel and Director Geraghty also offered their extra plants under her guidance. Alternate Board Member Anderson put in a call for a quote on the slate roof. The quote was sent to Town Administrator Elly Phillips per the MOU between the Select Board and the BOT. We are still waiting for a response to see if the previously hired roofer would come or if they would go with a new roofer. Irish Electric came to check out the light fixture but he did not find anything wrong. The invoice stated he tightened a bolt and he unscrewed the cap as well as cut wires for a new connection. The electrician deemed the light fixture was safe and should not cause a fire. Board Member Call noted that she had a conversation with Capitol Alarm in regards to the security cameras. Capitol Alarm wants to tour the library to identify where the cameras would be going as well as where extra equipment will be kept. There was some confusion as to the number of cameras as well as placement. Sutton Free Library will have Capitol Alarm come and make recommendations. An additional call to the police chief may be made for additional recommendations. Director Geraghty noted an unpleasant smell coming from the bathroom as well as the basement. There have been issues with the septic in the past. Board Member Cooper will make calls for the septic and this issue will be evaluated. Website update Board Member Vierzen said the website development is in the works but was temporarily put on hold. Prioritizing a reopening survey was recommended. Bylaws Board Chair Heckel lead the approval of the bylaws. Bylaws were approved by the board with some corrections. A motion was made by Board Member Glynn and seconded by Board Member Call. The motion carried unanimously in the affirmative. New Meeting Time The board discussed holding the BOT meetings on the second Tuesday of every month rather than the first Tuesday of every month. This change would allow Board Member Vierzen to get up to date financial reports. Motion to approve the change was made by Vierzen and seconded by Board Member Call. The motion carried unanimously in the affirmative NEW BUSINESS: Reopening Director Geraghty noted updates to the museum passes being offered by the library and made a recommendation to send the list to donors and ask for sponsorship. Director Geraghty also reported that 75% of the phone calls the library is currently receiving are in relation to museum passes. The BOT agreed to look over the list and send their recommendations. The top three will be sent to the Friends of Sutton for a request for immediate funding. Director Geraghty noted that she and Assistant Librarian Kristin Snow have made recommendations for the reopening plans. This plan includes points such as mask wearing, hours of operation, time limits, occupancy limits, mandatory appointments, one way traffic flows, story time and placement of hand sanitizer. Director Geraghty and Assistant Librarian Snow requested an opening date of July 1st. A further discussion was had which culminated in the majority of the BOT requesting a mid- June reopening schedule instead. Director Geraghty will send a draft reopening plan to BOT members to review before the June meeting. Directory Geraghty noted that she and Assistant Librarian Snow have been feeling overwhelmed and “burnt out” trying to complete automation, in addition to their daily duties, before reopening the building. Members of the board were sympathetic and offered some recommendations for relief including extending the completion date for automation. Attending Selectboard Meetings Board Member Cooper noted that remote access to Select Board meetings is no longer an option. This was a cause for concern for several board members. Assigning of Select Board meeting attendance was not completed. The next Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting is Tues, June 8th at 7pm. Board Member Cooper made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and this was seconded by Board Member Call. The motion carried unanimously in the affirmative. The Board of Trustees meeting ended at 9:12 pm.