Date of Meeting:  Tuesday, March 2, 2021 @ 7:00 pm

Board Members Present Nancy Heckel (Chair); Marcy Vierzen; Diane Lander; Betsy Anderson (Alternate for Jen Call); Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director)

Board Members Absent Jen Call; Yvonne Howard

Note: This meeting was conducted on ZOOM for all present. 

Public Present: No members of the public were present for this meeting; No guests were present.


In light of COVID-19 Concerns and applicable executive and emergency orders, this evening’s Sutton Free Library (SFL) Board of Trustees meeting is being held per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04 Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3. 



Roll Call, Introduction of Guests 

The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees (SFL BOT) meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Board 

Chair Nancy Heckel and roll taken. Heckel designated Board Member Betsy Anderson to sit for Board Member Jen Call. No members of any households of Trustees or other members of the public were present within listening of this meeting at the beginning of the meeting. 


Review of Draft Minutes

Minutes from the February Board of Trustees meeting were reviewed, and corrections made. Alternate Board member Betsy Anderson made a motion to approve, as revised, the minutes from the February 1, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting, seconded by Heckel. The motion carried in the affirmative.


Library Director Elizabeth Geraghty noted that the bank statement had arrived.

  • Financial/Treasurer’s Report
    1. The beginning balance for February was $10,744.09 and the ending balance was $10,385.01, with one check from restricted funds for the purchase of books to Baker & Taylor. Chair Heckel noted that there is $224.92 currently available from restricted funds for books from the Trustee account.
  • Library Director Report 
    1. Director Geraghty noted that the process of automation is ongoing. Circulation of library materials remains consistent. As well, Geraghty noted that the portal for the state report had opened up, and that she plans to submit the information for Sutton Free Library by the end of next week. She is waiting for some numbers from the Friends of the Library, in order to complete the submission. 
    2. Geraghty made a request to the Trustees for payment to submit two book orders totaling $198.50. 
    3. Heckel made a motion to move restricted funds in the Trustee account to pay for the two book orders totaling $198.50. Anderson seconded the motion, and the motion carried in the affirmative. 
  • Building and Grounds update; alarm system 


  1. Geraghty noted that SFL is still awaiting word from Sutton Budget Committee Chair, Bob DeFelice, regarding funds to pay for the panic alarm. In regard to the security video cameras, there is a separate warrant article which will be presented at the Town Meeting for this. Geraghty noted other small building concerns which included:


  • One of the light fixtures outside the front door was coming loose; Geraghty’s husband Chris secured it more tightly and replaced the light bulb; 
  • With the high winds of the day, one of the internal light fixtures at SFL had made a very large sparking sound. An electrician will need to be called to address this concern. Board Member Diane Lander offered to contact an electrician she has worked with in the past who lives near Blaisdell Lake to see if he can fix this. As this is Lander’s last meeting as a Board Member, and she is moving off the Board, she will also email this electrician’s contact information to Geraghty;
  • Regarding the shoveling of the outside of the library, Geraghty noted that it will be important to have a conversation at the beginning of next winter season with whoever is responsible for plowing and shoveling to ensure that it is being done thoroughly after every storm. The ice build-up near the entry of the library, as well as the lack of shoveled access to the library bulkhead, which is considered a second exit, are both concerns after the past few storms. There was some follow up discussion of the MOU, and where the responsibility for such communication falls. On this current matter, Heckel will touch base with Board Member Jen Call to have her contact Jim Lord, the gentleman responsible for plowing and shoveling;
  • There is a considerable amount of peeling paint behind the children’s area and the fireplace that needs to be scraped and repainted. With less cleaning work for Becky Harrington with SFL closed to the public, Geraghty suggested that Harrington may be willing to take this project on;
  • The slate roof/chimney has started to make a loud dripping sound again. Anderson offered to contact the slate roof man to take a closer look at this concern after she returns from her trip after March 22nd. Lander noted that, with the MOU stating that the Town is responsible for the building exterior, it may be helpful to determine if the Town or Library makes that contact. 





    1. Heckel noted that the new MOU, with approved corrections, will be ready for the Trustees to sign, and then will be given to the current Select Board, who has worked with the Library on it, to sign, prior to elections and the Town Meeting. Geraghty questioned who our town contact will be when any issues arise, and it is important to know if this should be Town Administrator Elly Phillips, or Bookkeeper Lorri Himes.
  • Evaluation Review/Website
    1. Board Member Marcy Vierzen noted that she has been working to learn the website program WIX, and attempted to put the survey/questionnaire on the SFL WIX site. However, with the unpaid version of WIX, only a few questions are permitted without upgrading. Upgrading to a paid platform is a budgetary consideration for the future. Library Director Geraghty and Vierzen agreed to meet over video conferencing to get the survey into google docs for dissemination. 
  • New Member “Welcome Information”  

Alternate Betsy Anderson compiled a welcome packet for new Trustee Members. Suggestions to add included the following:

  • Descriptions for Trustee roles so that incoming offices know what their job entails; 
  • Select sections of the NHLTI manual that are specifically pertinent to the role of Trustees, so that new Trustees have a basis of understanding and the resource to reference in the future; 
  • Noting recently completed projects and current projects happening with the Library and Board of Trustees;
  • List of names and connections within Town and Library that are pertinent;





Chair Heckel thanked outgoing Board Member Diane Lander for her service to the Board of Trustees. 


The Town Meeting for Sutton was briefly discussed, with concerns shared that there was no alternative to voting at the Town Meeting unless one is present. This prevents compromised Board Members, like Vierzen, from attending and voting, due to being in quarantine after testing positive for COVID. 


The next Board of Trustees meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 7pm.



With no further matters to discuss, Board Member Vierzen made a motion to adjourn the Board of Trustees Meeting. Alternative Board Member Anderson seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:28pm. 

Submitted Respectfully, 

Marcy Vierzen, Recording Secretary