November 8, 2022 | Librarian BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES Corrected and Approved Date of Meeting: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 @ 7:00 pm (no October meeting occured) Members Present: Nancy Glynn (Chair); Catherine Paden; Emily Cooper; Lauren Avery; Tracy Mingarelli; Elizabeth Geraghty (Library Director) Members Absent: Nancy Heckel (Alternate); Betsy Anderson (Alternate) Note: This meeting was conducted on ZOOM for all present. The Board met in person at the Sutton Free Library for their Board of Trustees Meeting. The public, per the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-04, Section 8, Emergency Order #12 Section 3, had the option to Zoom in to this meeting. Public Present: 1 member of the public was present (Wilmot-Sutton State Representative Tom Schamburg) CALL TO ORDER: Roll Call, Introduction of Guests: The Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Board Chair Nancy Glynn, and roll taken. There was 1 member of the public present. Further, no members of any households of Trustees were present within listening of this meeting. Public Comments: State Representative Schamburg inquired about the purpose of the joint MOU meeting between the SFLBOT and the Sutton Selectboard. Discussion followed. Review of Minutes: Minutes from the August meeting were reviewed with corrections made. Board Member Catherine Paden made a motion to approve, with revisions, the minutes to the August meeting, seconded by Board Member Lauren Avery. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative. Correspondence: Director Elizabeth Geraghty shared an email from BPL Heating and Air Conditioning stating that they would donate the invoice amount to the library. A “fixed budget price time” postcard from Huckleberry Propane and Heating Oil was shared. A card from Governor Sununu was shared regarding the Sutton Free Library being selected to represent New Hampshire ALL 50 2022 Bill project. He congratulated SFL “for its dedication to enhancing innovative and creative programming and services for all ages” as well as raising “awareness of the value small rural libraries have in our communities.” REPORTS: Financial/Treasurer’s Report: Board Member Paden noted the beginning balance of the Trustee Account at Sugar River Savings Bank in August was $5,718.96 with $0 interest earned and no debits for an ending balance of $6,755.87. There were provisional credits totaling $1,036.91 from Sugar River Bank for fraudulent charges on the trustee account debit card in July. There are two new funds to accept, including $494.48 from the September book sale and $154.13 from the ongoing downstairs book sale and overdue book “guilt money”. These funds will be deposited into the trustee account restricted funds for books. Board Chair Glynn made a motion to accept monies collected from the September book sale and downstairs book sale/ “guilt money.” Board Member Emily Cooper seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative. The beginning balance on the Operating account in August was $21,517.25, with an ending balance of $19,168.37. Interest earned on the Operating account for the month of August was $4.15. Buildings & Grounds: Board Member Cooper noted that Board Alternate Nancy Heckel would compile a list of responsibilities for the new gardener. The SFLBOT will request an estimate for putting the gardens to bed for the winter from Lori Avery. Director Geraghty noted that Ben Prime dug the holes for the outdoor bulletin board. Board Member Cooper acquired a cement donation from Belletetes. Chris Geraghty will install the bulletin board on an upcoming weekend. Board Alternate Betsy Anderson will be asked to write thank you notes. An invoice from Suzanne Paul, the gardener, was discussed. It will be paid and the SFLBOT will request an estimate from a new gardener. Board Chair Glynn will contact the selectboard to determine who will pay for estimates for needed library building repairs. In preparing for the upcoming budget, the selectboard requested that we contact two companies for each estimate needed. A discussion followed about priorities for needed repairs, including electricians for the building wiring, the building’s plumbing pipes, oil tank condition, furnace replacement, and a whole building dehumidifier solution. A warrant article for the library ADA ramp was discussed. A contractor for ADA compliant carpentry work,for the upstairs bookcases will be contacted for a quote. State Representative Schamburg suggested that we contact the state library board regarding advice on this matter. Director’s Report: Director Geraghty noted that 36 canvases have been returned and added to the Collaborative Community Art Project above the mantle in the library. The components of the SHARP Grant backpacks are now being compiled. These are themed, “to-go” backpacks for library patrons of various ages. Director Geraghty reported that the Open House on September 10th had about 80 people in attendance and there were 12 new library cards handed out at the event. Marcy Vierzen, former SFL trustee, generously donated the ads that were placed for the Open House and Book Sale. Friends of Sutton Library Liaison/ NHLTA Liaison: Board Member Avery noted that the Friends of the Library will be at the Strut ‘n Sutton on September 25th with yard games, crafts, and free books. OLD BUSINESS: There was a discussion about the joint meeting with the selectboard regarding the MOU. Board Member Paden will email Elly Phillips and Chair of the Budget Committee Bob DeFelice requesting clarification about financial reports needed and dates for the reporting. NEW BUSINESS: The initial operating budget for submission to Elly Phillips on September 16th was reviewed. Board Member Paden made a motion for Director Geraghty to email the initial operating budget to Elly Phillips. Board Member Cooper seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously in the affirmative. The next Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting is Thursday, October 13 at 7pm. Board Chair Glynn adjourned the meeting at 8:41 pm.