UPDATED Response to COVID-19

To our Sutton family, friends, neighbors, and patrons:

As predicted, the situation with COVID-19 is changing daily, even hourly. In response to this, the Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees held a special meeting Tuesday (3/17/20) evening. During this meeting, a unanimous decision was made to cease the flow of materials through the library. In order to most effectively safeguard our community, we’ve made the decision to stop our previously offered curbside pick-up service, our interlibrary loan borrowing, and our Take & Make Crafts.

With this said, our staff will continue to work within the library, and will be available to answer voicemails and emails. 

Attached, please find a list of the ways Sutton Free Library (SFL) will continue to serve you during this uncertain time. In addition, we’re also posting daily to our Facebook (suttonfreelibrary) and Instagram (suttonfreelibrarynh) accounts with web-based resources.

Use the Library Without Stepping IN to the Library

  • WIFI is available 24/7. Patrons can always utilize this free service from their cars.
  • Read ebooks and magazines or listen to audiobooks without leaving the comfort of your house with Overdrive/Libby. Don’t have the app yet? Call and leave a message or email and we’ll walk you through it with your library card number and password. nh.overdrive.com
  • Disappointed about missing story time every week? Us too! Fear not, Miss Kristin and I will be creating story time videos for you to watch with your little ones at home. We even plan on having guest readers, and singers, from the community! Keep an eye on our YouTube channel for our first video coming next week!

SFL Instagram Feed                                                                SFL Facebook Page
www.instagram.com/suttonfreelibrarynh                www.facebook.com/suttonfreelibrary  

SFL YouTube Channel

Our Commitment to Keeping You Safe

SFL will track and follow guidance from public health officials to keep our staff and community safe and to help slow the spread of this virus. We will continue these safety measures until a decision has been made by the Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees that the spread of Covid-19 has abated (in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services). 

In the meantime we encourage you to keep yourself informed. Misinformation spreads fast, we recommend visiting the following reliable resources frequently for up-to-date information about COVID-19:


World Health Organization – www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
Johns Hopkins Medicine, Coronavirus at a Glance – www.hopkinsmedicine.org/coronavirus


New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services – www.nh.gov/covid19


Kearsarge Regional School District – https://www.kearsarge.org
Town of Suttonhttps://www.sutton-nh.org

Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions, concerns or suggestions.

603.927.4927 suttonlibrarian@gmail.com

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we face this health emergency together. If you find yourself stuck at home, remember, there’s nothing like the company of a good book to pass the time! 

We wish you and your family good health,  

Elizabeth Geraghty ~ Sutton Free Library Director
& the Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees