Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Approved Meeting Minutes 

  Thursday, April 19, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.


Call to Order:  Acting Chair Betsy Forsham called the meeting to order at 7:01pm and noted that there was a quorum. She then took the roll.

Roll Call: Betsy Forsham (Acting Chair), Samantha Gordon, Marc Beauchemin


Public Hearings:

  1. Case ZBA 2023-05: Mark and Diane Preston, Lot Map/Lot 02-632-219, 115 Old Blaisdell Road. Three Zoning variances to allow additions to the existing house and to construct a new detached garage with an Accessory Dwelling Unit above.
  2. Additions to the existing legal non-conforming house that exceed the 20% increase allowed by Article VII.B.2.d of the Sutton Zoning and Building Ordinance (the Ordinance).
  3. A new detached garage that encroaches 20’ into the 75’ buffer from Blaisdell Lake required by Article X.B.2 of the Ordinance.
  4. An Accessory Dwelling Unit (detached) that exceeds 40% of the area of the Principal Dwelling Unit, as required by the definition of Accessory Dwelling Unit (Detached) in Article XV of the Ordinance.
  5. Case ZBA 2023-06: Concerning a request by Mark and Diane Preston, Map/Lot 02-632-219, 115 Old Blaisdell Road, for a Special Exception to permit an Accessory Dwelling Unit above a new, detached garage.

To accommodate having a full Board present, Acting Chair Betsy Forsham requested a motion to continue the meeting. Samantha Gordon moved that the meeting be continued to Thursday April 20, at 7:00pm, second by Marc Beauchemin. The vote was unanimous.

Samantha Gordon moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Marc Beauchemin. The motion was approved unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 7:03pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Peter Stanley, Acting Recording Secretary

Town of Sutton