Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 1-31-2022 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 1-31-22 The chair, Robert DeFelice, opened the meeting @ 6:00 PM. Present; Pete Thompson, Gail Guertin, John Mock, Mark Peterson and Samantha Gordon. BOS liaison Walter Baker arrived 2 6:32 PM. It was moved by Thompson and 2nd by Guertin to accept the minutes of 1-24-22. With the change ‘lawn… Read More
Budget Committee Minutes 01-03-22 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 1-3-22 The chair, Robert DeFelice, opened the meeting @ 6:00 PM. Present were John Mock, Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon, Mark Peterson, Pete Thompson and Dane Headley. Also in attendance was Diego Solimine and Chuck Nelson of the Solid Waste Department. The chair adjusted the agenda and the committee opened… Read More
Budget Committee Minutes 12-13-2021 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 12-13-21 The chair, Robert DeFelice, opened the meeting @ 6:00 PM. Present: Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, and Mark Peterson. Samantha Gordon was excused. It was moved by Thompson and 2nd by Guertin to accept the minutes of the committee’s 12-6-21 meeting. There was a question on the accuracy… Read More
Budget Committee Minutes 12-6-2021 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 12-6-21 The chair, Robert DeFelice opened the meeting @ 6:00 PM. Present were Mark Peterson, Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon and the BOS liaison, Walter Baker. It was moved by Guertin and 2nd by Gordon to accept the minutes of 11-29-21. The minutes were accepted as written… Read More
Budget Committee Minutes 11-29-21 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 11-29-21 The chair, Robert DeFelice, opened the meeting @ 6:03 PM. Present were Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Mark Peterson and via phone Samantha Gordon. As required and allowed by the governor’s proclamation it was moved by Guertin and 2nd by Peterson to allow full voice and vote… Read More
Budget Committee Minutes 11-23-2021 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 11-23-21 The chair, Robert DeFelice,opened the meeting @ 6:15 PM. Present were Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon, and Mark Peerson. Our BOS liaison, Walter Baker, arrived at 6:21 PM. It was moved by Thompson, 2nd by Peterson to accept the minutes of 11-16-21. Subject to… Read More
Budget Committee Minutes 11-16-21 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING 11-16-21 The meeting was called to order by the chair, Robert DeFelice @ 6:00 PM @ the North Sutton Fire Station. Present were Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon, Mark Peterson and BOS liaison, Walter Baker. It was moved by Guertin and 2nd by Peterson to accept the… Read More
Budget Committee Minutes 11-8-2021 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 11-8-21 The meeting was opened by the chair, Robert DeFelice @ 6:00 PM. Present were Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Mark Peterson and Samantha Gordon. BOS liaison, Walter Baker, arrived @ 6:14 PM. It was moved by Guertin and 2nd by Peterson to approve the minutes of 11-1-21. … Read More
Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 11-1-2021 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 11-1-21 The meeting was opened by the chair, Robert DeFelice, @ 6:00 PM. Present were Pete Thompson, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon, Mark Peterson and BOS liaison, Walter Baker. Review items: 1.There was a brief discussion on the presentation of motions, seconds and discussion. For a motion to… Read More
Budget Committee Minutes 10-25-2021 SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 10-25-21 The meeting was opened by the chair, Robert DeFelice @ 6:00 PM @ the North Sutton Fire Station. Present were Pete Thompson, Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon, Mark Peterson and the BOS liaison, Dane Headley. Both John Mock and Selectman, Walter Baker, were excused. It was moved by Guertin… Read More