June 29, 2018 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Board of Selectman July 2, 2018 @ 4:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: APPOINTMENTS: MINUTES: June 25, 2018 REVIEW OF MANIFESTS: PAYROLL MANIFEST: $ 10,004.93 VENDOR MANIFEST: $40,450.87 NEW BUSINESS: Grist Mill Bridge concerns Household Hazardous Waste Day Management’s Representation Letter, 2017 Audit Citizen concerns regarding Home Occupation MD&A OLD BUSINESS: 457 vs. 401K plan Road Maintenance for Administrators and Elected Officials (Power Point Presentation) Follow up on Zoning Violation, Stotler REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence from ZBA regarding 6/20/2018 ZBA decision NH DES – re Chadwick Meadows Dam SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: