The Sutton Annual Meeting will be conducted on March 10, 2021 at the Kearsarge Regional High School at 7:00 p.m.

Useful Links:

Annual Meeting Rules: Town Meeting Rules of Procedure

Annual Meeting Warrant: Town Warrant 2021

Annual Meeting Budget:   Town Budget 2021

2020 Annual Report: 2020 Annual Town Report

Copies of the Annual Report are not being mailed!  Copies will be available at the Pillsbury Memorial Hall beginning March 2, 2021, or on Election Day March 9, 2021, or at the Annual Meeting on March 10, 2021.

One report per household! For more information, contact Elly Phillips at 603-927-2403 or Lorri Himes at 603-927-2400.

Livestream- For Observation Only!

Voters watching remotely will only be able to observe the proceedings, not participate in the discussion or vote remotely. Those wishing to provide comments, ask questions or vote on the Articles on the Town Warrant must attend the business session of the Town Meeting in person.

Topic: Sutton Town Meeting

Time: Mar 10, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 6852 3562

Passcode: 215200

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Meeting ID: 885 6852 3562

Passcode: 215200

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